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College Quotes

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I love Hitchcock movies. I took a Hitchcock class in college, so I saw all his movies. I wrote papers on his movies.  (College Quotes) I used to do stuff at college. I could do voices. I could make some people laugh. I wasn’t the class clown, but I knew I had this skill.  (College Quotes) In a way, I’m lucky that I was never classically trained and never went to a music college. I’m just from a normal working class family and happened to get obsessed with music as a teenager.  (College Quotes) People didn’t know certain things about me, which... I was out of creative writing class in school, Syracuse University; had a B.A. in English and wanted to write the great American novel but I also loved rock and roll. I was in bar bands all through college, playing fraternities and have to know all the songs in the top 10. That kind of thing.  (College Quotes) I took a writing class in college, liked it, and my first year out of school I couldn’t get a job, so I wrote a play.  (College Quotes) We all have a role to play - the President, Congress, parents, students and schools - in making college affordable and keeping the middle class dream alive.  (College Quotes) Rich people never go to war. You ask a college kid to go to war, and he’s like, ‘Umm, I’m taking this sociology class, and I think war is, like, really stupid, and my roommate’s, like, half Afghani, so it’s going to cause some static.’  (College Quotes) I finished high school, so now I’m planning to take a few classes in college when I’m not working.  (College Quotes) There was a period when I’d just come out of college where I’d been playing classical guitar and I suddenly realised that it wasn’t what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  (College Quotes) I attended Amherst College from 1951 to 1955. The first two years were a revelation. There were innumerable exchanges with brilliant classmates, among them the playwright Ralph Allen, the classics scholar Robert Fagles, and the composer Michael Sahl.  (College Quotes) I was the first in my family to go to college, and I waitressed all the way through, using my earnings to pay for a bachelor’s degree first and then a master’s. I resented classmates who didn’t have to work real jobs, the ones who had the luxury of taking unpaid internships that would eventually position them for high-paying careers.  (College Quotes) As a founder of two organizations that recruit top college graduates to expand educational opportunity, I’ve spent a lot of time examining what’s at work in successful classrooms and schools over the past two decades.  (College Quotes) I grew up in a very small, close-knit, Southern Baptist family, where everything was off-limits. So I couldn’t wait to get to college and have some fun. And I did for the first two years. And I regret a lot of it, because my grades were in terrible shape. I never got in serious trouble, except for my grades.  (College Quotes) In college, it’s very easy to maintain your female friendships because you’re in such close proximity all the time.  (College Quotes) When I first went to Stevens Point, I never thought I’d ever be close to the NBA. I didn’t even think about the NBA. The big start for me was making it to the final cut for the Olympic team, and I was the only one who was going to be back for my senior year of college.  (College Quotes) I have a group of friends in my life, and we all give each other something different. I’ve known my two closest friends for many years. One is a friend from high school, and the other I met right after college. My deep, deep friends remind me every day of the good parts of my personality.  (College Quotes) All my closest friends are the ones I made while in college or who knew me growing up. They keep me grounded, and I adore that about them.  (College Quotes) My dad didn’t want me to go for drama in school, so I chose the closest thing to it and got a bachelors degree in Communications at the Manhattan College.  (College Quotes) Going to college helped me, because I had four years in the conservatory program, which is close as you can get to a professional environment. It’s like all day.  (College Quotes) The thing that drives most coaches out of coaching in college is they get tired of the grind of recruiting.  (College Quotes) My only non-acting job was being a barista at Coffee Bean. While I was in college, and I had a blast! I loved making drinks because I got to be like a mad scientist.  (College Quotes) I was a sophomore in college, and I did an industrial video about how to use the Internet - that dates me! It was with John Turturro, somehow they had gotten John Turturro to do this thing, and I was so excited and so nervous I probably drank 10 cups of coffee that morning.  (College Quotes) After college, I went to San Francisco and worked as a secretary in a reinsurance company. That was a pretty dismal job. It was a real small place. Guys would come in, and they’d sort of stick out their arms like wings so I could take their coats off. They’d tell me, ‘Two,’ and I’d put two lumps of sugar in their coffee.  (College Quotes) For those two years in college I was constantly singing and writing and playing in coffee houses and stuff.  (College Quotes) So somebody told me that if I wasn’t a coffee drinker yet, by the end of college I’d have to be, because a math major is so tough I would have to stay up very late. I was going to need coffee to do that. Well, merely because they said that, I never drank coffee in college, never got addicted to it, never needed it.  (College Quotes) Economists who have studied the relationship between education and economic growth confirm what common sense suggests: The number of college degrees is not nearly as important as how well students develop cognitive skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving ability.  (College Quotes) The SAT plays an important role in helping admissions officers around the country sort out students, well-deserving students from 20,000 high schools that have different curriculums, different grading standards, and different ability to help students get ready for college.  (College Quotes) I wasn’t a good student in high school. I wanted to go to college, but they weren’t exactly beating down my door to offer me admission, and it’s so expensive in the U.S. If you join up for a period, the army will pay your school and provide a stipend.  (College Quotes) In college, the guys aren’t worrying about whether they’ll be able to pursue their career dreams and still have kids.  (College Quotes) I’ve built my career on unpaid interns, and the interns told me it was great - I learned more from you than I did in college.  (College Quotes)
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