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College Quotes

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A big part of why I wanted to go to college is to meet people and make friends  (College Quotes) I consider The O.C. as my college. It was four years and I made friends who I’ll have forever.  (College Quotes) I’m happiest playing a match with my dad and a couple of college friends, taking a few bucks off them.  (College Quotes) Like anyone who goes to college, you’re leaving a familiar surrounding and a comfortable environment and your friends and everything, and you’re starting fresh. It can be pretty daunting.  (College Quotes) In college, I had a lot of friends who were writers and wanted to be writers and I felt intimidated by it. I just didn’t know if I had any gift or voice and I had no confidence about it.  (College Quotes) Friends of friends had bands in college or in their early 20s and had a moment where they had some kind of interest from a record label or manager. It’s always interesting how people handle those decisions and those moments.  (College Quotes) When in college, I would hardly attend classes. In fact, we would go to other colleges and hang out there. Every six months, my friends and I would hit the roads and go to Goa. We weren’t rich kids, and our trips were on shoestring budgets. But, we hardly cut down on the fun.  (College Quotes) My friends love to tease me about the fact that I won’t be able to drive until I’m a sophomore in college.  (College Quotes) Some of my college friends used to laugh at me. But no one’s laughing anymore. Now, they all try to get free underwear.  (College Quotes) I love the idea that we put in jokes the kids don’t get. And that later, when they grow up and read a few books and go to college and watch the show again, they can get it on a completely different level.  (College Quotes) Growing up in Europe, tight clothing is pretty standard. When I got to college, clothes were loose, so I was going toward more loose stuff. As soon as I got back to New York, I started wearing suits 25% of the year. Then, I realized how important it is for the suit to really fit you and be tight.  (College Quotes) Kids don’t fight in minor hockey anymore. There’s very few fights in junior and college hockey. So growing up, all these guys are not fighting.  (College Quotes) I was a jock in college and high school, but I didn’t hang out with the jocks. I was sort of a nerd who didn’t look like a nerd. I never really fit into any social set.  (College Quotes) The formula for creative writing in high school or college is write what you know  (College Quotes) I’m never nervous. Not in high school, not in college. That’s just the way I am.  (College Quotes) I was really good in high school, so in college I was going to be really bad  (College Quotes) I went to Holland Christian High School in Holland, Michigan, and to Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  (College Quotes) If grade inflation continues, a college bachelor’s degree will have just as much credibility as a high school diploma.  (College Quotes) I love writing about the summer between high school and college. It’s the last gasp of really being a teen.  (College Quotes) I don’t think that players learn how to play any other aspect of the game in high school or college.  (College Quotes) Obviously I had gone all through high school and into college, and you don’t do that not knowing how to read.  (College Quotes) All students should have the opportunity to receive their high school diplomas and be fully prepared for college or the workplace.  (College Quotes) I wasn’t the high-school play queen or anything. And my parents would let not me act until I graduated from college.  (College Quotes) Before high school ended, I started applying to college. It really wasn’t even a choice because of the brainwashing of my parents.  (College Quotes) I’ve been programming computers since elementary school, where they taught us, and I stuck with computer science through high school and college.  (College Quotes) Don’t let anyone tell you that high school is supposed to be fun. High school is to be endured. College is fun.  (College Quotes) When I graduated from high school I couldn’t go to college, so I went to the library 3 days a week for 10 years.  (College Quotes) Nontraditional students often have the misconception that aid is intended only for high school students entering college. Luckily, that’s not the case.  (College Quotes) Cities are broke, there are no jobs, people without a high school diploma and sometimes even with a college degree can’t get jobs.  (College Quotes) I started making music for fun maybe my senior year in college. I started rapping in high school, but it wasn’t anything serious.  (College Quotes)
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