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College Quotes

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I had a job on college campus. I lost that job, but on my way home I heard an inner voice that said go out for the baseball team. I was a walk-on, and I was actually petrified as a walk-on because you’re not an athlete.  (College Quotes) If you offer athletes stipends, then you’re into pay-for-play, and that’s the ballgame. People should realize that, and they should realize that amateurism never has been a sustainable model for a sports-entertainment industry. It wasn’t in tennis. It wasn’t in the Olympics. And it’s not in big-time college sports.  (College Quotes) It’s important for closet gay athletes everywhere, not just at the professional level, but more importantly athletes at the younger level in high school and college, to understand they do have support around them and that they can come out and feel comfortable. And honestly, that is going to help save lives.  (College Quotes) Later in life, when I’m retired and have a family of my own and will be able to send my kids to college, that’s when I’ll start spending. Way too many athletes go broke these days, and I like saving my money so that I can ensure my family and friends currently and after me will never have to endure some of the things I did when I was a kid.  (College Quotes) College recruiting is a business and I would really tell parents and athletes, alike, to treat it as such.  (College Quotes) I played baseball in college but I didn’t identify with the jocks, I was in my own little world .  (College Quotes) I did make a choice when I got away from baseball to be there to get my kids off to college  (College Quotes) I went to a Christian all-boys’ college one time to pick up my buddies so we could go play baseball, and I just remember walking through the halls, and there’s all these crucified Jesuses. It’s scary.  (College Quotes) I probably follow all sports a little bit. I like hockey quite a bit. I like football. I like college basketball when it gets down to March Madness. I like baseball. I enjoy them all. I watch them all.  (College Quotes) A lot of people wanted me to play college football, but I wanted to get started playing pro baseball.  (College Quotes) For a college basketball player or coach, to reach the Final Four is la-la land. You’ve achieved, you’ve got your stamp of approval. My first team to do that was in 1986. Then we did it in 88, 89 and 90.  (College Quotes) When I was playing college basketball, I had to work out every day; it benefited me physically  (College Quotes) I went to an ACC school, Wake Forest, I’m a big college basketball fan, and it was just a natural interest for me.  (College Quotes) I played college basketball in West Virginia for two years, and then I graduated from NYU with a sports management degree because I realized the NBA’s not going to happen.  (College Quotes) When you’re 18, when you’re at college, sports can be your life. You can watch every baseball game, every college basketball game, every football game. Once you have a family and kids, you can’t do that anymore.  (College Quotes) I’m one of those people who can’t watch themselves do anything. I could never watch myself wrestle. I’ve probably watched a handful of my matches. I never could watch myself. Even when I played college basketball, I hated film days... ‘Oh God, I’m gonna watch myself screw up.’ I’m just one of those people who can’t watch their work.  (College Quotes) The only reason I went to college was to play basketball. I injured my knee and couldn’t play.  (College Quotes) I remember one time being told I could not play in a basketball game at the College of William and Mary because I was black, even though I was playing with a United States Army team.  (College Quotes) I led the state in defensive interceptions my senior year, with seven in nine games. Then I went to Montana to play basketball and found out quickly that my college career wasn’t going to work out how I’d envisioned it.  (College Quotes) Whether it’s college or WNBA, its basketball and the more you play the less you need to adjust  (College Quotes) Selecting the right college to attend is an investment into a young man or woman’s future, it’s not just about basketball.  (College Quotes) I think one of the most immoral things is college football and basketball, where everybody is making money except the players.  (College Quotes) Right away when I got to college, I realized that being a politician sucks. It’s really hard! It wasn’t for me. B.J. Novak is convinced that I will run for mayor of Chicago at some point. He begs me to do it. It’d be a tough gig, but I was always very attracted to the idea of helping people and trying to make the city a better place.  (College Quotes) I never remember having a plan. All I could think about was how I was going to afford to get into college or where I was going to stay because I hated being at home. I didn’t really have time to think about anything in the future. I didn’t think about a career or anything. I went to uni, got a couple of jobs, so I sort of funded it myself.  (College Quotes) Undergraduate life on college campuses tends in the direction of neopagan excess  (College Quotes) It’s unexpected for women’s issues to be brought up in places other than women’s centers on college campuses or crisis places.  (College Quotes) Most of the debates I’ve participated in have been on Christian college campuses or on secular campuses; so, largely before a student audience.  (College Quotes) I don’t know if I’d want to do that anymore, because you always get bigger laughs on college campuses. So, when the film plays in front of a city audience, you’ve probably cut too loosely.  (College Quotes) If you go to a college campus and you do stop and frisk, you’re going to find a lot of drugs there too.  (College Quotes) As technology breaks down the physical barriers of college campuses, the extraordinary intellectual capital of the educator community is becoming available to anyone committed to learning - regardless of age, income or location.  (College Quotes)
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