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College Quotes

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Sometimes it’s forgotten that players are coming to college to get a degree  (College Quotes) It’s not a college degree that makes a writer. The great thing is to have a story to tell.  (College Quotes) I went to school for creative writing in college, and I wound up about six hours short of my degree.  (College Quotes) I’m not going to lie - it’s insulting to be praised for being a ‘woman’ with ‘no college degree.’  (College Quotes) I am the only one in my family to graduate college. It was a proud moment for me to receive a degree.  (College Quotes) Part of me wanted to get a graduate degree in political science. Had I done that, I suppose I would have become a college professor.  (College Quotes) We have a society that wants somebody to come out of college with a degree that will make them a slave for whatever discipline they’re in.  (College Quotes) Like my grandpa, who dropped out of school to farm, I have a 4th grade education. Of course, I have a college degree, too. Both require the same reading level.  (College Quotes) You didn’t need a college degree to become one of the people who knew what was really going on. If you paid attention, you could pick things up on your own.  (College Quotes) In my mother’s day, she didn’t go to college. Not a lot of women did. Now for every two men who get a college degree, three women will do the same.  (College Quotes) Those born in the poorest quarter of American society have an 8% chance of earning a college degree. Those born in the wealthiest quarter of American society have a 75% chance of earning a college degree.  (College Quotes) You know, you don’t have to have money to be a successful businessperson. You don’t need a college degree. You just need a lot of common sense backed up by a willingness to work hard.  (College Quotes) My mother is a first generation American. Her father worked in the Roebling Steel Mill in Trenton, New Jersey.And yet my mother became the first person in her family to get a college degree.  (College Quotes) Graduating from college doesn’t mean you’re smart, said Mike Mussina who graduated from Stanford in 3 1/2 years, but it does mean you’re smart enough to know that having a college degree would be a good thing.  (College Quotes) Republican candidates have won whites with college degrees in every presidential election since polling began.  (College Quotes) Both my mother and my father grew up in Asia, in a time of political instability. They’d earned college degrees before setting foot in the States but had to work menial jobs early on in order to make ends meet.  (College Quotes) What’s really appealing about women’s cycling in America? If you took a poll in the women’s peloton, I would bet you that 90% of the women have college degrees, and a lot of them have Masters. The women’s peloton is very well educated.  (College Quotes) There are now college degrees in game design and interactive media, so if I were starting now, I would probably do that. When I started, you had to break into design from QA or programming or art, but it’s really not true anymore.  (College Quotes) Many of our young people spend four years getting very expensive college degrees. But our universities fail them and the nation if they continue to graduate students with expertise in biochemistry, mathematics or history without teaching them to think about what problems are important and why.  (College Quotes) A man’s college and university degrees mean nothing to me until I see what he is able to do with them.  (College Quotes) From its humble origins in college dorm rooms, social media has quietly crept into the boardroom  (College Quotes) The stereotypical successful entrepreneur is Mark Zuckerberg - the young college dropout who dreamed up a crazy idea while in his dorm room.  (College Quotes) I started my first company when I was in my college dorm as a senior with two of my really good friends. We started a company that became SparkNotes.com. You know CliffsNotes? SparkNotes is a modern-day version of that.  (College Quotes) I had a Neighborhood Crime Watch sign in my dorm wall in college. People would come in and laugh at it. ‘Where did you get it?’ ‘I took it. How good is their Neighborhood Crime Watch if they can’t even watch their sign?’  (College Quotes) In the late 1990s, I wrote a book from the point of view of a young black woman who has barricaded herself in her college dorm room, pursued by a man, either real or imagined, who finally materializes as the father she has never known.  (College Quotes) I’m a lesbian. Yup. Hundred percent. Hundred percent. I remember being in college, and I had fallen in love with this woman, and I remember sitting in my dorm room saying out loud to myself, like, ‘You have enough problems. You are not gonna let this happen.’  (College Quotes) Believe it or not, the first spark for everything I’ve done today came down to me meeting one person in college who changed my life. A student named Anthony Adams who lived across the hall from me in our freshman dorm showed me what it meant to be an ‘entrepreneur’ when I saw him launch his own start-up company.  (College Quotes) I’m a lesbian. Yup. Hundred percent. Hundred percent. I remember being in college, and I had fallen in love with this woman, and I remember sitting in my dorm room saying out loud to myself, like, ‘You have enough problems. You are not gonna let this happen.’ You just kinda, like, stuff it away until - well, some people stuff it away forever.  (College Quotes) My mom didn’t believe in putting chemicals in hair. But when I got to college, we didn’t have A/C in our dorms freshman year. So after several days of waking up looking like a Chia Pet, I was like ‘OK, I’m gonna get a perm.’ And then my hair revolted and fell out. I was over that quick, fast and in a hurry.  (College Quotes) When my father became vice president, I was a sophomore in high school. I’d do things like go on a run with my soccer team and purposely dodge the security van. Then my parents compromised with the Secret Service when I went to college. I just had a panic button in my dorm room, so if I pressed that, they’d be there within 2 or 3 minutes.  (College Quotes)
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