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College Quotes

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You realize we’re all going to go to college as virgins. They probably have special dorms for people like us.  (College Quotes) When I give speeches at college, I don’t tell stories, I talk about what it is to live your dreams and take the path less traveled.  (College Quotes) I worked eight hours a day just so I could get into the college of my dreams and say that I got in - and I never went.  (College Quotes) I’m talking like 10, 12 years old. Either junior brings Mom and Pop or Mom and Pop bring the kids. I’m talking young here, not a college drinking crowd.  (College Quotes) As a high school dropout, I understand the value of education: A second chance at obtaining my high school diploma through the G.I. Bill led me to attend college and law school and allowed me the opportunity to serve in Congress.  (College Quotes) You have to be a cop-out or a wash-out or a dropout to come to our college. You have to work with your hands. You have to have a dignity of labor. You have to show that you have a skill that you can offer to the community and provide a service to the community. So we started the Barefoot College, and we redefined professionalism.  (College Quotes) The only educational aspect of television is that it puts the repair man’s kids through college.  (College Quotes) Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run. Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.  (College Quotes) If entrepreneurs were running schools, instead of bureaucrats, schools would be teaching a lot more of the skills and mindsets found in this book. Since they’re not, this book is a necessary antidote to a traditional college education.  (College Quotes) Liberals tend to stress how marvelous education is, in and of itself, and also adore it as a vessel for genuine equality. (That’s me, by the way: Hell, I think we should be spending $50 billion a year to make college education free).  (College Quotes) In college I studied essays with a poet, and so I think my interpretation of the genre was always going to be a little off-kilter.  (College Quotes) I got expelled from high school, and then did my exams from home. I decided, through that experience, that I was going to expediate my plan and didn’t go to university. Instead, I went to a community college and studied the theory and history of film with the idea that I wanted to write and direct.  (College Quotes) I’m in Delta Delta Delta, otherwise known as Tri-Delta. I’ve developed some great friendships, and it’s enabled me to have a little bit more of a normal college experience.  (College Quotes) Many of our nation’s great leaders began their careers at a service academy. I encourage anyone interested in a rewarding college experience or military career to apply as soon as possible.  (College Quotes) When I first joined the Secret Service in 1983, I was right out of college, having spent the last two or three years of my college experience working as a police officer for the city of Orlando, Florida.  (College Quotes) I’d had the quintessential liberal arts experience, and I came out of college not having a clue of what to do.  (College Quotes) When I bought ‘The New York Observer,’ my experience in journalism was limited to a single article I had written for a college magazine.  (College Quotes) I prefer older people to college kids [as audience] for the most part. I want people with life experience, people that understand where I’m coming from.  (College Quotes) In college football, fans wallow in a culture of failure. Unless you root for Miami, you sadly wait for disaster to strike your team in a manner not seen outside of Fenway Park.  (College Quotes) After college, I was living in New York and wrote furiously, a huge novel that I knew was a failure. I hoped that the book would work, but to be honest, I think I knew it would never work, even as I was finishing it.  (College Quotes) My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.  (College Quotes) The energy of college football rivals that of a live performance for me. I am an extremely analytical guy and predicting these games is right up my alley, especially with a little luck thrown in. It is even more fun when I am winning and I have to say, I have fared quite well in my predictions.  (College Quotes) I was a college football fanatic, and I wanted to play, not sit on the sidelines. It’s tough when you know you’re just a project.  (College Quotes) Going to Vanderbilt did a lot of things for me, and one of the things it cured me of was the need to follow college football.  (College Quotes) Games were moved to New Year’s Eve as part of a plan by college football executives where they want to create a tradition of watching football on New Year’s Eve.  (College Quotes) In college football brad, you know, when you make a first down, first downs that you have possession of aren’t really that important because if you make a first down it stops the clock  (College Quotes) I really enjoyed high-school football, but I didn’t really enjoy college football. I liked to play the games, but I didn’t like the practice. In baseball, I enjoy the practice almost as much as the games.  (College Quotes) My dad was a college football coach, so we’re a big athletic family. I was either going to be an athlete or an actor. As an actor, I hoped I would be able to bond the two.  (College Quotes) I played with a left hamstring injury since playing college football at Washington University. I went to doctors all over the country to find out what was wrong, and none of them could figure out the problem in my hamstring. I went to Drs. Baker and they found a huge knot in my hamstring. They were able to release it and fix my hamstring problem.  (College Quotes) More people are watching college football on Snapchat than they are on television  (College Quotes)
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