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College Quotes

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I don’t think there’s been anything in the game of football in my lifetime that has changed college football more than redshirting.  (College Quotes) More than any other major sport, professional or amateur, college football games are decided by the physical incompetence and downright chokery of their players.  (College Quotes) They’re on the right road, but there’s a long way to go on concussions, not only in the NFL, but college football, high school football and all football.  (College Quotes) My favorite sport, frankly, is college football. I’m a college football junkie, even though I’m associated with golf and like golf and have played it all my life.  (College Quotes) A college football star, by his senior year, is used to running out there with 110,000 people going nuts. They feel comfortable in that environment. To me, a set feels like that. The one thing that I do know is that, as long as I’m prepared, I know this environment and this world.  (College Quotes) I’m an avid University of Miami Hurricanes fan. I hope to come to the day where I can still do some stuff for NBC and somehow integrate it with an RV tour of the South for college football. Luckily, my wife, she’s a Florida State alum, so I wouldn’t have to talk her into it. I think our kids would think we’re weird.  (College Quotes) I didn’t play soccer; I played that other football in grade school through college  (College Quotes) I played football for a huge portion of my life, all the way through college actually  (College Quotes) If I had stayed with football in college, I probably would have been a first-round pick  (College Quotes) College football: I do not see the relationship of those highly industrialized affairs on Saturday afternoons to higher learning in America.  (College Quotes) I love the Bowl system. I’ve always been a proponent of the Bowl system. I think it’s been great for college football, for this level.  (College Quotes) I like college football a lot, because it’s the dream that you’re chasing. The dream of one day possibly making it, with the harsh reality that only one percent make it.  (College Quotes) A president, like a college freshman, can’t know in advance which questions he’ll have to answer or what topics he’ll have to master. He has to be flexible, supple, and responsive. He has to be comfortable with multiple-choice.  (College Quotes) I was a freshman in college in 1980, the year that Reagan was elected, and I went around badgering people to vote for him.  (College Quotes) By the time I arrived for my freshman year at Swarthmore College in 1979, I had already had many seizures, although my family, friends and I did not know it.  (College Quotes) I remember when I was a freshman in college, I was still somewhat bothered by... worried... about religion. I remember going to this professor of philosophy and telling him that I had lost my faith.  (College Quotes) Read at a time when everything feels intense, seminal, and like you’re the first person to discover it, freshman year of college, Carol Gilligan’s ‘In a Different Voice’ made my hair stand on end with awe.  (College Quotes) I’d say, for my freshman year in college, I was doing everything in my power to hide the fact that I had ever had any association with the Paul Green School of Rock Music because it was like this bruise. It was such a sore subject.  (College Quotes) I had never dreamed about the NBA like some guys did. I was a non-scholarship player at an NAIA college. I played on the Boys and Girls Club team in my freshman and sophomore years of high school before I made the high school team. I was our backup center in college.  (College Quotes) In high school, a teacher’s friend in the police department asked me to go into a bar and flash a fake ID saying I was 21 even though I wasn’t. They were assuming the bar wasn’t carding people. Anyway, she forgot to ask for it back. I used it all freshman year in college.  (College Quotes) I’ve been a Mac guy for almost my entire adult life. I wrote my first college papers on a typewriter, but by the end of my freshman year - almost 20 years ago - I was on an IBM PC. Then, in 1984, I found the Mac, and I never looked back.  (College Quotes) Ask Jeeves! Who ever used that thing? College freshmen to find out who Goethe was - that’s it.  (College Quotes) I’ve recently rediscovered Anthony Trollope. I used to read him back in college, and a friend turned me on to a whole new series of his work, ‘The Palliser Series.’ It’s a series of seven or eight books.  (College Quotes) In high school, I had a couple girlfriends who had very extreme eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia. And in college as well. It’s just heartbreaking. As someone going through it, it’s heartbreaking. And as a friend who’s helping a friend going through it, it’s heartbreaking. It’s a real, real disease.  (College Quotes) I’d been at Valve since I got out of college. I felt like I kind of grew up there, and I wanted to see what else was out in the world. One of the owners of Airtight Games is a friend of mine, and he asked if I would run a team there. It just sounded like a great opportunity.  (College Quotes) When I was right out of college, I felt competitive with some of the guys in my class over career stuff. It’s funny now to think about it - that a friend getting a job or something had anything to do with me... I think that my relationship with my wife has played a pivotal role in the chilling out of Aaron.  (College Quotes) This sport is just crazy. Your worst enemy in college is your teammate and friend when you get to the NBA. Who would have thought it?  (College Quotes) I made my first white women friends in college; they loved me and were loyal to our friendship, but I understood, as they did, that they were white women and that whiteness mattered.  (College Quotes) It was fun being an actor, but by the time college rolled around, I was ready to try some new things. By the time I graduated, I realized I enjoyed having a normal life and I never went back.  (College Quotes) I just developed my act way back in the late 80s. I went to college in Georgia, so I picked up the Southern accent. I talked like that with my friends all the time, because it was fun. It was funny... All my friends were real Southern. We’re buddies, so I’d say stuff to make them laugh. So that was pretty much it.  (College Quotes)
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