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College Quotes

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Some people just join the military because they need college money. Then they’re idiots and college wasn’t going to help.  (College Quotes) I also feel fairly confident that the original Texaco Salvatore was a good family man, with perhaps a propensity for wearing his wife’s panties and betting his kids’ college money at the track, but otherwise a solid dude.  (College Quotes) My parents worked enormously hard to put four children through college. We didn’t have a lot of money.  (College Quotes) Until these college students came into town, we were all very poor and didn’t have money to do anything.  (College Quotes) As a college student, you’re depending on your scholarship money, money your parents send you. So I guess when people start talking about big figures, it doesn’t hit me.  (College Quotes) The tenth social network, and limited only to college students with no money, also terrible. Myspace had won.  (College Quotes) I wonder how many college tuitions could be paid off with the amount of money spent by Minions on advertisement.  (College Quotes) Indentured servitude is banned, but what about students seeking to sell shares of their future earnings in exchange for money up front to pay for their college tuitions?  (College Quotes) I feel like being a door person was like college in a sense. I could watch comedy on a professional level seven nights a week without paying, and they would pay me a nominal amount of money to be there.  (College Quotes) When I was in college, I would go out, and I would go to these open mic nights at Stitches and Nick’s Comedy Stop, so I was going to classes during the day, and then at night, I would be signing up on the lists.  (College Quotes) I particularly enjoy cello music because our daughter plays the cello. I have listened to her practice for so many hours that I am familiar with the music written for that instrument. I am also fond of the popular music of the 1930s because my future husband and I danced to it so many Saturday nights when we were in college.  (College Quotes) A student who has excelled in the classroom should have the opportunity to attend college and become a productive, taxpaying member of society.  (College Quotes) I’d say if you can, seize the opportunity, to go to a college or university and strengthen what it is that you have.  (College Quotes) It is entirely possible that Limbaugh himself never needed contraception in college, but virtue in the absence of opportunity is hardly a moral triumph.  (College Quotes) I’m so disappointed in the frat parties at Columbia. I’m like an English boy going to an American college. I’m thinking cheerleaders, I’m thinking kegs. That’s not what’s on the cards.  (College Quotes) I grew up near the University of Michigan, so we’d sneak into college parties. That’s where my acting started - lying about the professors I supposedly had and what I was studying.  (College Quotes) I worked as a lawyer; as a member of the teaching staff of a technical college; and then I worked principally as legal adviser to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party.  (College Quotes) When I went to college, it didn’t even occur to me that I should be in a sorority at all. I went to school in New York City, where you don’t need to be in a sorority to go to a party!  (College Quotes) I am not a very social person and have a few friends who have been with me since school and college. I hate going to parties and events and would rather sit at home and watch TV. Parties are the place where controversies happen.  (College Quotes) I went to the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, which was great but very different from a typical university. They sat us down in the first week and said: if you want to party, you’ve come to the wrong place. There was no lie-ins or skipping lectures.  (College Quotes) It’s clear enough that there was substantial fraud in Ohio, thus delivering the Electoral College vote for President Bush.  (College Quotes) If the president of the college had asked me what I thought about Dewey McLean, I’d say he’s a weak sister. I thought he’d been knocked out of the ball game and had just disappeared, because nobody invites him to conferences anymore.  (College Quotes) I don’t think most people understand that when I wasn’t running for president, I was working. Because I have to earn income. I have three kids in college. And three in school. And I have a little girl that has a lot of special needs. So I’ve got to work for a living. I was working already.  (College Quotes) You can’t be afraid to not have everything figured out. There’s too much pressure on young people today to have it all figured out when they’re in college.  (College Quotes) I never really paid attention to sports, which, coming from the mecca of football in Texas, is kind of odd. I played sports, but I was nerdy. Having a single mother, the pressure was on me to get good grades and a scholarship and go to college.  (College Quotes) You know, I never really paid attention to sports, which, coming from the mecca of football in Texas, is kind of odd. I played sports, but I was nerdy. Having a single mother, the pressure was on me to get good grades and a scholarship and go to college.  (College Quotes) I didn’t take the typical path and go to college after high school. Instead, I saved up money from teaching dance classes and moved to L.A. But my family was so supportive - I never felt pressure from them. It’s crucial to find a support system, even if it’s not your family.  (College Quotes) I started out doing triathlons because they terrified me! I’m a good swimmer, I learned to ride a bike in college, and I hate running. It seemed like something I could never do, so I decided, ‘I’m gonna do it.’  (College Quotes) My parents being Bengali, we always had music in our house. My nani was a trained classical singer, who taught my mum, who, in turn, was my first teacher. Later I would travel almost 70 kms to the nearest town, Kota, to learn music from my guru Mahesh Sharmaji, who was also the principal of the music college there.  (College Quotes) My wife was a licensed psychologist by profession and a college professor of psychology  (College Quotes)
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