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College Quotes

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In college, I probably lost a total of about 11 games, and then I came to the Celtics and in my first three weeks we went on a nine-game losing streak.  (College Quotes) So when I told my parents I wanted to go into acting because I was flunking out of my first year of junior college, they were relieved that I had picked something other than joining the army. But I can’t imagine how they had high hopes for me.  (College Quotes) Ever since college, I have been a libertarian - socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility.  (College Quotes) My mother had bought a sewing machine for me. When I went away to college, she gave me a sewing machine, a typewriter and a suitcase, and my mother made $17 a week working as a maid 12 hours a day, and she did that for me.  (College Quotes) When I was in college, I became interested in various aspects of foreign policy and international relations. Even as a kid, I was interested in what I call, loosely speaking, forbidden knowledge.  (College Quotes) My father had been in the German Diplomatic Service, and although he had been in the United States since World War II and out of diplomacy, it was something that was very much talked about in the family. So when I went to college, it was always my intention to try to get into the Foreign Service.  (College Quotes) Every high school and college graduate in America should, I think, have some familiarity with statistics, economics and a foreign language such as Spanish. Religion may not be as indispensable, but the humanities should be a part of our repertory. They may not enrich our wallets, but they do enrich our lives. They civilize us. They provide context.  (College Quotes) A year after I started college, I had no clue what I wanted to do. My mother said, forget everything else-if it were your birthday today, what would you do? I thought, I would play with makeup at the department store. So she said, do that!  (College Quotes) I found college awkward: another teacher, same old chalkboard. I felt I was shifting backward, when I expected to shoot forward.  (College Quotes) I believe in affordable college, but I don’t believe in free college, because every expert that I have talked to says, look, how will you ever control the costs.  (College Quotes) We often think about happiness as trying to increase our joy, but it’s also about decreasing our worry. So what you get for paying those high taxes is, if you’re a parent thinking about putting your child through school, you don’t have to worry about it, because all education through college is free.  (College Quotes) Government provided free tuition tends more and more to produce a uniform conformist education, with college faculties ultimately dependent for their jobs on the government, and so developing an economic interest in profession and teaching a statist, pro-government, and socialist ideology.  (College Quotes) When I got to college I simply decided that I could speak French, because I just could not spend any more time in French classes. I went ahead and took courses on French literature, some of them even taught in French.  (College Quotes) When I went to college, I thought I was going to become a professional musician. I was a French horn player, so I went to Yale to study with a very unusual French horn player.  (College Quotes) I loved it. I just thought I wanted to stay in college forever. I came to New York all by myself; I didn’t have any friends there. But it was fine. I felt comfortable. I started thinking, ‘Maybe graduate school?’ I was really cool with people who were smart, who knew stuff. It’s very romantic and stimulating.  (College Quotes) You could teach [George] Carlin in college. It’s the construction of the word and the order of things and how they go. How all those sentences are timed perfectly.  (College Quotes) I went to Briar Cliff College initially, and then I transferred to Georgetown University, because I was a Russian major, and I was one of two girls accepted that year. This was September 1969 - well, that would have been 1970 - into the School Of Languages And Linguistics in Georgetown.  (College Quotes) I think one percent of the population attended college when Wallace Stevens and Robert Frost and Gertrude Stein were at Harvard. Now I think forty percent of Americans have some college education. That’s an astronomical change.  (College Quotes) When I got out of college, I gave myself till I was 30 to invent a product. If I couldn’t do it by then, I would just get a real job. And that fear - the fear of a real job - motivated me to be an entrepreneur.  (College Quotes) The message for all students should be: Put down the bong and get to work, because the number of curious, eager-to-learn peers around the world with the means and ambition to get a great college education is about to increase a thousandfold.  (College Quotes) I can’t imagine a genuinely intelligent boy getting much out of college, even out of a good college, save it be a cynical habit of mind.  (College Quotes) At Gallaudet, deafness isn’t an issue. You don’t even think about it. Students can pay attention to accounting or psychology or journalism. But when a deaf person goes to another college, no matter how supportive it is, that person doesn’t get the same access.  (College Quotes) I think college prepared me at a really high level. High school, you can take some plays off on the defensive end. Not on purpose, but if your man gets tired, you can rest a little bit. But once you get to college, and especially in the NBA, you can’t do that. Even if my man gives the ball up, I’m on help side, helping my team out.  (College Quotes) I always loved doing productions in school. In college, I started getting a little more serious.  (College Quotes) ...and often Lisa thought bitterly of the ideas she had held on college life before coming to Denton, ideas and images culled from a hundred magazine stories and as many movies. Where were the convertibles, the secret bottles of liquor, the gay young men and their wild girl friends?  (College Quotes) It was always my dream, to do a leading role on Broadway. It’s what I went to college to do, in hopes of one day someone taking a chance on me and saying, ‘You know what? You’re going to be our girl.’  (College Quotes) When I was in college at Carnegie Mellon, I wanted to be a chemist. So I became one. I worked in a laboratory and went to graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh. Then I taught science at a private girls’ school. I had three children and waited until all three were in school before I started writing.  (College Quotes) I studied acting for five years. I quit college at that point. You know, I go hard. When I know I’m supposed to go in a direction, I’m fully committed and I go all the way. Everything falls to the side and I’m all in. So I completely dove into acting even though I was almost 30.  (College Quotes) It’s a hard process to navigate... to figure out where your kid ought to go to college.  (College Quotes) The new American dream is one of responsibility. What is the bottom-line number that you’re going to be able to pay back toward a student loan responsibly if you’re doing it yourself after you have a job? That dictates the amount of money you can borrow. That dictates the school you can go to, if you can even go to a four-year college at all.  (College Quotes)
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