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To be an actor, a lot of times it’s a strange combination of high confidence and low self-esteem. Which is a weird combination to have, but I think it’s sort of very common among actors  (Combination Quotes) Quality training is what I do now; before it was a combination of both quality and quantity. Now I’m not trying to be a world-class athlete, I don’t need to train at that level. It’s about being fit, fit for life  (Combination Quotes) Dave Stark has taken the best of recent marketplace management concepts and married them to timeless biblical principles of leadership, translating business jargon into ministry language. The combination is an encouraging and practical guide to Christ-centered ministry leadership. This book will be helpful to anyone involved in leading a church or serious about modeling servant leadership  (Combination Quotes) As far as sleeping goes, you’re up and ready to go at six in the morning. Spring training was always a combination of relaxing and working, and I missed that quite a bit. I missed being around the ball field. A baseball. A bat. The smell of the uniform, you might say. Talking baseball. Seeing opponents as well as the Cubs  (Combination Quotes) Evolution explains our biological evolution, but human beings are very unique creatures. As the Dobzhansky said, all animals are unique; humans are the uniquest. And that uniqueness of being human, language, art, culture, our dependency on culture for survival, comes from the combination of traditional biological evolution  (Combination Quotes) Life is a big ol’ canvas. And you have every combination of colors to paint with  (Combination Quotes) The first typical adolescent of modern times was Wagner’s Siegfried. : the music of Siegfried expressed for the first time that combination of (provisional) purity, physical strength, naturism, spontaneity and joie de vivre which was to make the adolescent the hero of our twentieth century, the century of adolescence  (Combination Quotes) The reader brings to the work personality traits, memories of past events, present needs and preoccupations, a particular mood of the moment and a particular physical condition. These and many other elements in a never-to-be-duplicated combination determine his response to the text  (Combination Quotes) Stacy Schiff is that rare combination: a first-rate historian and a brilliant storyteller. Using a wide range of sources, she spins straw into gold, conjuring the world of Ptolemaic Egypt in full vibrant color, and returning the voice of one of the most powerful, fascinating, and maligned women in history. Cleopatra is impossible to put down  (Combination Quotes) The French Revolution, Fichte’s Theory of Knowledge, and Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister are the three greatest tendencies of the age. Whoever takes offence at this combination, and whoever does not consider a revolution important unless it is blatant and palpable, has not yet risen to the lofty and broad vantage point of the history of mankind  (Combination Quotes) Sometimes acting and politics make a very bad combination. I think that sometimes people take me less seriously in my work for the UN because I am an actor  (Combination Quotes) I think the combination of graduate education in a field like Computer Science and the opportunity to apply this in a work environment like Microsoft is what drove me. The impact these opportunities create can lead to work that has broad, worldwide impact  (Combination Quotes) I was lucky enough to see the original cast of ‘In the Heights.’ This one blew my mind. The infusion of Latin, hip hop and rap with musical theatre, great storytelling and talent was a powerful combination to me during a time when I’d not been moved by much!  (Combination Quotes) Options other than mastectomy include high risk surveillance and risk reduction. Surveillance is a combination of monthly self breast exam, annual mammography and whole breast screening ultrasound, annual breast MRI, and biannual clinical breast exam  (Combination Quotes) I get a lot of inspiration from my surroundings, people I’m with. Mother Nature. It’s combination of everything and really wanting to live life to the fullest. I feel very fortunate to be healthy, so I try to take advantage of it  (Combination Quotes) By sticking to my principles and what I firmly believe in - I always have my own attitude towards everything in life. I wish to create trends rather than follow them. My daily routine at the moment is really just a combination of work and family  (Combination Quotes) Talent doesn’t win. Hard work, determination, and character wins. If you root your talent and ability in those things, then you have a powerful combination  (Combination Quotes) I am a sucker for romance and I love girls and that is a terrible combination, because romance has the ability to overwhelm your perspective  (Combination Quotes) A funny thing about women and machines: the combination made made curious. They seemed to think it had something to do with them  (Combination Quotes) There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge... observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination  (Combination Quotes) The art of pictorial creation is so complicated - it is so astronomical in its possibilities of relation and combination that it would take an act of super-human concentration to explain the final realization  (Combination Quotes) A man must fortify himself and understand that a wise man who yields to laziness or anger or passion or love of drink, or who commits any other action prompted by impulse and inopportune, will probably find his fault condoned; but if he stoops to greed, he will not be pardoned, but render himself odious as a combination of all vices at once.  (Combination Quotes) Men love watches with multiple functions. My husband has one that is a combination address book, telescope and piano.  (Combination Quotes) However advanced the technology may become, life is impossible without humanity, and that’s why we need a combination of science of thinking and art of living!  (Combination Quotes) The Internet offers an interesting combination of advertising and community - by participating in the community you can become an advertisement for yourself.  (Combination Quotes) Beauty is a combination of qualities. I don’t think one can deny that certain people or things feel aesthetically pleasing. But without an equally pleasing being behind that form, there is no beauty there.  (Combination Quotes) What I look for when I see a piece of art for the first time is some kind of emotional, intellectual experience, that’s a combination of both of those things and is informed by my knowledge and something new that I see the artist doing.  (Combination Quotes) We exist in a bizarre combination of Stone Age emotions, medieval beliefs, and god-like technology  (Combination Quotes) When we were scared about 9/11, we federalized the airport security, we spent millions for body armor for dogs in Ohio. All that over-reaction comes from fear and government - bad combination.  (Combination Quotes) It’s an interesting combination: Having a great fear of being alone, and having a desperate need for solitude and the solitary experience. That’s always been a tug of war for me.  (Combination Quotes)
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