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Combination Quotes

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Invention strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory; nothing can come from nothing  (Combination Quotes) Casting a film, you can have the greatest actors in a film and it doesn’t work. It’s a combination of all of the elements  (Combination Quotes) It’s the combination of the intimate and the public that I find so exciting about being poet laureate  (Combination Quotes) Now why should the cinema follow the forms of theater and painting rather than the methodology of language, which allows wholly new concepts of ideas to arise from the combination of two concrete denotations of two concrete objects?  (Combination Quotes) A key to my thinking has always been the almost fanatical belief that what I was engaged in was a literary art form. That belief was compounded out of ego and necessity, I guess, a combination of the two  (Combination Quotes) Unless the trade deficit shrinks, the combination of the trade deficit and the interest and dividend payments to foreigners will grow ever more rapidly  (Combination Quotes) My first calendar was a combination of photos taken from different shoots including golf and casual  (Combination Quotes) It’s a combination of targeting higher paying jobs in these growth areas and fostering closer cooperation with higher education; a rising tide that lifts all boats  (Combination Quotes) As long as mixed grills and combination salads are popular, anthologies will undoubtedly continue in favor  (Combination Quotes) About 100 things that your kid will do that will surprise you and break your heart and it will be a combination of fact based therapy, medically advised kinds of passages accompanied by celebrity anecdotes and just some funny stuff to lighten the load  (Combination Quotes) The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data  (Combination Quotes) Becoming the new feminine ideal requires just the right combination of insecurity, exercise, bulimia and surgery  (Combination Quotes) Talking about covers, whether visually or sonically, if a particular combination of notes struck a chord in your heart in a way that you want to be a part of it by covering that song, then there’s nothing wrong with it  (Combination Quotes) The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination. But the combination is locked up in the safe  (Combination Quotes) When I think back now to the recording sessions, there is more improvisation than one hears. It’s an ideal combination of arrangements and improvisation. Only a few people are able to listen and say what is composed and what is improvised. It’s a unit  (Combination Quotes) Carob works on the principle that, when mixed with the right combination of fats and sugar, it can duplicate chocolate in color and texture. Of course, the same can be said of dirt  (Combination Quotes) On the chessboard, lies and hypocrisy do not survive long. The creative combination lays bare the presumption of a lie; the merciless fact, culminating in the checkmate, contradicts the hypocrite  (Combination Quotes) Every mutation through a new combination of genetic factors that provides the organism with a new opportunity for coming to terms with the conditions of its environment signifies no more and no less than that new information about this environment has got into that organic system. Adaptation is essentially a cognitive process  (Combination Quotes) Genius is not a single power, but a combination of great powers. It reasons, but it is not reasoning; it judges, but it is not judgment; imagines, but it is not imagination; it feels deeply and fiercely, but it is not passion. It is neither, because it is all  (Combination Quotes) There are two sorts of beauty; one is the result of instinct, the other of study. A combination of the two, with the resulting modifications, brings with it a very complicated richness, which the art critic ought to try to discover  (Combination Quotes) Nothing can be made of nothing; he who has laid up no material can produce no combination  (Combination Quotes) You are my lover and I am your mistress and kingdoms and empires and governments have tottered and succumbed before now to that mighty combination  (Combination Quotes) People don’t talk to you properly. It’s the way they talk to you; they dismiss you. I think it’s a combination of me being a woman and a foreigner  (Combination Quotes) I have no plans to retire. It’s the perfect combination of work and play that keeps you young. If I quit work it would be the beginning of the end for me  (Combination Quotes) I think people have always liked in me the combination of being the underdog because I’m a tiny woman but I have enormous authority in myself  (Combination Quotes) It is perfectly evident to any logical mind that when you have got the vote, by the proper use of the vote in sufficient numbers, by combination, you can get out of any legislature whatever you want, or, if you cannot get it, you can send them about their business and choose other people who will be more attentive to your demands  (Combination Quotes) My father is an intellectual and physical man, which is a rather unusual combination. He’s great. As he brought up me and my brothers and sisters, he ingrained in us that your appearance is not your responsibility, other than that you should not be a slob  (Combination Quotes) Mushrooms are miniature pharmaceutical factories, and of the thousands of mushroom species in nature, our ancestors and modern scientists have identified several dozen that have a unique combination of talents that improve our health  (Combination Quotes) Love is a combination of admiration, respect, and passion. If you have one of those going, that’s par for the course. If you have two, you aren’t quite world class but you’re close. If you have all three, then you don’t need to die; you’re already in heaven  (Combination Quotes) In popular houses where visitors like to go again and again, there is always a happy combination of some attention on the part of the hostess and the perfect freedom of the guests to occupy their time as they choose  (Combination Quotes)
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