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Comfort Quotes

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If there is no solace in the fruits of our research, there is at least some consolation in the research itself. Men and women are not content to comfort themselves with tales of gods and giants, or to confine their thoughts to the daily affairs of life; they also build telescopes and satellites and accelerators and sit at their desks for endless hours working out the meaning of the data they gather  (Comfort Quotes) Becoming a mother makes you the mother of all children. From now on each wounded, abandoned, frightened child is yours. You live in the suffering mothers of every race and creed and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate  (Comfort Quotes) The mother loves her child most divinely, not when she surrounds him with comfort and anticipates his wants but when she resolutely holds him to the highest standards and is content with nothing less than his best  (Comfort Quotes) We must show charity towards the sick, who are in greater need of help. Let us take them some small gift if they are poor, or, at least let us go and wait on them and comfort them  (Comfort Quotes) Comfort comes from knowing that people have made the same journey. And solace comes from understanding how others have learned to sing again  (Comfort Quotes) Grief is a solitary journey. No one but you knows how great the hurt is. No one but you can know the gaping hole left in your life when someone you know has died. And no one but you can mourn the silence that was once filled with laughter and song. It is the nature of love and of death to touch every person in a totally unique way. Comfort comes from knowing that people have made the same journey. And solace comes from understanding how others have learned to sing again  (Comfort Quotes) I take comfort that aging happens to everybody. It’s part of life. Aging offers great lessons in dignity, since the indignity wins in the end. Yes, it bothers me when I have lines or puffiness or droops. But it connects me with the human race. Like weather bringing people together, aging brings people together  (Comfort Quotes) After the clouds, the sunshine; after the winter, the spring; after the shower, the rainbow; for life is a changeable thing. After the night, the morning, bidding all darkness cease, after life’s cares and sorrows, the comfort and sweetness of peace  (Comfort Quotes) The universe is a soul making machine, and part of that process is learning, maturing, and growing through difficult and challenging and painful experiences. The point of our lives in this world isn’t comfort, but training and preparation for eternity  (Comfort Quotes) A high school student shouldn’t smoke cigarettes. You can’t comfort someone with money either. And fooling around with someone’s feelings... Trying out someone when you’re not even interested. That’s something you deserve to get hit for  (Comfort Quotes) The interesting thing about coaching is that you have to trouble the comfortable, and comfort the troubled  (Comfort Quotes) My dear father! When I remember him, it is always with his arms open wide to love and comfort me  (Comfort Quotes) I’ve always taken the philosophy that you have to dream a little in this sport. If you stay in your comfort zone, you’re not going to do anything special  (Comfort Quotes) Stepping outside the comfort zone is the price I pay to find out how good I can be. If I planned on backing off every time running got difficult I would hang up my shoes and take up knitting  (Comfort Quotes) Real peace comes only when you stop chasing it. When you relax your driving desire for comfort, real fulfillment arises. When you drop your hectic pursuit of gratification, the real beauty of life comes out. When you seek to know the reality without illusion, complete with all its pain and danger, that is when real freedfom and security are yours  (Comfort Quotes) I think a lot of us are not on a path; we’re in a rut. We have confused comfort with peace, belief with faith, safety with wisdom, wealth with blessing, and existence with life  (Comfort Quotes) I do not mind having imaginary conversations with animals who are part of my life. The comfort of talking to one at a time of personal distress is so soothing because one has the ease of knowing that one’s secrets will not be repeated to anyone. Yet there are those who are horrified that an animal can be a more reliable part of one’s world than that of the human world  (Comfort Quotes) I’m continually trying to make choices that put me against my own comfort zone. As long as you’re uncomfortable, it means you’re growing  (Comfort Quotes) We all return. It is this certainty that gives meaning to life and it does not make the slightest difference whether or not in a later incarnation we remember the former life. What counts is not the individual and his comfort, but the great aspiration to the perfect and the pure which goes on in each incarnation  (Comfort Quotes) Drink in the beauty of friendship. In this world of constant change, we need the comfort of friendship more than ever before  (Comfort Quotes) We try to give a birthing woman freedom to find the right position for her own needs and comfort. Unfortunately, in our society we think of birthing as something done while lying down  (Comfort Quotes) I’m not sure I would have ever started to draw, let alone write, if my childhood hadn’t been so happy. It was a mixture of comfort and adventure. An excellent mixture!  (Comfort Quotes) Rituals, even unhappy ones, provide a measure of comfort. Like a superstitious ballplayer who will only use certain bats, my depression rituals have become a fixed, normal part of my life... I need rituals to prevent unnecessarily rocking my already shaky emotional boat  (Comfort Quotes) We have had no specific or credible threats, but we don’t take that as any kind of comfort. We know we need to be ready and we know that, that vigilance is the price of freedom  (Comfort Quotes) By showing that you don’t have to lose yourself, maybe someone else will feel some sort of comfort  (Comfort Quotes) We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures. And nonhuman animals experience pain sensations just like we do. They too are strong, intelligent, industrious, mobile, and evolutional. They too are capable of growth and adaptation. Like us, firsthand foremost, they are earthlings. And like us, they are surviving. Like us they also seek their own comfort rather than discomfort. And like us they express degrees of emotion. In short like us, they are alive  (Comfort Quotes) We live in a culture where everything is designed for our comfort or entertainment but nothing satisfies. At our core, we remain insatiable, constantly on the prowl for new commodities and pleasant sensations to fill the void  (Comfort Quotes) The way we get to live forever is through memories stored in the hearts and souls of those whose lives we touch. That’s our soul print. It’s our comfort, our emotional nourishment at the end of the day and the end of a life. How wonderful that they are called up at will and savored randomly. It seems to me we should spend our lives in a conscious state of creating these meaningful moments that live on. Memories matter  (Comfort Quotes) To maintain discipline in the military, it must have been necessary at that time. For soldiers who risked their lives in circumstances where bullets are flying around like rain and wind, if you want them to get some rest, a comfort women system was necessary. That’s clear to anyone  (Comfort Quotes) Over the last few years, my comfort level with how I look has improved. My age has helped. You get used to yourself and accept yourself  (Comfort Quotes)
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