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Comfort Quotes

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Night. Heavenly delicious sweet night of the desert that calls all of us to love her. The night is our comfort with her coolness and darkness. On wings, on feet, on our bellies, out we all come to glory in the night  (Comfort Quotes) Balance out the good things and the bad that have happened in your life and you will have to acknowledge that you are still way ahead. You are unhappy because you have lost those things in which you took pleasure? But you can also take comfort in the likelihood that what is now making you miserable will also pass away  (Comfort Quotes) Because that’s the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don’t want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. I want to cloak myself under its heavy weight and breathe it into my lunges. I want to nurture it, grow it, cultivate it. It’s mine. I want to check out with it, drift asleep wrapped in its arms and not wake up for a long, long time  (Comfort Quotes) So often we think that to be encouragers we have to produce great words of wisdom when, in fact, a few simple syllables of sympathy and an arm around the shoulder can often provide much needed comfort  (Comfort Quotes) The most interesting things in life happen just on the other side of your comfort zone  (Comfort Quotes) The axe is the most important bush tool there is. Outside of fire, nothing may contribute to your comfort and leisure than a well chosen axe  (Comfort Quotes) A man may be said to love most truly that woman in whose company he can feel drowsy in comfort  (Comfort Quotes) Empathy frequently informs our earliest days with our infants as we try to figure out what they need, how to comfort and satisfy them  (Comfort Quotes) Those who take up any subject with an open mind, willing to learn anything that will contribute to their advancement, comfort and happiness, are wise  (Comfort Quotes) It just shows you have come prepared to play and ready to execute. It doesn’t give you that much comfort when it’s early and you still have another two and a half to three quarters to go. You better keep playing. But it is a positive, it gives you energy and it gives you a little boost like that  (Comfort Quotes) I wanted to see something in full daylight; I was sated with the pleasure and comfort of the half light; I had the same desire for the daylight as for water and air. And if seeing was fire, I required the plenitude of fire, and if seeing would infect me with madness, I madly wanted that madness  (Comfort Quotes) As a people, we have the problem of making our forests outlast this generation, or iron outlast this century, and our coal the next; not merely as a matter of convenience or comfort, but as a matter of stern necessity  (Comfort Quotes) Disney is our contemporary landscape. The best art will reflect that and challenge you. Disney comforts you, whereas the best art shakes up your comfort level and perception  (Comfort Quotes) Electronic music right now is in its comfort zone, and it’s not moving one inch  (Comfort Quotes) Nowadays, hoy en día, with our world full of war and violence and lack of love, a world full of greed, a world of domination, grasping power, venal stupidity, real evil, don’t get me started, it’s good to know that a conversation about tacos will always engender a sense of comfort and happiness. If only we could sit down at a big round world table and eat tacos in a spirit of love we might begin to work on world peace!  (Comfort Quotes) The novelist works neither to correct nor to condone, not at all to comfort, but to make what’s told alive  (Comfort Quotes) We are able to breathe, drink, and eat in comfort because millions of organisms and hundreds of processes are operating to maintain a liveable environment, but we tend to take nature’s services for granted because we don’t pay money for most of them  (Comfort Quotes) The whole universe or the structure that perceives it is a worthy opponent, but try as I may I can not escape the sound of suffering. Perhaps as an old man I will take great comfort in pottering around in a lab and gently talking to students in the summer evening and will accept suffering with insouciance. But not now; men in their prime, if they have convictions are tasked to act on them  (Comfort Quotes) You need to get outside of your comfort zone to write songs that are interesting, songs that are compelling, songs that are different from what other people are writing  (Comfort Quotes) In a world that’s gone hellishly mad we’ve always taken comfort in the fact that the faith of our fathers is the one thing that remains solid and unchanging. It occurs to very few of us that perhaps for the last 2,500 years the faith of our fathers has been one of the main reasons why our world has gone hellishly mad  (Comfort Quotes) The earth was given to mankind to support the greatest number of which it is capable, and no tribe or people have a right to withhold from the wants of others more than is necessary for their own support and comfort  (Comfort Quotes) Tintinnabulation is like this. Here I am alone with silence. I have discovered that it is enough when a single note is beautifully played. This note, or a silent beat, or a moment of silence comfort me  (Comfort Quotes) Each one of us has a comfort zone. The problem comes when we are unwilling to leave it  (Comfort Quotes) You can’t be a successful leader or mentor until you have served. You can’t serve until you have stepped out of your comfort zone. And you can’t step out of your comfort zone unless you have character and keep your word  (Comfort Quotes) Unless you have suffered and wept, you really don’t understand what compassion is, nor can you give comfort to someone who is suffering. If you haven’t cried, you can’t dry another’s eyes. Unless you’ve walked in darkness, you can’t help wanderers find the way. Unless you’ve looked into the eyes of menacing death and felt its hot breath, you can’t help another rise from the dead and taste anew the joy of being alive  (Comfort Quotes) Everything you desire is always just outside your comfort zone, dear boy. If it wasn’t you would already possess it, would you not?  (Comfort Quotes) For some people there is no comfort without pain. Thus; we define salvation through suffering. Hence, why we choose people who we know aren’t right for ourselves  (Comfort Quotes) What does open us is sharing our vulnerabilities. Sometimes we see a couple who has done this difficult work over a lifetime. In the process, they have grown old together. We can sense the enormous comfort, the shared quality of ease between these people. It is beautiful, and very rare. Without this quality of openness and vulnerability, partners don’t really know each other; they are one image living with another image  (Comfort Quotes) We all have something to offer. It’s so important to be able to step out of our comfort zone and share the benefit of our experience with others who are trying to find their way. You can make a real difference and have real impact. I haven’t experienced anything more satisfying than that  (Comfort Quotes) I believe that not much happens of any significance when we’re in our comfort zone  (Comfort Quotes)
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