Comfortable Quotes

Text Quotes
When you’re comfortable in your own skin, you look beautiful, regardless of any flaws (Comfortable Quotes)
The interesting thing about coaching is that you have to trouble the comfortable, and comfort the troubled (Comfortable Quotes)
It is hard to let old beliefs go. They are familiar. We are comfortable with them and have spent years building systems and developing habits that depend on them. Like a man who has worn eyeglasses so long that he forgets he has them on, we forget that the world looks to us the way it does because we have become used to seeing it that way through a particular set of lenses. Today, however, we need new lenses. And we need to throw the old ones away (Comfortable Quotes)
Some sensible person once remarked that you spend the whole of your life either in your bed or in your shoes. Having done the best you can by shoes and bed, devote all the time and resources at your disposal to the building up of a fine kitchen. It will be, as it should be, the most comforting and comfortable room in the house (Comfortable Quotes)
One should always sleep in all of one’s guest beds, to make sure that they are comfortable (Comfortable Quotes)
The ordinary patient goes to his doctor because he is in pain or some other discomfort and wants to be comfortable again; he is not in pursuit of the ideal of health in any direct sense. The doctor on the other hand wants to discover the pathological condition and control it if he can. The two are thus to some degree at cross purposes from the first, and unless the affair is brought to an early and happy conclusion this diversion of aims is likely to become more and more serious as the case goes on (Comfortable Quotes)
According to a new survey, women say they feel more comfortable undressing in front of men than they do undressing in front of other women. They say that women are too judgmental, where, of course, men are just grateful (Comfortable Quotes)
You have to know yourself and know what you can carry. If you’re not comfortable, no matter how well dressed you are, you’re not going to look right. I’d rather be happy and feel comfy (Comfortable Quotes)
In sum, the truth is that we luxuriate in the comfortable assertion that women enjoy equality. We have salved our consciences by eliminating the more obvious discriminations like unequal rates of pay for work of equal value. But, in fact, we have not eliminated the inheritance of the millennia that women are lesser beings, an inheritance which still manifests itself in a whole range of prejudice and other forms of discrimination (Comfortable Quotes)
We don’t live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions. No woman can be well dressed unless she is comfortable in what she is wearing (Comfortable Quotes)
In a foreign country it is far from easy to study a scene at length when you know that at any minute someone may appear and ask what you are doing and that you can’t answer, and you haven’t many references, and you don’t know the law. Neither is it easy to find and know the subjects for portraits or comfortable to make such picture when you cannot apply an anesthesia of small talk (Comfortable Quotes)
For the academic the rhetorical sense of superiority through the possession of knowledge is essential for facing the daily grind, turning again to the otherwise boring article, braving the students who, fresh as each class may be, will still ask the same questions year after year. Psychological survival is not achieved without effort, and the environment must be managed, knocked about with one’s elbows until it takes a shape comfortable to one’s sense of self. This is not selfishness, for in reshaping the environment the academic is also reinvigorating the educational process (Comfortable Quotes)
We need some clergy with some backbone, who don’t mind making uncomfortable at times those who are very comfortable, and challenging them at the core of their faith, at least causing them to pause and to have dialogue and to be open for further discussion (Comfortable Quotes)
If we dwell in a community that is comfortable, then it’s probably not broad enough a coalition (Comfortable Quotes)
If you have it, it is for life. It is a disease for which there is no cure. You will go on riding even after they have to haul you on a comfortable wise old cob, with feet like inverted buckets and a back like a fireside chair... when I can’t ride anymore, I shall still keep horses as long as I can hobble about with a bucket and a wheelbarrow. When I can’t hobble, I shall roll my wheelchair out to the fence of the field where my horses graze, and watch them (Comfortable Quotes)
Everyone has his own particular talent, niche and interests. Which isn’t to say that you shouldn’t try new genres or styles or explore forms other than the ones you’re most comfortable with. But you should be willing to recognize that when writers try to make themselves into something they aren’t or, more important, don’t want to be... they aren’t going to be doing their best work (Comfortable Quotes)
I think wanting to write is a fundamental sign of disease and discomfort. I don’t think people who are comfortable want to write (Comfortable Quotes)
The dying often have the sensation of rising up and floating above their own body while it is surrounded by a medical team, and watching it down below, while feeling comfortable. They experience the feeling of being in a spiritual body that appears to be a sort of living energy field (Comfortable Quotes)
Standing before a camera isn’t intimidating. It’s more comfortable for me. I enjoy it now. I’m more aware of what to do (Comfortable Quotes)
A man can stand almost any hardship by day, and be none the worse for it, provided he gets a comfortable nights rest; but without sound sleep he will soon go to pieces, no matter how gritty he may be (Comfortable Quotes)
After all these years, I’ve done well and I’m cool. I feel comfortable in my skin, I’ve saved some paper, everybody’s healthy, my kids are beautiful and smart, doing different things, it’s all good (Comfortable Quotes)
I want to be myself. That’s when you feel the most comfortable, that’s when you have the most success, and that’s when you’re the most happy (Comfortable Quotes)
The independent films are really where I kind of come from and where I feel comfortable (Comfortable Quotes)
I’m not super comfortable in my skin. I have to make it work for me, and that usually amounts to making it uncomfortable for everyone else (Comfortable Quotes)
I think the most attractive thing for me when I meet a guy is confidence and him being comfortable in his own skin. I like someone who doesn’t need approval or validation (Comfortable Quotes)
I don’t really believe in regret or mistakes. I try to take everything as it is, be comfortable with myself (Comfortable Quotes)
I have my own little path, and although I delve into things, I stay with what I am. Im quite natural with it. Maybe people feel comfortable with that and they trust it, so they buy it. Theyll come and see me in concert. I think I always do a good job in that area (Comfortable Quotes)
I think the day that I become comfortable doing interviews and going on talk shows is the day that I don’t know what it is to be a human being anymore (Comfortable Quotes)
I have so many single girlfriends who fit themselves into the mold of what they think a guy’s looking for. But being comfortable around men is about being comfortable with yourself. They gravitate toward confidence. Really, that is what they want to be around (Comfortable Quotes)
I don’t like seeing celebs looking too skinny, I love it when they look healthy and comfortable in their bodies and embrace their curves (Comfortable Quotes)