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Commander Quotes

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I can recall no parallel in history where a great nation recently at war has so distinguished its former enemy commander.  (Commander Quotes) We see a missile here, a bomb there - looks good on CNN. This is nonsense. This is not a strategy of a serious commander in chief.  (Commander Quotes) Egotism is not a good quality. It’s not something to be admired or even tolerated. It wouldn’t be tolerated in a field commander and it shouldn’t be tolerated in a movie director.  (Commander Quotes) One of the things that’s very troubling to voters about Donald Trump is his erratic behavior, his lack of good temperament to serve as commander in chief.  (Commander Quotes) Every parent is wondering, how do we keep our kids safe? We need a commander in chief who does what Ronald Reagan did with communism, which is he set out a global strategy to defeat Soviet communism.  (Commander Quotes) I’m the commander -- see, I don’t need to explain -- I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being president.  (Commander Quotes) This time we’ll be fighting for the nation. The company commander says that it’s better to be the ghost of a fallen soldier than a nationless slave. For the sake of our fellow countrymen, our families and our children, we have to resist to the very end(Vague Expectations)  (Commander Quotes) When I first went to school, I was fighting all the time. The soldier mentality was still in me. I kept getting expelled. I found it hard to take instructions from anyone who wasn’t a military commander.  (Commander Quotes) And then finally, I’m the commander, so I am fundamentally responsible for the lives of the other people on board and the health and longevity of the space station. I need to bring six people back happy, healthy and feeling like they’ve had the best six months of their life.  (Commander Quotes) The Commander in Chief directs that Divine service be performed every Sunday at 11 o’clock...It is expected that officers of all ranks will by their attendance set an example to their men.  (Commander Quotes) There’s no doubt in my mind that whichever commander ordered the blowing up of Kamisiyah did so in following the instructions that he had received.  (Commander Quotes) Obviously, if the commander makes certain decisions that the reporter thinks is inhibiting his right to report a legitimate story, he has to appeal to the commander’s boss to get that changed.  (Commander Quotes) Our three big emergencies are fire, loss of pressurization or contaminated atmosphere. Any of those things in a spaceship are very deadly and time critical. Everybody’s trained, but I’m the commander of the ship, and it’s up to me to decide.  (Commander Quotes) The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise  (Commander Quotes) The president [Barack Obama] himself has said he thought part of his job was to remind the American people that being president and commander in chief is a serious responsibility.  (Commander Quotes) Decisions! And a general, a commander in chief who has not got the quality of decision, then he is no good  (Commander Quotes) Of all those in the army close to the commander none is more intimate than the secret agent; of all rewards none more liberal than those given to secret agents; of all matters none is more confidential than those relating to secret operations  (Commander Quotes) Our three big emergencies are fire, loss of pressurization or contaminated atmosphere. Any of those things in a spaceship are very deadly and time critical. Everybody’s trained, but I’m the commander of the ship, and it’s up to me to decide  (Commander Quotes) Eleven years after the discovery of their bodies, no one has been held accountable for their murders. The chief suspects in the chain of command, including the camp commander, have never been charged  (Commander Quotes) My breathing slowed. I shaded her thick chestnut hair resting in a smooth curve against her face, a large bruise blazing across her cheek. I paused, looking over my shoulder to make certain I was alone. I drew her eye makeup, smudged by tears. In her watery eyes I drew the reflection of the commander, standing in front of her, his fist clenched. I continued to sketch, exhaled, and shook out my hands  (Commander Quotes) As commander I was responsible for the overall success of the mission, and so I had to know at least a little bit about everything  (Commander Quotes) Obviously, if the commander makes certain decisions that the reporter thinks is inhibiting his right to report a legitimate story, he has to appeal to the commander’s boss to get that changed  (Commander Quotes) Any commander who fails to exceed his authority is not of much use to his subordinates  (Commander Quotes) No operational commander should have to assign a soldier a task that could be done as well by a computer, a remote sensor, or an unmanned airplane  (Commander Quotes) There are certain things in war of which the commander alone comprehends the importance. Nothing but his superior firmness and ability can subdue and surmount all difficulties  (Commander Quotes) Egotism is not a good quality. It’s not something to be admired or even tolerated. It wouldn’t be tolerated in a field commander and it shouldn’t be tolerated in a movie director  (Commander Quotes) I think as a rifle platoon and company commander your view is about 1,000 meters in front of you and you hope you can cover that ground and not have to back up and give it up again  (Commander Quotes) I neither will aspire to nor will I accept, the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief  (Commander Quotes) To be a good soldier, you must love the army. To be a good commander, you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love  (Commander Quotes) As the ancient commander addressed his soldiers before battle, so should the moralist speak to men in the struggle of the era  (Commander Quotes)
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