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Commanders Quotes

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Two commanders on the same field are always one too many  (Commanders Quotes) All very successful commanders are prima donnas and must be so treated  (Commanders Quotes) God bless the soldiers and seamen, with all their brave commanders  (Commanders Quotes) Victory and disaster establish indestructible bonds between armies and their commanders  (Commanders Quotes) Good commanders look after their troops, and good troops look after their commanders  (Commanders Quotes) Your Guardians of Freedom is a new program that enables unit commanders and Airmen to quickly communicate with people affected by and interested in the mobilization and deployment of military people  (Commanders Quotes) The profoundest truth of war is that the issue of battle is usually decided in the minds of the opposing commanders, not in the bodies of their men  (Commanders Quotes) In 2004, I went to Israel and gave a speech that resulted in guns and ammunition being given to the South Sudanese rebels, specifically Commanders Athol’s and Yaka’s armies  (Commanders Quotes) As president, I wouldn’t be making the day-to-day combat decisions. The job of the commander-in-chief is to lay the objective out and then you rely upon the generals and admirals and commanders to give you their expert advice on the tools needed to carry out that objective  (Commanders Quotes) Commanders and senior officers should die with troops. The honour of the British Empire and the British Army is at stake  (Commanders Quotes) We really want to send the message that commanders need to understand and be accountable. We saw that with the Catholic Church. No one cared when they went after the priests, but when they focused on the bishops then things began to change. And we see that analogy working with the military  (Commanders Quotes) After World War I, while France and other Allies were building military defenses modeled on trench warfare, German commanders were shaping a nimble fighting force.  (Commanders Quotes) The true history of Vietnamese civilian suffering does not fit comfortably into America’s preferred postwar narrative - the tale of a conflict nobly fought by responsible commanders and good American boys, who should not be tainted by the occasional mistakes of a few ‘bad apples’ in their midst.  (Commanders Quotes) The profoundest truth of war is that the issue of battle is usually decided in the minds of the opposing commanders, not in the bodies of their men.  (Commanders Quotes) The spring of 1942 was given over to a very impassioned, strategic debate about where we should first attack in counterpunching against the Germans and Italians. The British argued very persuasively on the part of Winston Churchill, prime minister, that this was a very green American Army, green soldiers, green commanders.  (Commanders Quotes) Nothing is easy in war. Mistakes are always paid for in casualties and troops are quick to sense any blunder made by their commanders.  (Commanders Quotes) I think the culture is changing. An example of that is that the commanders truly want the very best person for the job regardless of gender.  (Commanders Quotes) Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons...We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons - the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.  (Commanders Quotes) There’s a War Crimes Act in the United States passed by a Republican Congress in 1996, which says that grave breaches of the Geneva Convention are subject to the death penalty. And that doesn’t mean the soldier that committed them - that means the commanders.  (Commanders Quotes) Your Guardians of Freedom is a new program that enables unit commanders and Airmen to quickly communicate with people affected by and interested in the mobilization and deployment of military people.  (Commanders Quotes) I have great faith in the military. I have great faith in certain of the commanders, certainly. But I have no faith in Hillary Clinton or the leadership.  (Commanders Quotes) If the regulars are to be put together, I believe they would prefer me to the other Cavalry Commanders  (Commanders Quotes) During the whole campaign, from June 27 to July 31, there has been no shirking or hesitation, to tiring on the part of a single man so far as I have seen; the brigade commanders reported none  (Commanders Quotes) There may be a hundred thousand men in an army, who are all equally free; but they only are naturally most fit to be commanders or leaders, who most excel in the virtues required for the right performance of those offices  (Commanders Quotes) With growing experience, all skillful commanders sought to profit by the power of the defensive, even when on the offensive  (Commanders Quotes) I felt very welcome, everyday I’ve been surprised by the positive values I encountered from the military commanders, the officers and the troops that I have gotten to know  (Commanders Quotes) The nature of encounter operations required of the commanders limitless initiative and constant readiness to take the responsibility for military actions  (Commanders Quotes) Great commanders write their actions with simplicity; because they receive more glory from facts than from words  (Commanders Quotes) Our military commanders have said over and over again that a timetable for withdrawal sends the wrong message to our troops, but more importantly to our enemy  (Commanders Quotes) To ensure victory the troops must have confidence in themselves as well as in their commanders  (Commanders Quotes)
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