Common Quotes

Text Quotes
Prayer lets God do what he does best. Take a pebble and kill a Goliath. Take the common, make it spectacular! Pray and see what He can do (Common Quotes)
Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God: But only he who sees takes off his shoes (Common Quotes)
We have almost succeeded in leveling all human activities to the common denominator of securing the necessities of life and providing for their abundance (Common Quotes)
One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when overtaken by temporary defeat (Common Quotes)
One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat (Common Quotes)
People admire talent, and talk about their admiration. But they value common sense without talking about it, and often without knowing it (Common Quotes)
Office of itself does much to equalize politicians. It by no means brings all characters to a level; but it does bring high characters down and low characters up towards a common standard (Common Quotes)
Then the world will be for the common people, and the sounds of happiness will reach the deepest springs. Ah! Come! People of every land, how can you not be roused (Common Quotes)
The executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie (Common Quotes)
All men whilst they are awake are in one common world; but each of them, when he is asleep, is in a world of his own (Common Quotes)
In human life there is constant change of fortune; and it is unreasonable to expect an exemption from the common fate. Life itself decays, and all things are daily changing (Common Quotes)
To do an evil act is base. To do a good one without incurring danger, is common enough. But it is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds though he risks everything in doing them (Common Quotes)
What most of all enables a man to serve the public is not wealth, but content and independence; which, requiring no superfluity at home, distracts not the mind from the common good (Common Quotes)
But why pursue the common tale? Or wherefore show how knights prevail, when ladies dare to hear? (Common Quotes)
Socrates thought that if all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence every one must take an equal portion, most persons would be contented to take their own and depart (Common Quotes)
When we believe ourselves in possession of the only truth, we are likely to be indifferent to common everyday truths (Common Quotes)
One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about (Common Quotes)
What is common in all these dreams is obvious. They completely satisfy wishes excited during the day which remain unrealized. They are simply and undisguisedly realizations of wishes (Common Quotes)
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude (Common Quotes)
Society was cut in two: those who had nothing united in common envy; those who had anything united in common terror (Common Quotes)
Technological civilizations don't last long. You're all right until you get a printing press. Then a race starts between technology and common sense. and maybe technology always wins (Common Quotes)
I may not here omit those two main plagues and common dotages of human kind, wine and women, which have infatuated and besotted myriads of people; they go commonly together (Common Quotes)
To nobody's surprise, steroid use is common among gay men. When you combine a love for men with a love for drama, you end up with a guy on steroids (Common Quotes)
Music is the only one of the fine arts in which not only man, but all other animals, have a common property, mice and elephants, spiders and birds (Common Quotes)
The instant formal government is abolished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security (Common Quotes)
Common sense will tell us, that the power which hath endeavoured to subdue us, is of all others, the most improper to defend us (Common Quotes)
Any property that's open to common use gets destroyed. Because everyone has incentive to use it to the max, but no one has incentive to maintain it (Common Quotes)
It's perfectly possible to live without expecting anything of life; in fact, it's the most common way (Common Quotes)
He would die early, since nothing so fair could decline by common degrees in a faded season (Common Quotes)
When he's cheerful his tongue runs away with him, and he's depressed he can be unkind. So it's common sense not to let him into every are of your life (Common Quotes)