Common Quotes

Text Quotes
Let us remember we are all part of one American family. We are united in common values, and that includes belief in equality under the law, basic respect for public order, and the right of peaceful protest. (Common Quotes)
Our government should speak a common language with the American people - plain English (Common Quotes)
Press critics worry that the rise of media polarization threatens the foundation of credible, common information that American politics needs to thrive. (Common Quotes)
Not only the financial power, but also the legal power, has remained seated in Britain. The Washington Post commented on June 18, 1983 that after the American Revolution, all the old laws remained in effect in the new United States: Some of these laws of English common law dated back to 1278, long before America was discovered. (Common Quotes)
The great American tradition is one of pluralism, not exclusive secularism. The strength of our country is reflected in the contributions that we all make to the common good. (Common Quotes)
We come unbidden into this life, and if we are lucky we find a purpose beyond starvation, misery, and early death which, lest we forget, is the common lot. (Common Quotes)
Arguably, it was the introduction of international non-proliferation treaties in the late 80s that finally led to the missiles being removed from Greenham Common. (Common Quotes)
There’s this really good line in ‘Women in Love’ where Ursula says, ‘I always thought it was a sin to be unhappy.’ And actually I think that’s very common, it’s what a lot of people feel - that you have an obligation to life to be happy if you can. (Common Quotes)
Dying, we tell ourselves, is like going to sleep. This figure of speech occurs very commonly in everyday thought and language, as well as in the literature of many cultures and many ages. It was apparently quite common even in the time of the ancient Greeks. (Common Quotes)
The only thing the Pop Artists had in common is that we all had been commercial artists in some manner. Lichtenstein was a draftsman; I was a billboard painter, but we didn’t work together. I didn’t meet Andy Warhol until 1964. (Common Quotes)
Maybe it’s stress or anger or adrenaline or disillusionment or a bullying nature or simple fear of getting killed themselves, but there is a problem if a cop cannot tell the difference between a menacing gangster and the far more common person they encounter whose life is a little frayed and messy. (Common Quotes)
Angry people, unhappy people, people that seek to injure others, these people all have something in common. They waste energy. They don’t conserve it and they don’t know how to increase it. (Common Quotes)
I am more proud of what distinguishes man from the animals than of what he has in common with them (Common Quotes)
There are many forms of writing that are common, but also very formulaic, such as annual reports or economic studies. In those areas, people would probably be relieved not to have to write those kinds of things because they are mundane and drudgery. (Common Quotes)
Most modern science fiction went to school on ‘Dune.’ Even ‘Harry Potter’ with its ‘boy protagonist who has not yet grown into his destiny’ shares a common theme. When I read it for the first time, I felt like I had learned another language, mastered a new culture, adopted a new religion. (Common Quotes)
Working out another system to replace Newton’s laws took a long time because phenomena at the atomic level were quite strange. One had to lose one’s common sense in order to perceive what was happening at the atomic level. (Common Quotes)
It is in fact no exaggeration to say that we live in terror that Senator McCarthy will one day make some irreparable blunder that will play directly into the hands of our common enemy and discredit the whole anti-Communist effort for a long while to come. (Common Quotes)
When you’re surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible. (Common Quotes)
Facebook, Google, Apple, Yahoo - there’s a common theme. None of these companies ever sold. By staying independent, they were able to build a great company. (Common Quotes)
I like art with a sense of humor. I don’t have a huge art education to understand everything. I don’t think that means that art has to be watered down to the lowest common denominator, though. I don’t think you have to go to college to be able appreciate great art, but I like art that doesn’t take itself too seriously. (Common Quotes)
My philosophy is simple: It’s a down-home, common, horse-sense approach to things (Common Quotes)
With the common Iranian threat bringing the Sunni Arab world and Israel closer together, an Israeli-Palestinian peace would go a long way in improving relations and rebuffing Iran’s regional ambitions. (Common Quotes)
It’s time to declare a cease-fire in the education arms race. We have far more to gain from collaborating to solve our common problems than competing for higher rankings. (Common Quotes)
We have international standards regulating everything from t-shirts to toys to tomatoes. There are international regulations for furniture. That means there are common standards for the global trade in armchairs but not the global trade in arms. (Common Quotes)
You know what Arnold Schwarzenegger and Meg Whitman have in common? They both got in trouble for stiffing the maid. (Common Quotes)
Regarding race or gender or sexuality, one of the great things about art and music is that they can provide people with very little else in common with a similar entry point for discussion, but the discussions still need to happen for life to get more interesting. (Common Quotes)
Art should be appreciated with passion and violence, not with a tepid, depreciating elegance that fears the censoriousness of a common room. (Common Quotes)
I felt the comics grew because they became the common man’s literature, the common man’s art, the common man’s publishing. (Common Quotes)
An art school is generated only by the intensity and heat of a common pressure (Common Quotes)
The arts and humanities define who we are as a people. That is their power -- to remind us of what we each have to offer, and what we all have in common. To help us understand our history and imagine our future. To give us hope in the moments of struggle and to bring us together when nothing else will. (Common Quotes)