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Communicate Quotes

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I’m very interested in the improvisation because one of the things I do is to help train scientists to communicate in a better way and more personal way when they’re making a presentation, and I use improvisation to do that  (Communicate Quotes) How can I ever hope to communicate something to you unless I get signals back from you that I’m on the right track or that I’ve started at some place that you’re familiar with?  (Communicate Quotes) Zeal is the chief source, or one of the chief sources of spiritual power. God employs living souls to communicate life. In all ages, men of zeal have produced great results. This qualification, in the absence of others, can accomplish wonders  (Communicate Quotes) Being a dad has made me more aware of myself. I can see all of my virtues and flaws. They become glaringly clear when my daughter communicates with me in the same ways that I communicate with her. I can really tell where and when I went wrong  (Communicate Quotes) The whole past and the whole world are alive in my heart, and I shall do my part to communicate their presence to my readers  (Communicate Quotes) An extraordinary dancer, whose blend of tautness and buoyancy is not only exciting but also suggestive of clarity and immediacy with which dance can communicate deep, conflicting emotions  (Communicate Quotes) Every time I stand to communicate, I want to take one simple truth and lodge it in the heart of the listener. I want them to know that one thing and know what to do with it  (Communicate Quotes) I feel like humans are a disease. It’s a hard thing to communicate in a pop song. I mean, who wants to hear that?  (Communicate Quotes) I’m an observer of life. I like to watch people, and I like to watch cactus. I like to talk to mountains and communicate with my friends in the other spheres and dimensions  (Communicate Quotes) Dance improves your ability to concentrate because your brain has to work in so many ways. You’re being stretched physically and mentally. You’ve got to focus on the steps and you have to communicate and interact with people  (Communicate Quotes) I am going on eight years of marriage, and when it comes to communication, I believe you should always communicate in a time of peace. As a general rule, never try to communicate in the heat of the moment  (Communicate Quotes) Executives should blog if they have a vision they are trying to communicate, or if they are very visible in the media  (Communicate Quotes) Human animals and nonhuman animals can communicate quite well; if we are brought up around animals as children we take this for granted. By the time we are adults we no longer remember  (Communicate Quotes) The idea that people can behave naturally, without resorting to an artificial code tacitly agreed upon by their society, is as silly as the idea that they can communicate by a spoken language without commonly accepted semantic and grammatical rules  (Communicate Quotes) Among the reasons marriages fail, sex ranks no higher than fourth, behind money, having only one bathroom, and an inability to communicate, reasons one, two and three  (Communicate Quotes) It’s not sufficient in the internet age to communicate through the media; you have to be able to do it on the ground, door by door, coffee shop by coffee shop, shop floor by shop floor. You really have to do that as well  (Communicate Quotes) The camera can capture thought in a way that’s quite surprising and shocking. You can become very simple and minimal in your work and communicate a lot with just a finger or an eyebrow, or a look, or a glance  (Communicate Quotes) When you initiate romance in your marriage relationship, you communicate to your spouse that he or she is desirable to you  (Communicate Quotes) When you speak openly and honestly, you won’t have to make assumptions. The day you stop making assumptions, you will communicate cleanly and clearly, and achieve impeccability with your word  (Communicate Quotes) I was touched by the magic of music. My way to communicate was through my guitar and music  (Communicate Quotes) I have a grandson who is 20. He’s a computer guy. I’m worried that he can’t communicate without his machine. They have no personal contact with people. That’s the bad part of technology  (Communicate Quotes) I always think that the exceptional people are those who remain outsiders but still communicate on a grand scale. I think I want everyone to feel more free, and so I feel really claustrophobic on behalf of lots of people  (Communicate Quotes) You want to read a book? That requires introspection. It requires time away from people and time away from the constant need to communicate and to connect  (Communicate Quotes) To be really great, you need to be naturally funny in order to stand out. But you can work at it, and find the best vehicle that you have to communicate what you’re saying to people  (Communicate Quotes) Brands communicate in two directions: they help us tell other people something about ourselves, but they also help us form ideas about who we are  (Communicate Quotes) Great leaders create movements by empowering the tribe to communicate. They establish the foundation for people to make connections, as opposed to commanding people to follow them  (Communicate Quotes) I hate to say this, but one of the biggest distractions can be friends and family. You want them to be there and support you, but when you need to get your rest or focus, you need to communicate that to them  (Communicate Quotes) I have been doodling since childhood. I have a passion for illustrating but cannot paint or colour for that matter. I illustrate what I am trying to communicate through my writing. My images are like drawings in a science text book  (Communicate Quotes) As doctors, we are not trained to communicate and understand the power of our words as they relate to a patient’s ability and desire to survive  (Communicate Quotes) Fashion has a reason to be, because in fashion you can find new kinds of expression about human beings. It’s my way to communicate  (Communicate Quotes)
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