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Communicate Quotes

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Your Guardians of Freedom is a new program that enables unit commanders and Airmen to quickly communicate with people affected by and interested in the mobilization and deployment of military people  (Communicate Quotes) Cause I was such a novice and thank God that Sarah was as seasoned as she was because she was really a great leader in that regard in the sense that she would communicate really well with the crew  (Communicate Quotes) The higher the IQ the lower the EQ. The more intelligent you are, the lower your ability is to communicate emotionally with people  (Communicate Quotes) Your job as an actor is to be a storyteller and communicate to people. And I think it’s very easy to see whether or not people are listening  (Communicate Quotes) I was writing and developing software for alumnae to be able to connect and communicate  (Communicate Quotes) We didn’t have anything before Twitter that allowed a group of people roaming around a city to communicate instantly, in real time, and in a coordinated way, in a group  (Communicate Quotes) I think sometimes writers must attempt to communicate the incommunicable, because, whether they wish it or not, they’re the ones to whom it falls  (Communicate Quotes) Social media is the new way to communicate, the new way to show your work. You don’t have to rely on stuffy, traditional, and conservative methods to be able to display your work  (Communicate Quotes) The most frequent way that I will communicate with him Obamacis when we’re traveling. We talk about what’s in the news, and I hear him talking about issues that are important to him  (Communicate Quotes) Respect is important, if someone has a very clear vision of what they want, as long as they find a way to communicate it, a respectful way  (Communicate Quotes) As a writer, I never paid much attention to the length of titles. I’ve just wanted them to communicate the emotional overtones of the content of a record or song that they are describin  (Communicate Quotes) Twitter is so stupid. I mean, it sucks! It’s not a good way to communicate and it’s really difficult to use it for any functional thing  (Communicate Quotes) As convenient as that would be to make it easier to communicate with more prolific musicians, I don’t want to think of music like a math equation  (Communicate Quotes) We have so many different options now and ways to communicate digitally. But I don’t think anything is more meaningful or powerful than a hand-written letter  (Communicate Quotes) We communicate all the time, even when we don’t realize it. Be aware of body languag  (Communicate Quotes) You can’t win on innovation unless you have a way to communicate it to customers  (Communicate Quotes) How do you expect to communicate with the ocean, when you can’t even understand one another  (Communicate Quotes) The thing that we are trying to do at facebook, is just help people connect and communicate more efficiently  (Communicate Quotes) When there’s chemistry between two people, they’re able to communicate with their eyes, without saying a word  (Communicate Quotes) There are lots of ways to communicate what we know, but few ways to communicate what we feel. Music is one way to communicate emotions  (Communicate Quotes) I do love email. Wherever possible I try to communicate asynchronously. I’m really good at email  (Communicate Quotes) We have intelligent species on our planet that we are not even trying to communicate with  (Communicate Quotes) The way you personally communicate is 90 per cent of how you will be evaluated by any future employer  (Communicate Quotes) Whenever a person is ignoring me, what they’re actually doing is making a conscious choice to communicate that I’m not important to them  (Communicate Quotes) As the leader, part of the job is to be visible and willing to communicate with everyone  (Communicate Quotes) I’m not supposed to communicate something that’s completely unrealistic  (Communicate Quotes) Cats have a contempt of speech. Why should they talk when they can communicate without words?  (Communicate Quotes) Just doing a project because its an opportunity won’t create meaning. As an artist, I need something to communicate  (Communicate Quotes) There are few wild beasts more to be dreaded than a communicative man having nothing to communicate  (Communicate Quotes) I only storyboard scenes that require special effects, where it is necessary to communicate through pictures  (Communicate Quotes)
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