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Parallel cinema has not made an effort to communicate in a language the other person understands  (Communicate Quotes) If you pour your life into songs, you want them to be heard. It’s a desire to communicate. A deep desire to communicate inspires songwriting  (Communicate Quotes) Humans cannot communicate; not even their brains can communicate; not even their conscious minds can communicate. Only communication can communicate  (Communicate Quotes) The sick soon come to understand that they live in a different world from that of the well and that the two cannot communicate  (Communicate Quotes) No matter how much success you’re having, you can’t continue working together if you can’t communicate  (Communicate Quotes) I love essays, but they’re not always the best way to communicate to a larger audience  (Communicate Quotes) I communicate with fans on Twitter. I enjoy the ability to impulsively write something and ship it out to the fans and fellow tweeters out there  (Communicate Quotes) Greenlight is a bad example of an election process. We came to the conclusion pretty quickly that we could just do away with Greenlight completely, because it was a bottleneck rather than a way for people to communicate choice  (Communicate Quotes) We speak of facts, yet facts exist only partially to us if they are not repeated and re-created through emotions, thoughts and feelings. To me it seemed as if we had not really existed, or only half existed, because we could not imaginatively realize ourselves and communicate to the world, because we had used works of imagination to serve as handmaidens to some political ploy  (Communicate Quotes) About myself I have no great illusions. I know what I am. I know what I’m good at. I know what I ain’t. I’m always hoping to surprise myself. But I do have a love of music and I do love to communicate it, and that’s the best I can do, really. And I can raise a good family, too  (Communicate Quotes) I think something that’s very important for us to communicate is usually very simple. Like breathing: Breathing is very simple. You don’t do a dissonant 9th harmony or something in breathing. You just breathe, you know. I think that’s how it is with very important messages  (Communicate Quotes) Because systems of mass communication can communicate only officially acceptable levels of reality, no one can know the extent of the secret unconscious life. No one in America can know what will happen. No one is in real control  (Communicate Quotes) There are many deaf people who couldn’t imagine living in a marriage without someone who doesn’t speak their language. For me, I believe that hearing or deaf is fine as long as both parties are willing to communicate in each other’s language. But if there’s no communication, then the marriage, I believe, will be difficult if not doomed  (Communicate Quotes) For centuries, dreams have been used to communicate instruction and direction to people of purpose - great men and women. God used dreams to prepare Joseph for his future as a leader of nations. He gave battle plans to Gideon in a dream. Joan of Arc, Jacob, George Washington, Marie Curie, and the apostle Paul were all guided by their dreams  (Communicate Quotes) Believing there’s no God stops me from being solipsistic. I can read ideas from all different people from all different cultures. Without God, we can agree on reality, and I can keep learning where I’m wrong. We can all keep adjusting, so we can really communicate  (Communicate Quotes) The following are the universally fundamental laws of literary communication: 1. one must have something to communicate; 2. one must have someone to whom to communicate it; 3. one must really communicate it, not merely express it for oneself alone. Otherwise it would be more to the point to remain silent  (Communicate Quotes) Needed are...[souls] filled with compassion, that we might communicate not only eye to eye, or voice to ear, but in the majestic style of the Savior, even heart to heart  (Communicate Quotes) Emotional intelligence in the work that we do, in the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program, is about equipping young people with the kinds of skills they need to both identify and manage their emotions, to communicate those emotions effectively, and to resolve conflict nonviolently. So it’s a whole set of skills and competencies that, for us, fall under the umbrella of emotional intelligence  (Communicate Quotes) Let people speak. Let people disagree. Communicate. Listen. Have high-respect, if not for your opponent, then for your own comportment and conduct as a good listener  (Communicate Quotes) People mistake their love of the technology for it being a solution. Social media is the problem, not the solution, in crisis management. It’s a problem if you use it to communicate in areas where you’re dealing with incredibly intense emotions and very deep conflicts  (Communicate Quotes) The common thread for everything I do is this idea of a Web-services architecture. What does that mean? It means taking components of software and systems and having them be self-describing, so that you can aim them, ask them what their capabilities are, and communicate with them using a standard protocol  (Communicate Quotes) Williams really does feel like a family, and I have built up very good relationships with people here; in fact, some of my best friends work for Williams. A friendly atmosphere can really help on the track as well because I feel like I can communicate freely with the team  (Communicate Quotes) I would not want the limitations held by the name of a classical musician. I want many people to enjoy my music much beyond just classical music fans. I think the term, ‘violinist,’ keeps me distant from the audience. I want to communicate with them more  (Communicate Quotes) Dealing with those personalities and the people who run this music thing has been most challenging. It’s hard to really communicate things to people who run a business yet forget the nature of the business. They only look at the bottom line and the financial return, you know, they forget what it is they’re packaging. It’s art  (Communicate Quotes) I was born in Brazil and grew up in the 70s under a climate of political distress, and I was forced to learn to communicate in a very specific way - in a sort of a semiotic black market. You couldn’t really say what you wanted to say; you had to invent ways of doing it. You didn’t trust information very much  (Communicate Quotes) I’m not saying you have to keep up. But at the moment you choose to stop growing, your world will begin to shrink. You’ll be able to communicate with fewer people, especially the young. You will only see reruns. You will not understand how to pay for things. The outside world will become a frightening and unpredictable place  (Communicate Quotes) The world itself has become a smaller place. If you want to be remembered and create a legacy, you have to reach out to people. They want to know you. I can just say where I’m going, and Twitter will get it, and if there’s a controversy, I can give my opinion. It’s easier to communicate  (Communicate Quotes) I have my set rigged with the biggest sound system possible and have a mini jack for my iPod attached to my director’s chair. I find playing music is a very direct way to communicate with actors and the crew, especially those crew members who are on the periphery of the set. I like dancing on set too, it’s a good way to release tension  (Communicate Quotes) I think words are the thing that either triumphs for you, in your desire to communicate something, or fails. I love language because when it succeeds, for me, it doesn’t just tell me something. It enacts something. It creates something. And it goes both ways. Sometimes it’s violent. Sometimes it hurts you. And sometimes it saves you  (Communicate Quotes) Ninety percent of leadership is the ability to communicate something people want  (Communicate Quotes)
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