Comparison Quotes

Text Quotes
From the very beginning you are being told to compare yourself with others. This is the greatest disease; it is like a cancer that goes on destroying your very soul because each individual is unique, and comparison is not possible. I am just myself and you are just yourself. There is nobody else in the world you can be compared with (Comparison Quotes)
He that compares what he has done with what he has left undone, will feel the effect which must always follow the comparison of imagination with reality; he will look with contempt on his own unimportance, and wonder to what purpose he came into the world; he will repine that he shall leave behind him no evidence of his having been, that he has added nothing to the system of life, but has glided from youth to age among the crowd, without any effort for distinction (Comparison Quotes)
There is nothing more necessary than truth, and in comparison with it everything else has only secondary value. This absolute will to truth: what is it? Is it the will to not allow ourselves to be deceived? Is it the will not to deceive? One does not want to be deceived, under the supposition that it is injurious, dangerous, or fatal to be deceived (Comparison Quotes)
It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of the nation, that the position of the individual is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole (Comparison Quotes)
Who can estimate the real wealth that inheres in a fine character... How base and mean money and huge estates look in comparison. All other things fade before it. Its touch is like magic to win friendship, influence, power. Can you afford to chill, to discourage, to crush out of your life this sweet, sensitive plant, which would flower in your nature and give added glory to your life, for the sake of a few dollars, a little questionable fame? (Comparison Quotes)
We must not conceal from ourselves that no improvement in the present depressing situation is possible without a severe struggle; for the handful of those who are really determined to do something is minute in comparison with the mass of the lukewarm and the misguided. And those who have an interest in keeping the machinery of war going are a very powerful body; they will stop at nothing to make public opinion subservient to their murderous ends (Comparison Quotes)
Let man then contemplate the whole of nature in her full and grand majesty... No idea approaches it. We may enlarge our conceptions beyond all imaginable space; we only produce atoms in comparison with the reality of things. It is an infinite sphere, the center of which is everywhere, the circumference nowhere (Comparison Quotes)
The terms good and bad indicate no positive quality in things regarded in themselves, but are merely modes of thinking or notions, which we form from the comparison of things one with another. Thus one and the same thing can be at the same time good, bad, and indifferent. For instance, music is good for him that is melancholy, bad for him that mourns; for him that is deaf; it is neither good nor bad (Comparison Quotes)
It is certainly true that reason is the most important and the highest rank among all things and, in comparison with other things of this life, the best and something divine. It is the inventor and mentor of all the arts, medicines, laws, and of whatever wisdom, power, virtue, and glory men possess in this life (Comparison Quotes)
I was trained as a neurologist, and then I went into the theater, and if you’re brought up to think of yourself as a biological scientist of some sort, pretty well everything else seems frivolous by comparison (Comparison Quotes)
I performed adequately at school, but in comparison to my older brother, who set the record for the highest cumulative average for our high school, my performance was decidedly mediocre (Comparison Quotes)
This nation has been drifting back in comparison with the rest of the world for the last 20 years in education (Comparison Quotes)
All material changes in our everyday life are small in comparison with those in our spiritual life (Comparison Quotes)
Economy is a distributive virtue, and consists not in saving but selection. Parsimony requires no providence, no sagacity, no powers of combination, no comparison, no judgment (Comparison Quotes)
To be deprived of the person we love is a happiness in comparison to living with one we hate (Comparison Quotes)
Strictly speaking, one should not even rightly compare virginity to marriage because you cannot make a comparison between two things if one is good and the other evil (Comparison Quotes)
But this word will I say to my enemies: What is all manslaughter in comparison with what you have done to me (Comparison Quotes)
Recollections of early childhood bear comparison to fairy tales, and... youth remains an unknown country to whose bourn no traveler returns except as the agent of a foreign power (Comparison Quotes)
Being a father... I can’t help feeling that, by comparison with being a mother, being a father is a rather abstract business (Comparison Quotes)
His judgments are just; His mercy without limit; His power to compensate beyond any earthly comparison (Comparison Quotes)
When each thing is unique in itself, there can be no comparison made... There is only this strange recognition of present otherness (Comparison Quotes)
I really reject that kind of comparison that says, Oh, he is the best. This is the second best. There is no such thing (Comparison Quotes)
The Athanasian Creed is to me light and intelligible reading in comparison with much that now passes for science (Comparison Quotes)
There was a bit of a comparison that Bret was making between Vince McMahon and my dad. He looked up to Vince as a dad and stuff, and it was a shame to see the whole thing end the way it did (Comparison Quotes)
I think my comparison with Shane would be a loner. I always got the impression that she wasn’t scared to be alone. She enjoys it. I can relate to that (Comparison Quotes)
I think the attempt to draw a comparison between Iran and Syria is false, misleading and dangerous (Comparison Quotes)
But sequence comparisons simply can’t account for the development of complex biochemical systems any more than Darwin’s comparison of simple and complex eyes told him how vision worked (Comparison Quotes)
In comparison to the eight years I spent on Klonopin, the cocaine and brandy wins hands down. If you are ever in a drugstore and they put you on Klonopin, run out of there screaming (Comparison Quotes)
Margaret Thatcher was a great leader for her nation at a pivotal and a perilous time. So, I find the comparison flattering, but that’s up to others to say whether that comparison is justified (Comparison Quotes)
For me, being alove it is being close to nature, either by the beach or near the ocean. When I look around and see how small I am in comparison to all that surrounds me, it fuels me (Comparison Quotes)