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Compassion Quotes

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True compassion is undirected and holds no conceptual focus. That kind of genuine, true compassion is only possible after realizing emptiness  (Compassion Quotes) Mum always taught us that compassion and kindness were the most important things in life, that it was better to be kind than right  (Compassion Quotes) I don’t think of compassion as sympathy but rather as empathy. An understanding of how people are feeling, which often translates into action  (Compassion Quotes) I have always felt that the way we treat animals is a pretty good indicator of the compassion we are capable of for the human race  (Compassion Quotes) I see shining fish struggling within tight nets, while I hear orioles singing carefree tunes. Even trivial creatures know the difference between freedom and bondage. Sympathy and compassion should be but natural to the human heart  (Compassion Quotes) A calm mind releases the most precious capacity a human being can have: the capacity to turn anger into compassion, fear into fearlessness, and hatred into love  (Compassion Quotes) Despite all their fears, we ask very little of the ones who never loved us. We do not ask for sympathy or pain or compassion. We simply want to know why  (Compassion Quotes) Some people say that compassion is the purest form of love because it neither expects nor demands anything in return  (Compassion Quotes) If you eat chicken, maybe you’re on one level. If you wear a mink coat, maybe you’re on another level. But if you wear cosmetics, cosmetics that are tested on animals, then you’re just unconscious. Really, my message is simple. It’s a message of compassion. In this world that is spinning madly out of control, we have to realize that we’re all related. We have to try to live harmoniously  (Compassion Quotes) I live my life with love. I live my life with compassion. I live my life hoping the best for absolutely everyone, no matter how they feel about me. And when you live that way, it’s amazing how beautiful every day can be  (Compassion Quotes) Stop and appreciate what you have today. Look at what you have with wider eyes, maybe with more compassion and more gratitude for the things that you do have and not the things you don’t have  (Compassion Quotes) Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you  (Compassion Quotes) Honesty is the quality I value most in a friend. Not bluntness, but honesty with compassion  (Compassion Quotes) Resounding…with wit, courage, and compassion. Skinny will speak to everyone who has ever felt invisible or unlovable  (Compassion Quotes) I preach that odd defiant melancholy that sees the dreadful loneliness of the human soul and the pitiful disaster of human life as ever redeemable and redeemed by compassion, friendship and love  (Compassion Quotes) To go beyond samsara and nirvana, we will need the two wings of emptiness and compassion. From now on, let us use these two wings to fly fearlessly into the sky of the life to come  (Compassion Quotes) To be a baby elephant must be wonderful. Surrounded by a loving family 24 hours a day. Touched by the family, cuddled and comforted. A tremendous love and compassion exuded by every family member. I think it must be how it ought to be, in a perfect world  (Compassion Quotes) Atheists anger doesn’t prove that we’re selfish, or joyless, or miserable. It shows that we have compassion, and a sense of justice. We’re angry because we see terrible harm all around us, and we feel desperately motivated to stop it  (Compassion Quotes) The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it  (Compassion Quotes) Teaching my kids to give back is an essential part of parenting. It’s not something that’s optional. Compassion is one of the basic values that I want my children to have: that if they see a need, whether it’s around the corner or thousands of miles of away, they should feel motivated to do whatever they can to help  (Compassion Quotes) You can’t go into the ring and be a nice guy. I would go a month, two months, without having sex. It worked for me because it made me a vicious animal. You can’t fight if you have any compassion or anything like that  (Compassion Quotes) We have been given the gift of life in this perplexing world to become who we ultimately are: creatures of boundless love, caring compassion, and wisdom  (Compassion Quotes) Our compassion is the fruit of our spiritual lives; it actually arises spontaneously when formed by intention in our spiritual practice. Love and compassion are always the goods of the spiritual journey, and they are guided by divine wisdom, which then shapes compassion in the concrete situations of our existence  (Compassion Quotes) I will have faith that, though I might not understand why adversity happens, by my conscious choice I can find strength, compassion, and grace through my trials  (Compassion Quotes) The real platform for religion is based on the concepts of compassion, respect and consideration, not just for human beings, but for all forms of life  (Compassion Quotes) Be kind to people whether they deserve your kindness or not. If your kindness reaches the deserving good for you if your kindness reaches the undeserving take joy in your compassion  (Compassion Quotes) Jesus wants to give you five things: extravagant compassion, moral clarity, sacrificial courage, persevering hope, and refreshing joy  (Compassion Quotes) When our grandchildren ask us where we were when the voiceless and the vulnerable in our era needed leaders of compassion and purpose, I hope we can say that we showed up, and that we showed up on time  (Compassion Quotes) I think of veganism humbly and holistically. It’s about taking personal responsibility in a world so full of needless suffering. It’s challenging one’s self to open one’s eyes and question society’s assumptions and habits. It’s about critical thinking and compassion and how we would like to see the world evolve  (Compassion Quotes) Commercial interests with their advertising industry do not want people to develop contentment and less greed. Military interests in economic, political, ethnic or nationalist guises, do not want people to develop more tolerance, nonviolence and compassion. And ruling groups in general, in whatever sort of hierarchy do not want the ruled to become too insightful, too independent, too creative on their own, as the danger is that they will become insubordinate, rebellious, and unproductive in their alloted tasks  (Compassion Quotes)
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