Compassion Quotes

Text Quotes
I want to be part of the storytelling that educates people and awakens a sense of compassion in other people of the kind of people they don’t encounter in their daily lives very frequently (Compassion Quotes)
Sometimes we are separated by differences, and sometimes we are united by common ideals of respect and compassion (Compassion Quotes)
We are taught that revenge is strong and compassion is weak. We are taught that power is more important than love (Compassion Quotes)
The priest was on a roll: Each person you meet is worthy of your compassion! He prayed loudly. Sheep, too, the knitter mentally added (Compassion Quotes)
When we focus on clarifying what is being observed, felt, and needed rather than on diagnosing and judging, we discover the depth of our own compassion (Compassion Quotes)
What I want in my life is compassion a flow between myself and others based on mutual giving from the heart (Compassion Quotes)
But if we have the energy of compassion and loving kindness in us, the people around us will be influenced by our way of being and living (Compassion Quotes)
Compassion makes no distinction between friends and enemies, neighbors and outsiders, compatriots and foreigners. Compassion is the gate to human community (Compassion Quotes)
Compassion is not a dirty word.. it’s time we rehabilitated compassion into the national political vocabulary of this great nation of ours (Compassion Quotes)
Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion (Compassion Quotes)
Fear of corporal punishment obscures children’s awareness of the compassion underlying the parent’s demands (Compassion Quotes)
When people hear needs, it provokes compassion. When people hear diagnoses, it provokes defensiveness and attack (Compassion Quotes)
Compassion is the ability to understand how difficult it is for people to be the best of what they want to be at all times (Compassion Quotes)
Compassion is not sympathy. Compassion is mercy. It is a commitment to take responsibility for the suffering of others (Compassion Quotes)
How much better the world would be if we all gave gifts of understanding, and compassion, of service, and friendship, of kindness and gentleness (Compassion Quotes)
Human dignity can be achieved only in the field of ethics, and ethical achievement is measured by the degree in which our actions are governed by compassion and love, not by greed and aggressiveness (Compassion Quotes)
People confuse compassion with government being compassionate with other people’s money versus people being compassionate with their own money (Compassion Quotes)
Gratitude free of compassion is selfishness. It is nothing more than being happy for what has been done to benefit you (Compassion Quotes)
If compassion and mercy are not compatible with politics then something is the matter with politics (Compassion Quotes)
A summons home to the nature that nourishes the best human qualities of creativity, intelligence, connection, and compassion (Compassion Quotes)
From looking at your neighbor and realizing his true significance, and that he will die, pity and compassion will arise in you for him and finally you will love him (Compassion Quotes)
The solution to nearly every problem in the world comes down to greater awareness, compassion, and empathy (Compassion Quotes)
Every act of kindness and compassion toward others gets multiplied when they, in turn, pass it on. One by one the world becomes a better place. Service is indeed the gift that keeps on giving (Compassion Quotes)
It is above all by the imagination that we achieve perception and compassion and hope (Compassion Quotes)
I have seen in the Halls of Congress more idealism, more humanness, more compassion, more profiles of courage than in any other institution that I have ever known (Compassion Quotes)
I realized a while back that I have an innate ability to be compassionate, and I saw that the strength of compassion is something that healers have and healers use (Compassion Quotes)
In search of a complete education with the ideals of trust, faith, understanding and compassion, many families are turning to the structure, discipline and academic standards of Catholic schools (Compassion Quotes)
It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord, to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith, has suffered and died for me, and that He will look on me in love and compassion (Compassion Quotes)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a time to honor the greatest champion of racial equality who taught a nation - through compassion and courage - about democracy, nonviolence and racial justice (Compassion Quotes)
They weren’t impatient for the boys to turn into cartoons again. They awarded sympathy, gave compassion. Because deep down they had found parts of themselves in the characters. You said it George (Compassion Quotes)