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Compassion Quotes

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Developing compassion for Congress and politicians is a good way to begin practicing the new social activism if you want to make effective changes in the world. Perhaps the most startling new insight of all is that there is no other way to effectively change the world  (Compassion Quotes) There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt. And, of course, there are Christian monks and nuns who already use Buddhist methods in order to develop their devotion, compassion, and ability to forgive  (Compassion Quotes) Meditation is valuable for all of humanity because it involves looking inward. People don’t have to be religious to look inside themselves more carefully. It is constructive and worthwhile to analyze our emotions, including compassion and our sense of caring, so that we can become more calm and happy  (Compassion Quotes) The trick, though, is to not lose compassion, to not allow the sense of absurdity to outweigh the awareness of real beings, with real feelings. Mean-spirited humor turns the world into cardboard, the way Midas’s simple-minded greed turned food into inedible and useless stuff  (Compassion Quotes) For every teenager there are issues that make finding it hard. These girls are totally unique and totally like every teenager everywhere - in the world. They illuminate, beautifully, the universal search for identity that we all have. I hope that people come away from the film with a better understanding of themselves, and compassion for others  (Compassion Quotes) I grew up with a lot of compassion and empathy. I notice when I meet other friends of mine that were raised Christian sometimes we have similar model of sensitivity, whether to our advantage or disadvantage  (Compassion Quotes) It’s the coolest thing - showing young, bright, and creative people that compassion and a compassionate life is the richest way to live. When you live that life, you create progress, productivity, and innovation  (Compassion Quotes) I have been a spokesperson for Operation Smile for twenty years helping children with facial deformities. I also have worked with a children’s mission called Compassion International. Both are doing amazing work for the children of the world  (Compassion Quotes) Acting is kind of a forced compassion, where you learn that given certain circumstances, you can feel and do things that you never thought yourself capable of. And so it stops you from being super-judgmental  (Compassion Quotes) Success is the ability to meet worthy goals, but it’s also the ability to love and have compassion and the ability to get in touch with your creative center, to transform yourself toward more peaceful and just pursuits. I hope we redefine success. Otherwise, we’ll see more of what we’re already seeing - more aggression, more burnout, more Wall Street scandals, more war, more terrorism, more eco-destruction  (Compassion Quotes) At times anger will trigger harsh words. After a cooling period wisdom sets in; finally, the ability to speak from the heart with love and compassion  (Compassion Quotes) Ultimately, the reason why love and compassion bring the greatest happiness is simply that our nature cherishes them above all else. The need for love lies at the very foundation of human existence  (Compassion Quotes) The light of compassion opens the petals of the heart. When the petals of the heart unfold fragrance spreads across the valley  (Compassion Quotes) We enjoy observing kindness and compassion in others; while we act as evils  (Compassion Quotes) Actions are most important in life: act with love, kindness, understanding, and compassion toward others that they may bear witness to your belief(s)  (Compassion Quotes) Wisdom is a true activity of compassion. And so, meditation is the act of loving kindness. It is the activity where loving kindness is applied on all levels  (Compassion Quotes) Only choices made in love are compassionate. There are no exceptions. Do you have the courage to act with an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome? If not, you have no ability to give or experience compassion. That is the shocking truth  (Compassion Quotes) If your questioning whether something will work or not. Remember that life is an experiment. Don’t over analyze just act with heart and passion and move forward in compassion  (Compassion Quotes) In order for us to be able to love, we need to have faith, because faith is love in action and love in action is service. In order for us to be able to love, we have to see and touch. Faith in action through prayer, faith in action through service: each is the same thing, the same love, the same compassion  (Compassion Quotes) Compassion is not a sometime action; it’s an every time passion! You can’t be compassionate for less than 7 days in one week... That’s first class hypocrisy!  (Compassion Quotes) People are complicated creatures. On the one hand, capable of great acts of charity, and on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It’s a constant battle that rages within all of us, between the better angels of our nature and the temptations of our inner demons. And sometimes, the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.  (Compassion Quotes) The revolution and women’s liberation go together. We do not talk of women’s emancipation as an act of charity or out of a surge of human compassion. It is a basic necessity for the revolution to triumph. Women hold up the other half of the sky.  (Compassion Quotes) I’m fascinated how often and with what whole-heartedness people will risk their lives to perform acts of courage, sacrifice, and compassion for total strangers.  (Compassion Quotes) Though your acts of love and compassion cannot penetrate bandages or armour, they are never wasted and never lost. They sit within the recipient’s mind, awaiting his awakening.  (Compassion Quotes) Remember that you don’t have to like or admire someone to feel compassion for that person. All you have to do is wish for that person to be happy.  (Compassion Quotes) I wasn’t going to say anything about that, Tabitha, he said quietly. I only wanted to tell you that your compassion for other people overwhelms me.Oh. She offered him a tenuous smile. I’m just used to people condemning everything I do.He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. I don’t condemn you, my lady. I only admire you.  (Compassion Quotes) Weakness is something we don’t like to admit we have. We hold it against people, until we experience it, and then we feel more compassion for it.  (Compassion Quotes) With compassion you can die for other people, like the mother who can die for her child. You have the courage to say it because you are not afraid of losing anything, because you know that understanding and love is the foundation of happiness. But if you have fear of losing your status, your position, you will not have the courage to do it.  (Compassion Quotes) If you are fortunate in life, age and knowledge breed compassion. And as I have gotten older, I came to understand, that a person’s sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to be a good parent.  (Compassion Quotes) Life is all about choices. Today, show compassion for others, think powerful thoughts, and exercise self control.  (Compassion Quotes)
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