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One wants permissive individuals who do not have a compelling need to reassure themselves that they are leaders  (Compelling Quotes) A chair is the first thing you need when you don’t really need anything, and is therefore a peculiarly compelling symbol of civilization. For it is civilization, not survival, that requires design  (Compelling Quotes) Research indicates that once an uncommitted couple gets involved in sexual intercourse, the relationship usually begins to end. They have reached the superficial end of the physical aspects of the relationship, and they have no particularly compelling reason to explore its depths  (Compelling Quotes) We are all unconsciously in search of love. Whenever we feel its presence in our environment, we can’t help but be drawn to it. There is no more compelling energy in the world  (Compelling Quotes) Perfection, in the form of a flawless stream of words delivered with cool composure, is never as persuasive as realness. An impassioned but imperfect speech, which shows you care too much to hide flaws, is far more compelling  (Compelling Quotes) Speaking passionately from the very center of who you are is compelling, forceful, persuasive: that’s what leadership sounds like  (Compelling Quotes) Love it when a compelling new character kicks open your mental door, tracks mud across your brain, and props their feet up on your cerebrum  (Compelling Quotes) From a business perspective, the question related to cities and sustainability is clear and compelling: can you have a healthy company in an unhealthy city? Arguably, no. Companies need healthy cities to provide reliable infrastructure, an educated and vital workforce, a vibrant economy, and a safe and secure environment to survive and thrive. Business executives have a lot to learn from cities, and a lot to contribute, and this book shows the way, chronicling the successes and the lessons learned about what it takes to make a city healthy, in every sense of the word  (Compelling Quotes) Make sure your characters are worth spending ten hours with. That’s how long it takes to read a book. Reading a book is like being trapped in a room for ten hours with those characters. Think of your main characters as dinner guests. Would your friends want to spend ten hours with the characters you’ve created? Your characters can be loveable, or they can be evil, but they’d better be compelling. If not, your reader will be bored and leave  (Compelling Quotes) Compelling characters are not cogs in the machine of your plot; they are human beings to whom the story happens  (Compelling Quotes) Unfortunately, the world continues, history continues to produce tragedies. And it is very important that they be documented in a humane way, in a compelling way  (Compelling Quotes) These are things I’d never seen before, they were very disturbing and they were very compelling to try and do something to change the situation for the animals. Farm animals are providing us with the food to stay alive, so I think we really owe them a decent life while they are alive  (Compelling Quotes) So long as we insist upon defining our identities only in terms of our work, so long as we try to blind ourselves to the needs of our children and harden our hearts against them, we will continue to feel torn, dissatisfied, and exhausted…. The guilt we feel for neglecting our children is a byproduct of our love for them. It keeps us from straying too far from them, for too long. Their cry should be more compelling than the call from the office  (Compelling Quotes) The mere summoning of a witness and compelling him to testify against his will, about his beliefs, expressions or associations, is a measure of governmental interference. And when those forced revelations concern maters that are unorthodox, unpopular, or even hateful to the general public, the reactions in the life of the witness may be disastrous  (Compelling Quotes) The most compelling narrative, expressed in sentences with which I have no chemical reaction, or an adverse one, leaves me cold  (Compelling Quotes) The more complex and overwhelming the threat to a protagonist, the better the opportunity for the author to create a compelling conflict and a dramatic resolution  (Compelling Quotes) I have a theory... that someplace at the heart of most compelling stories is something that doesn’t make sense  (Compelling Quotes) My first job is to write a book that I believe is compelling and deserves the long sustained attention that any novel requires, and to worry about the commerce only late in the game  (Compelling Quotes) Even now I try to make each page compelling for the readers to get absorbed in the book  (Compelling Quotes) There’s something very beautiful and compelling about someone who has ambition and someone who knows what they want, but it can get a little frustrating at times, so I understand that. I have sympathy for that  (Compelling Quotes) I feel like my responsibility as an actor is to make characters as compelling and believable as possible  (Compelling Quotes) Ultimately, physical resemblance isn’t as important as whether this person can bring this character to life in a way that’s compelling and makes me care about what happens to them  (Compelling Quotes) The thing about a good podcast is you have to have a good host. If you don’t have a compelling host then you have nothing  (Compelling Quotes) I think the tricky balance, the most important thing more than the horror is to have a compelling story, compelling drama, a show about great characters that you care about and you want to come back every week to see what they’re up to  (Compelling Quotes) This intimacy is not necessary; no one is compelling me to open my inmost self and lay it naked, undefended, against that of another – merely for the joy of the communion  (Compelling Quotes) Traditionally, universities have seen size as potentially dilutive to quality. If you doubled the size of campus and faculty, most would argue that you would make it a less compelling school. However, online schools will be as good as their classroom peers only if they are large enough to afford a substantial and ongoing investment  (Compelling Quotes) The thing with kids is that you only get one chance to do it right. It’s really important to share their gifts while they’re discovering them. That’s why spelling bees are such a compelling story. They stimulate them intellectually, they awaken their competitive spirit, but it’s fun. There’s something fun about words  (Compelling Quotes) We read literature for a lot of reasons, but two of the most compelling ones are to get out of ourselves and our life stories and – equally important – to find ourselves by understanding our own life stories more clearly in the context of others  (Compelling Quotes) I don’t think writers are any smarter than other people. I think they may be more compelling in their stupidity, or in their confusion  (Compelling Quotes) God loves atheists. The former ones make the most compelling theists because they’re so empirically familiar with how atheists think  (Compelling Quotes)
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