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Competent Quotes

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Service makes men competent  (Competent Quotes) Competition is for the competent  (Competent Quotes) The future belongs to the competent  (Competent Quotes) Luck is an accident that happens to the competent  (Competent Quotes) For a competent audience, uncommon men must have other uncommon men  (Competent Quotes) You cannot trust Jesus in areas in which you don’t think him competent  (Competent Quotes) I am constitutionally competent to contest the elections  (Competent Quotes) Any competent actor could have done what I did  (Competent Quotes) I would rather have a competent extremist than an incompetent moderate  (Competent Quotes) Parenting is about being competent and responsible. It’s not about gender, necessarily  (Competent Quotes) You have to have competent people evaluating the athlete, not the housewives!  (Competent Quotes) The analyses... often become too competent to be comprehensible  (Competent Quotes) There is nothing miraculous about puzzles. Competent mentalism is miraculous  (Competent Quotes) I fancy myself as being a fairly competent person  (Competent Quotes) The infinitely competent can be uncreative  (Competent Quotes) A competent portraitist knows how to imply the profile in the full face  (Competent Quotes) Always surround yourself with people who are even more talented and competent than you  (Competent Quotes) The more we give importance to skill development, the more competent will be our youth  (Competent Quotes) No man is competent unless he can stalk alone and armed in the wilderness  (Competent Quotes) Keep your friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent  (Competent Quotes) Playing acoustic and line drawings are the two things I’m most competent at  (Competent Quotes) A lot of very competent people sometimes make errors  (Competent Quotes) It’s easy to love kids who make you feel competent  (Competent Quotes) I could do a good imitation of a competent young woman  (Competent Quotes) Truly competent Literary Detectives are as rare as truthful men, Mr. Tweed - you can see her potential as clearly as I can. Frightened of someone stealing your thunder, perhaps?  (Competent Quotes) Anyone who has ever been able to sustain good work has had at least one person--and often many--who have believed in him or her. We just don't get to be competent human beings without a lot of different investments from others  (Competent Quotes) What is competent writing? Competent writing is writing that efficiently describes ideas and concepts to an audience, using a grammar that the audience can understand  (Competent Quotes) I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary  (Competent Quotes) I consider myself to be an inept pianist, a bad singer, and a merely competent songwriter. What I do, in my opinion, is by no means extraordinary  (Competent Quotes) Whenever serious and competent people need to get things done in the real world, all considerations of tradition and protocol fly out the window  (Competent Quotes)
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