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Complain Quotes

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If what a person wants is his life, he tends to be quiet about wanting anything else. Once the life begins to seem secure, one feels the freedom to complain  (Complain Quotes) But all that being said about modulation, if you’re serving people delicious food, they won’t complain  (Complain Quotes) I have so much chaos in my life, it’s become normal. You become used to it. You have to just relax, calm down, take a deep breath and try to see how you can make things work rather than complain about how they’re wrong  (Complain Quotes) You shouldn’t get to live in society and give nothing back. People complain about their taxes, yet they do nothing for the community. That makes me furious  (Complain Quotes) Till people find themselves greatly abused and oppressed by their governors, they are not apt to complain; and whenever they do, in fact, find themselves thus abused and oppressed, they must be stupid not to complain  (Complain Quotes) Savvy observers occasionally note television’s resemblance to the weather: Everybody loves to complain about it, but nobody can do anything to fix it  (Complain Quotes) I don’t think I have the mileage on me to really complain of any injuries yet  (Complain Quotes) You will find in politics that you are much exposed to the attribution of false motive. Never complain and never explain  (Complain Quotes) I don’t think I’m really in a situation to complain, because I consider myself to be privileged to be doing what I do  (Complain Quotes) Often times people complain about the lack of time in television, but I have to say, you don’t have any more time to film in feature films then you do in television. It’s just a question of how many scenes you’ll be doing in the course of a day  (Complain Quotes) People used to complain that selling a president was like selling a bar of soap. But when you buy soap, at least you get the soap. In this campaign, you just get two guys telling you they really value cleanliness  (Complain Quotes) The pressures, I don’t really like to think about the pressures, I like to solve them, you know what I mean. I could sit here and complain about pressures but nobody wants to hear about pressures  (Complain Quotes) I can’t complain about my life. I have a really nice life. I have a great family and I live in a gorgeous part of the country  (Complain Quotes) When people complain of life, it is almost always because they have asked impossible things of it  (Complain Quotes) I have a very good life, so I have nothing to complain about. Sometimes, I just have existential angst  (Complain Quotes) In my mind and in my heart, I feel okay. I cannot complain that I haven’t lived long enough, but I’d like to live longer  (Complain Quotes) I am not disposed to complain that I have planted and others have gathered the fruits  (Complain Quotes) We should all do something to right the wrongs that we see and not just complain about them  (Complain Quotes) Even on a $100 million film, people will complain that they haven’t got enough money and enough time, so that’s always going to be an element in filmmaking  (Complain Quotes) So when I was told to work, ten, twelve hours a day as an assistant pro, I didn’t complain. It was normal  (Complain Quotes) Somebody did complain to me and tell me that my clothes were so loud they couldn’t hear me sing  (Complain Quotes) Man is insatiable for power; he is infantile in his desires and, always discontented with what he has, loves only what he has not. People complain of the despotism of princes; they ought to complain of the despotism of man  (Complain Quotes) Am I going to complain about being typecast as smart? I don’t think so  (Complain Quotes) I’m fearless, I don’t complain. Even when horrible things happen to me, I go on  (Complain Quotes) I’ve been in the league 12 years. To sit on the bench and complain about the way things were, that doesn’t get anything done. I don’t know. I’m playing for a championship and trying to make the playoffs. My effort has never changed  (Complain Quotes) Maybe it’s the music that enables them to function like that, to always take everything as it comes and never complain about the misery, hardship or injustice  (Complain Quotes) Anybody can decide if they have got the money to fight a case if they don’t like a particular thing, and they complain to the watch committee, local council or whatever  (Complain Quotes) I don’t mean to complain. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything  (Complain Quotes) It’s really easy to complain. If you’re not careful, then you end up complaining about your whole life. Concentrating on the good things is really good. Catch people doing good  (Complain Quotes) We often just accept the things that we like, and complain a lot about the things that we don’t like. But if we could, like, intensely dwell on the really great things in life the way we intensely dwell on the negative things in life; I think that would be fantastic  (Complain Quotes)
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