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Complain Quotes

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If we escape punishment for our vices, why should we complain if we are not rewarded for our virtues?  (Complain Quotes) Upon the whole, I am inclined to think that the far greater part, if not all, of those difficulties which have hitherto amused philosophers, and blocked up the way to knowledge, are entirely owing to our selves. That we have first raised a dust, and then complain, we cannot see  (Complain Quotes) We may complain and cavil at the anarchy which is the amateurs natural element, but in soberness we must agree that if the amateur did not exist it would be necessary to invent him  (Complain Quotes) Those who enter to buy, support me. Those who come to flatter, please me. Those who complain, teach me how I may please others so that more will come. Those only hurt me who are displeased but do not complain. They refuse me permission to correct my errors and thus improve my service  (Complain Quotes) I was raised by a lady that was crippled all her life but she did everything for me and she raised me. She washed our clothes, cooked our food, she did everything for us. I don’t think I ever heard her complain a day in her life. She taught me responsibility towards my brother and sisters and the community  (Complain Quotes) I have a low tolerance for people who complain about things but never do anything to change them. This led me to conclude that the single largest pool of untapped natural resources in this world is human good intentions that are never translated into actions  (Complain Quotes) It’s not something to complain about, but just the major difference between college and the pros is that in college you’re guaranteed four to five years so long as you don’t do anything criminally and in the pros you’re guaranteed one day because you can be cut the next  (Complain Quotes) I think if you do a lot of interviews, you’re laying yourself open. If you put yourself out, accept every invitation to every premiere, then you can’t really complain when people knock on your front door and photograph you in the street  (Complain Quotes) Everything in our background has prepared us to know and resist a prison when the gates begin to close around us... But what if there are no cries of anguish to be heard? Who is prepared to take arms against a sea of amusements? To whom do we complain, and when, and in what tone of voice, when serious discourse dissolves into giggles? What is the antidote to a culture’s being drained by laughter?  (Complain Quotes) No voice comes from outer space, from the folds of dust and carpets of wind to tell us that this is the way it was meant to happen, that if only we knew how long the ruins would last we would never complain  (Complain Quotes) I hate to complain... No one is without difficulties, whether in high or low life, and every person knows best where their own shoe pinches  (Complain Quotes) I know it’s important to do more than just complain when there’s something you don’t like. You need to try to do something about it, or you’re nothing but a whiner  (Complain Quotes) ... if reality is hard and flat and unjust, then it’s better to adjust to what really is than to complain that it isn’t what you wish. That was what made me lose faith... But having lost it, soon I doubted my lack of faith. There were niggling hints of meaning everywhere  (Complain Quotes) She wants to be flowers, but you make her owls. You must not complain, then, if she goes hunting  (Complain Quotes) It is not so much the greatness of our troubles, as the littleness of our spirit, which makes us complain  (Complain Quotes) Did I have a heart to be contented? Well, no, not particularly. I had a tendency to be discontented: ambitious, dissatisfied, fretful, and tough to please... It’s easier to complain than to laugh, easier to yell than to joke around, easier to be demanding than to be satisfied  (Complain Quotes) The people do not complain because they have no voice; do not move because they are lethargic, and you say that they do not suffer because you have not seen their hearts bleed  (Complain Quotes) The missing crowds make you lonely. You begin to complain about all the people you could be meeting. But no one listens or sympathizes with you, because this is precisely what you chose when you were alive  (Complain Quotes) If you complain to someone, you assume that it’s someone who really cares about you  (Complain Quotes) She could not complain about not having shoes when the person she was talking to had no legs  (Complain Quotes) There is a foundation for our lives, a place in which our life rests. That place is nothing but the present moment, as we see, hear, experience what is. If we do not return to that place, we live our lives out of our heads. We blame others; we complain; we feel sorry for ourselves. All of these symptoms show that we’re stuck in our thoughts. We’re out of touch with the open space that is always right here  (Complain Quotes) I thought there were moments to complain about your parents and moments to be grateful, and it was a shame to mix those moments up  (Complain Quotes) In many shamanic societies, people who complain of being disheartened... or depressed would be asked,... When did you stop dancing?... This is because dancing is a universal healing salve  (Complain Quotes) Life should not be estimated exclusively by the standard of dollars and cents. I am not disposed to complain that I have planted and other have gathered the fruits. A man has cause for regret only when he sows and no one reaps  (Complain Quotes) If you’re aware of injustice, you can either ignore it, say there is nothing you can do about it, complain about it and not do anything, or put your energies into doing something about it  (Complain Quotes) If only mortals would learn how great it is to possess divine grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious. How many riches it hides within itself, how many joys and delights! No one would complain about his cross or about troubles that may happen to him, if he would come to know the scales on which they are weighed when they are distributed to men  (Complain Quotes) The only time I talk on the golf course is to my caddie. And then only to complain when he gives me the wrong club  (Complain Quotes) I’m 31 years old and can’t complain about the money I make and the smiles I can create on people’s faces  (Complain Quotes) An acquaintance of mine, a notary by profession, who, by perpetual writing, began first to complain of an excessive wariness of his whole right arm which could be removed by no medicines, and which was at last succeeded by a perfect palsy of the whole arm... He learned to write with his left hand, which was soon thereafter seized with the same disorder  (Complain Quotes) Sometimes we complain, but there is something beautiful about waking up before everyone to get better at what we love  (Complain Quotes)
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