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Complementarity Quotes

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There is a certain element of complementarity between men and women that is biological by nature  (Complementarity Quotes) Marriage is built around complementarity of the sexes and therefore the institution of marriage is a support for stable families and societies  (Complementarity Quotes) Only those who see that the two sides of all phenomena, visible and invisible, are front and back or beginning and end of one reality can embrace any antagonistic situation, see its complementarity, and help others to do the same, thereby establishing peace and harmony  (Complementarity Quotes) We can be human only together. A person is a person to other persons. We so desperately long for all of us to learn that we are meant for one another. We are meant for complementarity  (Complementarity Quotes) The universe and its beings are a complementarity of empty infinity, intimate interrelationships, and total uniqueness of each and every being  (Complementarity Quotes) Only those who see that the two sides of all phenomena, visible and invisible, are front and back or beginning and end of one reality can embrace any antagonistic situation, see its complementarity , and help others to do the same, thereby establishing peace and harmony.  (Complementarity Quotes)