Complete Quotes
Text Quotes
Analysis, if it is really carried out with a complete concentration of his powers, forms and completes a chess player (Complete Quotes)
Salvation does not lie where strong thrones are defended by swords, where the smoke of censers ascend to heaven or where thousands of strong men pace the rich fields of harvest. The revolution which is about to break will be sterile if it is not complete (Complete Quotes)
There is no complete life. There are only fragments. We are born to have nothing, to have it pour through our hands. And yet, this pouring, this flood of encounters, struggles, dreams (Complete Quotes)
Nothing beats novel writing because it’s complete expression of you. You just control everything. Not even a movie director has that level of control (Complete Quotes)
The way we move within time is a kind of dance. We are always keeping time within one rhythm or another. Music, of course, is exemplary. One reason we love music so much is that it’s so complete and the notes harmonize with one another in time to make a beautiful, ideal statement; not like our daily life where the rhythms are more subtle or hard to find or are constantly being interrupted or changed in ways that aren’t so easy to handle (Complete Quotes)
Everything, if you could only see it clearly enough, like this, is beautiful and complete. Everything has its own perfection (Complete Quotes)
Never not dare to hang yourself. That’s the only way you grow in your profession. You must continually attempt things that you think are beyond you, or you get into a complete rut (Complete Quotes)
Although the optimist may be a little giddy when foreseeing the future, telling himself that it will all work out in the end when that isn’t always the case, his attitude is more fruitful since, in the hope of undertaking a hundred projects, followed up by diligent action, the optimist will end up completing fifty. Conversely, in limiting himself to undertake a mere ten, the pessimist might complete five at best and often fewer, since he’ll devote little energy to a task he feels to be doomed from the start (Complete Quotes)
I am convinced that any photographic attempt to show the complete man is nonsense. We can only show, as best we can, what the outer man reveals. The inner man is seldom revealed to anyone, sometimes not even the man himself (Complete Quotes)
One of the best ways to know you’re completely wrong, is to behave as if you’re complete right (Complete Quotes)
One might as well attempt to describe the smoothness of the wind as to paint a clear picture of his complete swing (Complete Quotes)
Today we may face some boring task or idle conversation that feels like a complete waste of time. Perhaps next week or next year we’ll understand that nothing is wasted, that in the economy of our universe even a weed is simply a flower whose use has yet to be discovered (Complete Quotes)
The task is not done. The journey is not complete. We can and we must do more (Complete Quotes)
This is an awesome time to be a knowledge seeker, no better time, but it’s also the best time in history to be a complete idiot (Complete Quotes)
We’re left with so little to go on. Only the present is full enough to seem complete, and even that is an optical illusion. The moment is bleeding off the page. We live on the precipice of our perceptions. At the edge of every living instant, the world shears away like a cliff of ice into the sea of what is forgotten (Complete Quotes)
I think I matured quite early, but what that does mean is I have moments of complete immaturity. When I come home, I don’t want to be an actor. I just want to be a kid. I barely even know what money is (Complete Quotes)
I am a complete mother’s boy. I try to do everything with honour, respect and grace because the last thing I would want to do is hurt her (Complete Quotes)
The universe is a complete unique entity. Everything and everyone is bound together with some invisible strings. Do not break anyone’s heart; do not look down on weaker than you. One’s sorrow at the other side of the world can make the entire world suffer; one’s happiness can make the entire world smile (Complete Quotes)
A man’s interest in a single bluebird is worth more than a complete but dry list of the fauna and flora of a town (Complete Quotes)
Faith is the acknowledgment of the entire absence of all goodness in us, and the recognition of the cross as the substitute for all the want on our part. Faith saves, because it owns the complete salvation of another, and not because it contributes anything to that salvation (Complete Quotes)
Christianity is not a sprint but an endurance run. Therefore it is not how we start the race that counts, but how we complete it. How we finish is determined by the choices we make, and those are often formed by patterns we develop along the way (Complete Quotes)
Unbuttered toast is a substance half complete, and to be forced to eat it in that state is necessarily to feel deprived (Complete Quotes)
How do we professionally manage content? We don’t. We shouldn’t manage content in the same way that we shouldn’t manage technology. Content and technology are merely a means to an end. What is the end? The end is the task the customer wishes to complete. That is what we should manage (Complete Quotes)
All the mega corporations on the planet make their obscene profits off the labor and suffering of others, with complete disregard for the effects on the workers, environment, and future generations. We have a straightforward proposal: if they want public money, we want public control. It’s that simple (Complete Quotes)
Authors must spend months, years making fantasy believable in a single work while reality runs rampant and complete chaos elsewhere (Complete Quotes)
To have your heart in pieces while every other aspect of your life couldn’t go better is a traumatic experience. In appearance, life is fine. But as you put your day in focus, everything turns grey. What happened made me realise that complete, absolute happiness doesn’t exist (Complete Quotes)
In order to educate man to a new longing, everyday familiar objects must be shown to him with totally unexpected perspectives and in unexpected situations. New objects should be depicted from different sides in order to provide a complete impression of the object (Complete Quotes)
Write first. Worry about getting an agent or publisher later. Write it first. Prove you can do it and then others will listen. Tons of people talk about books they want to write. Far fewer are those who actually complete that vision. Don’t be a talker (Complete Quotes)
Two incomplete people can’t complete one another. Complete yourself and then let someone else complement you (Complete Quotes)
Know that you have complete control over what you put in your mouth. No one ever ate anything by accident (Complete Quotes)