Complete Quotes
Text Quotes
Among human beings, the subjection of women is much more complete at a certain level of civilization than it is among savages. And the subjection is always reinforced by morality (Complete Quotes)
Vulgarity is a necessary part of a complete author’s equipment; and the clown is sometimes the best part of the circus (Complete Quotes)
Don’t worry if you don’t complete everything on the schedule. At least you will have completed the most important projects before getting to the less important ones (Complete Quotes)
Perhaps the methods I needed to complete the proof would not be invented for a hundred years. So even if I was on the right track, I could be living in the wrong century (Complete Quotes)
I had no idea until I joined the games industry and met some of the power players, particularly those running large public companies, that much of this world is run by complete clowns (Complete Quotes)
Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again (Complete Quotes)
Advertising is the art of the tiny. You have to tell a complete a story and deliver a complete message in a very encapsulated form. It disciplines you to cut away extraneous information (Complete Quotes)
... The situation was still too delicate for complete candor and the ultimate truth too unformed for statement (Complete Quotes)
It’s a good idea for diplomats to keep their word in small matters. It makes the later complete betrayals more of a surprise (Complete Quotes)
In the great way of going beyond, no endeavor is complete without being one with myriad things. This is ocean mudra samadhi (Complete Quotes)
How does it feel? To be on your own, with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone? (Complete Quotes)
We shall therefore assume the complete physical equivalence of a gravitational field and a corresponding acceleration of the reference system (Complete Quotes)
Complete honesty has nothing to do with purity or naivety. The full truth is unattainable to naivety, and the completely honest artist is not pure in heart (Complete Quotes)
Writers complete their works, whether those be thousands of pages long or just a few laconic lines (Complete Quotes)
When you see someone trying to manoeuvre it round the school gates you have to think, you are a complete idiot (Complete Quotes)
A sensible man should not demand of me, or hope that when we mention a subject, we shall make a complete exposition of it (Complete Quotes)
A biography is considered complete if it merely accounts for six or seven selves, whereas a person may well have as many thousand (Complete Quotes)
Of all obstacles to that complete democracy of which we dream, is there a greater than property? (Complete Quotes)
You are wholly complete and your success in life will be in direct proportion to your ability to accept this truth about you (Complete Quotes)
For me words are a form of action, capable of influencing change. Their articulation represents a complete, live experience (Complete Quotes)
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (Complete Quotes)
Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose (Complete Quotes)
It is indeed not easy to distinguish affectation from habit; he that has once studiously developed a style, rarely writes afterwards with complete ease (Complete Quotes)
The character of a woman rapidly develops after marriage, and sometimes seems to change, when in fact it is only complete (Complete Quotes)
A complete and generous education fits a man to perform justly, skilfully and magnanimously all the offices of peace and war (Complete Quotes)
I think there are stores laid up in our human nature that our understandings can make no complete inventory of (Complete Quotes)
My main theme is the extension of the nervous system in the electric age, and thus, the complete break with five thousand years of mechanical technology. This I state over and over again. I do not say whether it is a good or bad thing. To do so would be meaningless and arrogant (Complete Quotes)
The drill instructor must have total and complete control. Mindless obedience is what he’s after (Complete Quotes)
For the complete life, the perfect pattern includes old age as well as youth and maturity (Complete Quotes)
No sale is really complete until the product is worn out, and the customer is satisfied (Complete Quotes)