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Complexion Quotes

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Good humor, like the jaundice, makes every one of its own complexion  (Complexion Quotes) White lies always introduce others of a darker complexion  (Complexion Quotes) The mind does not take its complexion from the skin  (Complexion Quotes) There are certain shades of limelight that can wreck a girl’s complexion  (Complexion Quotes) Your manners will depend very much upon the quality of what you frequently think on; for the soul is as it were tinged with the colour and complexion of thought  (Complexion Quotes) I layer my moisturizers, which makes my complexion so fresh, I can wear less foundation  (Complexion Quotes) It does not, however, seem impossible that by an attention to breed, a certain degree of improvement, similar to that among animals, might take place among men. Whether intellect could be communicated may be a matter of doubt: but size, strength, beauty, complexion, and perhaps even longevity are in a degree transmissible... As the human race could not be improved in this way, without condemning all the bad specimens to celibacy, it is not probable, that an attention to breed should ever become general  (Complexion Quotes) Certain shades of limelight wreck a girl’s complexion  (Complexion Quotes) The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum  (Complexion Quotes) But the mere circumstance of complexion cannot deprive them of the character of men  (Complexion Quotes) Prosperity's the very bond of love, whose fresh complexion and whose heart together affliction alters  (Complexion Quotes) A beloved face cannot grow ugly, because, not flesh and complexion, but expression, created love  (Complexion Quotes) All of our actions take their hue from the complexion of the heart, as landscapes their variety from light  (Complexion Quotes) But for real, for me, I feel like with the red lipstick thing it all depends on the pair of complexion. I’m just being for real. You have to be fair skinned to get away with that  (Complexion Quotes) The American Race is marked by a brown complexion; long, black, lank hair; and deficient beard  (Complexion Quotes) More solid things do not show the complexion of the times so well as Ballads and Libels  (Complexion Quotes) All our actions take their hues from the complexion of the heart, as landscapes their variety from light  (Complexion Quotes) Your disposition will be suitable to that which you most frequently think on; for the soul is, as it were, tinged with the color and complexion of its own thoughts  (Complexion Quotes) Nobody will laugh long who deals much with opium: its pleasures even are of a grave and solemn complexion  (Complexion Quotes) She wore so much thick white makeup in order to conceal her naturally rosy complexion that if she turned around suddenly her face would probably end up on the back of her head  (Complexion Quotes) I am an actor who turned hero at age 32, after many years of struggle. I wanted to break the stereotype that only good-looking men with a good complexion, height and physique can be heroes, which I have managed to do  (Complexion Quotes) People say America is exceptional. I agree, but it’s not the complexion of our skin or the twists in our DNA that make us unique. America is exceptional because we were founded upon the notion that everyone should be free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.  (Complexion Quotes) Make your faces so that they do not all have the same expression, as one sees with most painters, but give them different expression, according to age, complexion, and good or bad character.  (Complexion Quotes) The grass is always greener on the other side. We are busy applying fairness creams while people in the West go bare-bodied on the beach to get a tan. Indian girls have ruled the roost when it comes to beauty pageants. I flaunt my complexion, and I am proud to be noticed as an Indian wherever I go.  (Complexion Quotes) If a pretty woman only knew how anger improved her beauty! Her complexion needs no other paint than indignation.  (Complexion Quotes) City lights shine bright on my complexion, Self-reflection...red hairs flashing at the intersection. Life is a green light, one star, no script, Supporting actors...fresh peaches, no pit.  (Complexion Quotes) We are not our brother’s keeper we are our brother and we are our sister. We must look past complexion and see community.  (Complexion Quotes) I love my complexion, but like so many of us, in the early years at primary school, I grew up thinking that my dark skin wasn’t a great thing. I’ve found freedom in music and songwriting, which has given me a freedom in how I present myself. I’m glad I’ve got makeup to celebrate that with.  (Complexion Quotes) ...suddenly you hit on something that the student really responds to, you can see the eyes open and the complexion change. The life possibility has opened there. All you can say to yourself is, I hope this child hangs on to that.  (Complexion Quotes) I made the decision to turn pro, and I remember what Ali said to me: ‘Get Angelo Dundee. He’s the right complexion with the right connection.’ He knew boxing. Our relationship was so genuine, so sincere.  (Complexion Quotes)
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