Complexity Quotes

Text Quotes
The meditator develops new depths of insight through direct communication with the reality of the phenomenal world... He or she is able to see not only the absence of complexity, the absence of duality, but the stoneness of stone and the waterness of water. One sees things precisely as they are, not merely in the physical sense, but with awareness of their spiritual significance (Complexity Quotes)
One of the great breakthroughs of evolution theory is that you start with simple things and they will grow into complexity (Complexity Quotes)
We have to look at the figures of speech a writer uses, his images and symbols, to realize that underneath all the complexity of human life that uneasy stare at an alien nature is still haunting us, and the problem of surmounting it still with us (Complexity Quotes)
If you do anything well, it becomes enjoyable. To keep enjoying something, you need to increase its complexity (Complexity Quotes)
Complexity and profundity have been equated by the academic culture just as fame and significance have been conflated by the popular culture. Fame and significance have nothing to do with one another; and complexity and profundity have nothing to do with one another (Complexity Quotes)
You have to get something down, and then find ways of working in complexity and different layers of meaning... My first drafts are usually the ravings of a delusional fantasist (Complexity Quotes)
If in the human economy, a squash in the field is worth more than a bushel of soil, that does not mean that food is more valuable than soil; it means simply that we do not know how to value the soil. In its complexity and its potential longevity, the soil exceeds our comprehension; we do not know how to place a just market value on it, and we will never learn how. Its value is inestimable; we must value it, beyond whatever price we put on it, by respecting it (Complexity Quotes)
The ecology of the valley was complex beyond our understanding, and it began to die as we went on manipulating it in ever more frantic ways. As it went dead and empty of the old life it became a place where no one wanted to live. In our right minds we want to seek out places that reek of complexity. Our drive to industrialize soured and undercut the intimacies that drew most people to country life in the first place (Complexity Quotes)
Suddenly it was clear to me that all the beautiful complexity of life had simplicity at its core (Complexity Quotes)
Dostoevsky was the first to reveal to us this teeming multiplicity of emotions, this complexity of our spiritual universe (Complexity Quotes)
You are the cutting edge of a thirteen billion year old process of defining novelty. Your acts matter. Your thoughts matter. Your purpose? To add to the complexity. Your enemy? Disorder, entropy, stupidity, and tastelessness (Complexity Quotes)
To be an ethical leader is indeed to be different. This kind of leader acknowledges the complexity of running a responsible business, yet tries to do it anyway (Complexity Quotes)
No mature style of art in any culture has ever been simple. In certain cultures, an overall symmetry may conceal the complexity of the work at first glance (Complexity Quotes)
Ecstasy is not simply joy. Ecstasy is an emotion of great complexity that hovers almost on the edge of terror sometimes (Complexity Quotes)
Look at yourself as someone who is reaching for healing, and at the complexity of what needs to be healed. Do not think that you exist alone without other human beings of equal complexity (Complexity Quotes)
The mysterious complexity of our life is not to be embraced by maxims... to lace ourselves up in formulas of that sort is to repress all the divine promptings and inspirations that spring from growing insight and sympathy (Complexity Quotes)
Ethnic stereotypes are misshapen pearls, sometimes with a sandy grain of truth at their center.... but they ignore complexity, change, and individuality (Complexity Quotes)
Theatre is simply what cannot be expressed by any other means; a complexity of words, movements, gestures that convey a vision of the world inexpressible in any other way (Complexity Quotes)
I am not just a lesbian. I am not just a poet. I am not just a mother. Honor the complexity of your vision and yourselves (Complexity Quotes)
The greatness of common sense, and its title to reverence, appear in this, that it deals with vast complexity, that is, with the innumerable elements of a situation. Common sense discerns and judges a path through this knotted and tangled maze (Complexity Quotes)
We are so mired in the complexity of our reactions to other people that when you come across someone who is asocial, there is a simplicity that is refreshing (Complexity Quotes)
The history of the creative progress of individual artists shows that, along with their spiritual growth and the increasing complexity of their inner life, their forms of expression become more complex (Complexity Quotes)
I think the extreme complexity of medicine has become more than an individual clinician can handle. But not more than teams of clinicians can handle (Complexity Quotes)
I think one of the big things that’s come out of ghostwriting for me is real compassion for the complexity of fame (Complexity Quotes)
Artistic simplicity is more complex than artistic complexity for it arises via the simplification of the latter and against its backdrop or system (Complexity Quotes)
I think that I am among the few lucky ones who are exploiting complexity. Most people are unhappy with the emergence of complexity, they would prefer it if the world were very simple, but then it would be a doom for a cryptographer like myself (Complexity Quotes)
Much time and money has gone into computer chess programs, and so far, no one’s figured out how to crack the game, which I think speaks to chess’s complexity (Complexity Quotes)
I tend to be much more in the present and my emotions are simpler. I can be happy, I can be sad, I can be depressed, but there’s a complexity that I don’t have. I don’t brood the same way. Fear is my main emotion (Complexity Quotes)
It is the last lesson of modern science, that the highest simplicity of structure is produced, not by few elements, but by the highest complexity (Complexity Quotes)
Dealing with complexity is an inefficient and unnecessary waste of time, attention and mental energy. There is never any justification for things being complex when they could be simple (Complexity Quotes)