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Remember: Resist do not comply  (Comply Quotes) Under conditions of terror, most people will comply but some people will not  (Comply Quotes) When I wrote ‘Your Republic Is Calling You,’ it was Franz Kafka’s writing that I had most in mind, and James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses.’ Entirely out of the blue, Kafka’s characters receive an order to go somewhere, and when they try to comply, they never quite manage it. Ki-yong in ‘Your Republic Is Calling You’ is precisely that sort of character  (Comply Quotes) I have to ask you to resist, not comply, to destroy the power men have over women, to refuse to accept it, to abhor it, and to do whatever is necessary despite its cost to you to change it  (Comply Quotes) God isn’t interested in watching you enact some performance of personality in order to comply with some crackpot notion you have about how a spiritual person looks or behaves. We all seem to get this idea that, in order to be sacred, we have to make some massive, dramatic change of character, that we have to renounce our individuality  (Comply Quotes) Inequality of wealth and incomes is an essential feature of the market economy. It is the implement that makes the consumers supreme in giving them the power to force all those engaged in production to comply with their orders. It forces all those engaged in production to the utmost exertion in the service of the consumers. It makes competition work. He who best serves the consumers profits most and accumulates riches  (Comply Quotes) Only stilted pedants can conceive the idea that there are absolute norms to tell what is beautiful and what is not. They try to derive from the works of the past a code of rules with which, as they fancy, the writers and artists of the future should comply. But the genius does not cooperate with the pundit  (Comply Quotes) The big producer is going to figure out how to deal with whatever the rules are, but the little guy who is running a few hundred units or maybe feeding 1, 500 cattle a year, how will they ever comply with these requirements?  (Comply Quotes) We need to simplify our tax code. We need to make sure that it’s not too cumbersome for people to be able to comply with. and that they don’t end up spending more money trying to file their taxes than they do actually paying in  (Comply Quotes) The obstacles facing academic economists are formidable, for tenure and professional advancement still depend to a large extent on a willingness to comply with and to work within the tenets of orthodox theory  (Comply Quotes) They say I am a regulator and I think it is just an effort not to comply with the decree. I do not do anything except what the decree requires me to do  (Comply Quotes) Bribing regimes to comply with requirements which they should have acknowledged in the first place is not a process that appeals to me  (Comply Quotes) Social engineering is using manipulation, influence and deception to get a person, a trusted insider within an organization, to comply with a request, and the request is usually to release information or to perform some sort of action item that benefits that attacker  (Comply Quotes) God isn’t interested in watching you enact some performance of personality in order to comply with some crackpot notion you have about how a spiritual person looks or behaves. We all seem to get this idea that, in order to be sacred, we have to make some massive, dramatic change of character, that we have to renounce our individuality.  (Comply Quotes) The cost of an on-site inspection team would be minuscule compared to war, Saddam would have no choice except to comply, the results would be certain, military and civilian casualties would be avoided, there would be almost unanimous worldwide support, and the United States could regain its leadership in combating the real threat of international terrorism.  (Comply Quotes) They live, we sleep, we starve, they eat. You must comply with their deceit, don’t trust the wolves to guard the sheep. They’ll colonize when you close your eyes into a superpower that will never die.  (Comply Quotes) Unless we repeal the illegal Byrd amendment, American exports will be vulnerable to retaliation, and the U.S. will continue to face a difficult task convincing other countries to make their laws comply with international rules.  (Comply Quotes) It is not enough to take good decisions and make good choices. It is necessary to take heed and comply with whatever you plan and that can only happen by the influence of the Lord God, the giver of your dreams.  (Comply Quotes) Grow jobs. Get this economy growing. Raise wages. Simplify the tax system, so it’s easy to comply with.  (Comply Quotes) Our notions of what a human being is problematically depend on there being two coherent genders. And if someone doesn’t comply with either the masculine norm or the feminine norm, their very humaness is called into question  (Comply Quotes) Though wrong the mode, comply; more sense is shown in wearing others' follies than our own  (Comply Quotes) I haven’t committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law  (Comply Quotes) I’ve always been paying my taxes and I’ve always been trying to comply  (Comply Quotes) It is inconceivable that a secret arm of the government has to comply with all the overt orders of the government  (Comply Quotes) When two people love each other, they do not comply and does not dominate, only complement each other  (Comply Quotes) The galaxy is full of creatures that are nothing like us at all. We can try to understand them, and we should. But even if we accept that they’re doing what comes naturally, one is not beholden to comply when the sarlacc asks for dinner  (Comply Quotes) There is a kind of virtue that lies not in extraordinary actions, not in saving poor orphans from burning buildings, but in steadfastly working for a world where orphans are not poor and buildings comply with decent fire codes  (Comply Quotes) Voices surround us, always telling us to move faster. It may be our boss, our pastor, our parents, our wives, our husbands, our politicians, or, sadly, even ourselves. So we comply. We increase the speed. We live life in the fast lane because we have no slow lanes anymore. Every lane is fast, and the only comfort our culture can offer is more lanes and increased speed limits. The result? Too many of us are running as fast as we can, and an alarming number of us are running much faster than we can sustain  (Comply Quotes) The weird set an example for the rest of us. They raise the bar. They show us through their actions that in fact we’re wired to do the new, not to comply with someone a thousand miles away  (Comply Quotes) Wolf’s wool is the best of wool, / but it cannot be sheared because / the wolf will not comply  (Comply Quotes)
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