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Compose Quotes

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And after I compose my programs, but it is very easy because I look to the music in a very natural way without fuss, and so I look always music, in my home, like books and books and books, choose books and you read the pages, so I do this with music, and I make programs  (Compose Quotes) I had a big background in listening to classical music and I started trying to compose, like I was playing the guitar but I heard an orchestra in my head  (Compose Quotes) I had to go into a studio and compose and write and press up 12 songs in 14 hours. When you’re recording a song from scratch it takes you 14 hours to do just one song  (Compose Quotes) If the painter works directly from nature, he ultimately looks for nothing but momentary effects; he does not try to compose, and soon he gets monotonous  (Compose Quotes) Many now born, by the time they are voters will compose part of a nation with a genius nowhere equaled, and with a vast territory upon which those energies and that genius can operate  (Compose Quotes) I compose music for films, and by the grace of God, I’ve got a few awards. That’s it  (Compose Quotes) I’m not going to be rockin’ n’ rollin’ when I’m 50 years old. But you can be in your prime on television, compose songs, or write a Broadway play when you’re 50  (Compose Quotes) Writers are not just people who sit down and write. They hazard themselves. Every time you compose a book your composition of yourself is at stake  (Compose Quotes) Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose  (Compose Quotes) Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose  (Compose Quotes) The more I compose, the more I know that I don’t know it all. I think it’s a good way to start. If you think you know it all, the work becomes a repetition of what you’ve already done  (Compose Quotes) We must guard against becoming so engrossed in the specific nature of the roots and bark of the trees of knowledge as to miss the meaning and grandeur of the forest they compose  (Compose Quotes) The U. S. will ignore the opinion of the Iraqi people and it will compose the new government according to its own desires  (Compose Quotes) My mother had to explain that one couldn’t compose a Liszt rhapsody because it was a piece of music that Liszt himself had composed  (Compose Quotes) All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth - in a word, all those bodies which compose the frame of the world - have not any subsistence without a mind  (Compose Quotes) I felt an obligation even then to write a song that people would sing in the pub or on a demonstration. That is why I would like to compose songs for the revolution  (Compose Quotes) Is giving in to the photographer’s presumably natural impulse to compose and light well sometimes okay and not okay other times  (Compose Quotes) To tell about a drunken muzhik’s beating his wife is incomparably harder than to compose a whole tract about the ‘woman question  (Compose Quotes) If you do not bother to take the time to compose and to light properly, then you end up with something almost less than reality. You end up without the soul, the heart, the art of the moment  (Compose Quotes) Verbally we agreed, it was over and we were through. I’m trying to compose myself, but I just can’t get over you  (Compose Quotes) I don’t meditate before I play or compose, but I see playing and composing as meditative acts  (Compose Quotes) In science, if you don’t do it, somebody else will. Whereas in art, if Beethoven didn’t compose the ‘Ninth Symphony,’ no one else before or after is going to compose the ‘Ninth Symphony’ that he composed; no one else is going to paint ‘Starry Night’ by van Gogh  (Compose Quotes) I would love to compose more fantasy music, whether it’s for a film or a game. That genre has so much opportunity for harmonic experimentation, not to mention all the interesting instruments that become available when composing music for alien species and other worlds  (Compose Quotes) It was new to play a woman who plays with her sincerity, and who is a seductress, a manipulator and a liar! I was able to compose a character as opposed to being very natural, so it was very interesting for me. It was great to realise that I could be this kind of real woman!  (Compose Quotes) The U.S. will ignore the opinion of the Iraqi people and it will compose the new government according to its own desires  (Compose Quotes) I compose with bells a lot. Bells and breath. Both things you react to without thinking about it. Bells traditionally give us orders: come to the desk, the truck is backing up, the ice cream is here, it’s time to go to church. They’re sounds our brains are already associated with.  (Compose Quotes) I don’t like to have a calm, orderly, quiet place to work. I often compose while driving, compose in my head. It is true that I wrote my little book, ‘The Sounds of Poetry, A Brief Guide,’ almost entirely in airplanes and airport departure lounges.  (Compose Quotes) Usually I work with a digital camera and compose my works digitally or give them a finish on the computer, in order to make them meet my ideas perfectly.  (Compose Quotes) I would love to compose something for dance before I kick the bucket, and I’m not closed-minded about the dance, or the dance company. I would really just love to collaborate on that.  (Compose Quotes) I compose my own stuff. I’ve been writing songs with words. I’ve been playing more on the keyboard because I can transpose it to sheet music on the computer.  (Compose Quotes)
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