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Compromises Quotes

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A flu shot just compromises your immune system  (Compromises Quotes) A series is filled with compromises  (Compromises Quotes) If we are to survive on this planet, there must be compromises  (Compromises Quotes) The more centralized the power, the less compromises need to be made in architecture  (Compromises Quotes) A free and open society is an ongoing conflict, interrupted periodically by compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Not having a clear goal leads to death by a thousand compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Accept that environment compromises values far more than values do their number on environment  (Compromises Quotes) Truth is a glorious but hard mistress. She never consults, bargains or compromises  (Compromises Quotes) A clever woman often compromises her husband; a stupid woman only compromises herself  (Compromises Quotes) I’m not ready to do any compromises for my work  (Compromises Quotes) Life is made up of compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Life is full of compromises, and whether or not you’re willing to negotiate  (Compromises Quotes) The body is a bundle of careful compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Art is uncompromising, and life is full of compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Be helpful, even if it compromises you  (Compromises Quotes) Stay up and really burn the midnight oil. There are no compromises  (Compromises Quotes) When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Mind, even more deadly to empires than to individuals, erodes them, compromises their solidity  (Compromises Quotes) All big things in human history have been arrived at slowly and through many compromises  (Compromises Quotes) I believe life’s too short for compromises and bad fitting jeans  (Compromises Quotes) Too many people throw themselves into love because they’re afraid of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity  (Compromises Quotes) It’s necessary for Israelis and Palestinians to make the compromises that are required to get the direct talks back on track  (Compromises Quotes) Nobody sets out to make a bad film, but so many of those compromises are made and often they’re made because of vanity, pride and ego  (Compromises Quotes) What writer wants to make compromises with story? Story is the only reason you’re in it  (Compromises Quotes) You will find your way. Don’t be afraid of getting stuck in some of the necessary compromises. Learn everything you can from each experience, even if something seems irrelevant to your true purpose  (Compromises Quotes) People very rarely think in groups; they talk together, they exchange information, they adjudicate, they make compromises. But they do not think; they do not create  (Compromises Quotes) Our music doesn’t make many compromises, but we take it into a venue that’s larger than people expect  (Compromises Quotes) I try to take people one at a time, with all the contradictions and compromises that most of us live with  (Compromises Quotes) When I stay focused and honest about who I am and the image that I hope to portray, then I won’t find myself stranded in unfamiliar territory chasing money or popularity. If the work that you do is quality, then you’ll be rewarded. It’s also good to stretch musically within the realm of your ability, but not if it compromises your integrity  (Compromises Quotes) You know, painting has given me a lot of freedom, because for some reason, I’ve been able to paint things, organize things in a way that I see that don’t have any buffers or compromises in them  (Compromises Quotes)
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