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Compromises Quotes

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What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease  (Compromises Quotes) Allowing our government to kill citizens compromises the deepest moral values upon which this country was conceived: The inviolable dignity of human persons  (Compromises Quotes) Now, what we are not talking about, what you’re really coming to, is what compromises one makes so that the listener understands somewhat of what you’re doing, what you’re trying to express  (Compromises Quotes) It’s important to remember that feminism is no longer a group of organizations or leaders. It’s the expectations that parents have for their daughters, and their sons, too. It’s the way we talk about and treat one another. It’s who makes the money and who makes the compromises and who makes dinner. It’s a state of mind. It’s the way we live now  (Compromises Quotes) When a company or an individual compromises one time, whether it’s on price or principle, the next compromise is right around the corner  (Compromises Quotes) Thousands of members of Congress have come and gone over the years, their individual achievements hidden in committee reports, private compromises, amendments pushed through or blocked, and innumerable, unnoticed meetings.  (Compromises Quotes) Repeal the Missouri Compromise - repeal all compromises - repeal the Declaration of Independence - repeal all past history, you still cannot repeal human nature. It will be the abundance of man’s heart that slavery extension is wrong; and out of the abundance of his heart, his mouth will continue to speak.  (Compromises Quotes) We’re willing to make difficult and hard decisions and compromises to live in peace with our neighbours, but we’re entitled to our own country where Jews from around the world can come here, just as Palestinians from around the world can come to the Palestinian state.  (Compromises Quotes) I’m a great believer in compromises. I do not believe in capitulation.  (Compromises Quotes) Sometimes, when you can’t fix the problem on your own, you need to make some compromises and find the partners who can get the job done for you.  (Compromises Quotes) You will find your way. Don’t be afraid of getting stuck in some of the necessary compromises. Learn everything you can from each experience, even if something seems irrelevant to your true purpose.  (Compromises Quotes) Enjoy every bit of your life to the fullest. Your compromises and sacrifices will be rewarded.  (Compromises Quotes) Lasting change is a series of compromises. And compromise is all right, as long your values don’t change.  (Compromises Quotes) Compromise is not popular. It’s not at all popular among young people who these days call themselves activists. They think compromises are dishonest, opportunistic, humiliating. Not in my vocabulary.  (Compromises Quotes) Inauthenticity is endemic in American politics today. The political backrooms where I spent much of my career were just as benighted as my personal life, equally crowded with shadowy strangers and compromises, truths I hoped to deny. I lived not in one closet but in many.  (Compromises Quotes) Somebody could send you an office document or a PDF file, and as soon as you open it, it’s a booby trap and the hacker has complete control of your computer. Another major problem is password management. People use the same password on multiple sites, so when the hacker compromises one site, they have your password for everywhere else.  (Compromises Quotes) When you’re writing, it’s all up to you, and you don’t have to make any compromises. And when you’re directing, there’s this intense pleasure you get from working with all these really talented people, and pooling the efforts towards a common goal. I like all the aspects of film-making.  (Compromises Quotes) When a woman loves, she compromises and makes many sacrifices in hopes that the one she loves will do the same  (Compromises Quotes) When people align around shared political, social, economic or environmental values, and take collective action, thinking and behavior that compromises the lives of millions of people around the world can truly change.  (Compromises Quotes) Write on my gravestone Infidel, Traitor, infidel to every church that compromises with wrong; traitor to every government that oppresses the people  (Compromises Quotes) Normally, you cast a pilot, and you have to make compromises about being political about who you cast.  (Compromises Quotes) When the United States aligns with dictatorships and totalitarian regimes, it compromises the basic democratic principles of its foundation - namely, life, liberty and justice for all.  (Compromises Quotes) Nobody sets out to make a bad film, but so many of those compromises are made and often they’re made because of vanity, pride and ego.  (Compromises Quotes) Modern animated movies are the products not of anyone’s individual vision, but rather a scattered accumulation of compromises made out of fear by members of large committees.  (Compromises Quotes) A mind that opens its door to fears, doubts, grudges, jealousy and anger, compromises its peace in return.  (Compromises Quotes) When a deeply sympathetic American president asks for concessions and compromises and appears able to cajole some from the Palestinians, which was the Clinton/Rabin and Bush/Sharon combination, Israel must respond.  (Compromises Quotes) Too many women throw themselves into romance because they’re afraid of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity. I won’t do that.  (Compromises Quotes) The most important thing is not to allow yourself to find an excuse that will let you not to do something you really want. Doing compromises makes people weaker  (Compromises Quotes) Many will view the compromises that will be made during your negotiations as painful concessions. But why not view them as peace offerings, ones that will provide in return the priceless gifts of hope, security and freedom for our children and our children’s?  (Compromises Quotes) The truth about our childhood is stored up in our body, and although we can repress it, we can never alter it. Our intellect can be deceived, our feelings manipulated, and conceptions confused, and our body tricked with medication. But someday our body will present its bill, for it is as incorruptible as a child, who, still whole in spirit, will accept no compromises or excuses, and it will not stop tormenting us until we stop evading the truth  (Compromises Quotes)
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