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Compromises Quotes

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Very rarely do people make big compromises with their integrity. Almost every compromise is a small one that is easily justified. The downhill slide is usually a result of many little compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Modern animated movies are the products not of anyone’s individual vision, but rather a scattered accumulation of compromises made out of fear by members of large committees  (Compromises Quotes) A couple of compromises in a row and suddenly you’re very far way from the person you thought you were  (Compromises Quotes) If we just allowed women and men more leeway in our culture and more acceptance, I think they would be able to make better compromises  (Compromises Quotes) Bipartisanship helps to avoid extremes and imbalances. It causes compromises and accommodations. So let’s cooperate  (Compromises Quotes) In times of tumult, voters are likely to forgive a president, if not reward him, for compromises made in service of solutions  (Compromises Quotes) I hate to take compromises with a racing car. The more standard a car is, the more compromises you have to take  (Compromises Quotes) When you start out, you have to make compromises, which include doing films of lower quality  (Compromises Quotes) Better to be a beggar in freedom than to be forced into compromises against my conscience  (Compromises Quotes) No matter how many compromises were made along the way, no matter what happens in the future, a book is a thing to behold  (Compromises Quotes)
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