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Concatenation Quotes

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Fearful concatenation of circumstances  (Concatenation Quotes) The genteel thing is the genteel thing any time, if as be that a gentleman bees in a concatenation accordingly  (Concatenation Quotes) You have been fraternizing with warewolves overmuch! Military men can be terribly bad for one's verbal concatenation!  (Concatenation Quotes) We are the accidental result of an unplanned process... the fragile result of an enormous concatenation of improbabilities, not the predictable product of any definite process  (Concatenation Quotes) What we still designate as chance, merely depends on a concatenation of circumstances, the internal connection and final causes of which we have as yet been unable to unravel  (Concatenation Quotes) Thus ordered thinking arises out of the ordered course of nature in which man finds himself, and this thinking is from the beginning nothing more than the subjective reproduction of the regularity according to the law of natural phenomena. On the other hand, this reproduction is only possible by means of the will that controls the concatenation of ideas  (Concatenation Quotes) Design in nature is but a concatenation of accidents, culled by natural selection until the result is so beautiful or effective as to seem a miracle of purpose  (Concatenation Quotes)