Conceive Quotes

Text Quotes
Language is courage: the ability to conceive a thought, to speak it, and by doing so to make it true (Conceive Quotes)
You’re safe because you’re so trapped inside your culture. Anything you can conceive of is fine because you can conceive of it (Conceive Quotes)
He valued life and literature equally for the light they threw upon each other; to his mind one implied the other; he was unable to conceive of them apart (Conceive Quotes)
Cannot you conceive that another man may wish well to the world and struggle for its good on some other plan than precisely that which you have laid down? (Conceive Quotes)
To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal (Conceive Quotes)
I conceive a knowledge of books is the basis upon which other knowledge is to be built (Conceive Quotes)
I cannot conceive why people will always mix up my own character and opinions with those of the imaginary beings which, as a poet, I have the right and liberty to draw (Conceive Quotes)
You cannot conceive how I ache to be with you: how I would die for one hour (Conceive Quotes)
I understand now that boundaries between noise and sound are conventions. All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convention if only one can first conceive of doing so (Conceive Quotes)
The greater emotion with which we conceive a loved object to be affected toward us, the greater will be our complacency (Conceive Quotes)
Love or hatred towards a thing, which we conceive to be free, must, other things being similar, be greater than if it were felt towards a thing acting by necessity (Conceive Quotes)
Men are so accustomed to maintaining external order by violence that they cannot conceive of life being possible without violence (Conceive Quotes)
It is easier to suppose that the universe has existed for all eternity than to conceive a being beyond its limits capable of creating it (Conceive Quotes)
Legalizing drugs would simultaneously reduce the amount of crime and raise the quality of law enforcement. Can you conceive of any other measure that would accomplish so much to promote law and order? (Conceive Quotes)
You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve (Conceive Quotes)
I conceive that the right way to write a story for boys is to write so that it will not only interest boys but strongly interest any man who has ever been a boy. That immensely enlarges the audience (Conceive Quotes)
He who is permitted by law to have no property of his own, can with difficulty conceive that property is founded in anything but force (Conceive Quotes)
Imagination is the means of deep insight and sympathy, the power to conceive and express images removed from normal objective reality (Conceive Quotes)
Vulgar and inactive minds confound familiarity with knowledge, and conceive themselves informed of the whole nature of things, when they are shown their form or told their use (Conceive Quotes)
An artist who wants to transpose a composition onto a larger canvas must conceive it over again in order to preserve its expression; he must alter its character and not just fill in the squares into which he has divided his canvas (Conceive Quotes)
If you can conceive something in your mind and believe it to be true, then you can achieve it (Conceive Quotes)
If you can conceive it in your mind, then it can be brought to the physical world (Conceive Quotes)
So long as we perceive this world in motion, we have to conceive will behind it (Conceive Quotes)
When you conceive something in your mind, know it is a fact, and that there can be no question about its manifestation (Conceive Quotes)
May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here (Conceive Quotes)
I just can’t conceive of how a person could hate another because of skin color. I love every race on the planet earth (Conceive Quotes)
It is extremely difficult for our contemporaries to conceive of the conditions of free banking because they take government interference with banking for granted and as necessary (Conceive Quotes)
The flowering of human society depends on two factors: the intellectual power of outstanding men to conceive sound social and economic theories, and the ability of these or other men to make these ideologies palatable to the majority (Conceive Quotes)
As my mind can conceive of more good, the barriers and blocks dissolve. My life becomes full of little miracles popping up out of the blue (Conceive Quotes)
No animal on the face of the earth could conceive of taxation. You and I work roughly six months a year to pay our local, state and federal taxes. If nothing else, this should convince you that animals are smarter than people (Conceive Quotes)