Conception Quotes

Text Quotes
It is often said that experiments should be made without preconceived ideas. That is impossible. Not only would it make every experiment fruitless, but even if we wished to do so, it could not be done. Every man has his own conception of the world, and this he cannot so easily lay aside. We must, example, use language, and our language is necessarily steeped in preconceived ideas. Only they are unconscious preconceived ideas, which are a thousand times the most dangerous of all (Conception Quotes)
This work should commence with the conception of man, and should describe the nature of the womb, and how the child inhabits it, and in what stage it dwells there, and the manner of its quickening and feeding, and its growth, and what interval there is between one stage of growth and another, and what thing drives it forth from the body of the mother, and for what reason it sometimes emerges from the belly of its mother before the due time (Conception Quotes)
The moral problem of abortion is of a pre religious nature because the genetic code is written in a person at the moment of conception. A human being is there. I separate the topic of abortion from any specifically religious notions. It is a scientific problem. Not to allow the further development of a being which already has all the genetic code of a human being is not ethical. The right to life is the first among human rights. To abort a child is to kill someone who cannot defend himself (Conception Quotes)
A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalysed thought. And that’s a problem because privacy matters, privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be (Conception Quotes)
The conception that, instead of this, contemporary society is at or near a turning point is very prominent in the views of a school of social scientists who, though they are still comparatively few, are getting more and more of a hearing (Conception Quotes)
The fact is that all writers create their precursors. Their work modifies our conception of the past, just as it is bound to modify the future (Conception Quotes)
When recordings replaced concerts as the dominant mode of hearing music, our conception of the nature of performance and of music itself was altered (Conception Quotes)
A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true (Conception Quotes)
Eugenics, which had started long before my time, had once been defined as including free love and prevention of conception... Recently it had cropped up again in the form of selective breeding (Conception Quotes)
Perfection is beyond our reach, but they who earnestly strive to become perfect, acquire excellences and virtues of which the multitude have no conception (Conception Quotes)
Of what is’t fools make such vain keeping? Sin their conception, their birth, weeping: Their life, a general mist of error, their death, a hideous storm of terror (Conception Quotes)
We should have with each person the relationship of one conception of the universe to another conception of the universe, and not to a part of the universe (Conception Quotes)
For the first time in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the moment of conception until death (Conception Quotes)
To plan to reserve cavalry for the finish of the battle, is to have no conception of the power of combined infantry and cavalry charges, either for attack or for defense (Conception Quotes)
Whatever disagreement there may be as to the scope of the phrase due process of law there can be no doubt that it embraces the fundamental conception of a fair trial, with opportunity to be heard (Conception Quotes)
We need nothing less than a revolution in our attitudes towards conception, pregnancy, birth and parenting (Conception Quotes)
A just conception of life is too large a thing to grasp during the short interval of passing through it (Conception Quotes)
I have never seen a human being who more perfectly represented the modern conception of a robot (Conception Quotes)
The sagacious reader who is capable of reading between these lines what does not stand written in them, but is nevertheless implied, will be able to form some conception (Conception Quotes)
Men of dissolute lives have little incentive to look forward to the hopes and glories of immortality. A due conception of these would be incompatible with such a life (Conception Quotes)
War is elevating, because the individual disappears before the great conception of the state... What a perversion of morality to wish to abolish heroism among men! (Conception Quotes)
Chance is but a mere name, and really nothing in itself; a conception of our minds, and only a compendious way of speaking (Conception Quotes)
Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female (Conception Quotes)
Consider what effects that might conceivably have practical bearings you conceive the objects of your conception to have. Then, your conception of those effects is the whole of your conception of the object (Conception Quotes)
I’ve always been a science fiction fan since I had understood the conception of what a story was (Conception Quotes)
Any conception of a God that is less than sovereign is an idol and no God at all (Conception Quotes)
It’s no mistake that the moment of impregnation is called conception: at first, parenthood is nothing more than an idea (Conception Quotes)
But you can’t show some far off idyllic conception of behavior if you want the kids to come and see the picture. You’ve got to show what it’s really like, and try to reach them on their own grounds (Conception Quotes)
The influence of custom is incalculable. ; dress a boy as a man and he will at once change his own conception of himself (Conception Quotes)
There is a corollary to the conception of being too proud to fight. It is that the humble have to do most of the fighting (Conception Quotes)