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Conceptual Quotes

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Our talk of external things, our very notion of things, is just a conceptual apparatus that helps us to foresee and control the triggerings of our sensory receptors in the light of previous triggering of our sensory receptors  (Conceptual Quotes) Conceptual relativism is a heady and exotic doctrine, or would be if we could make good sense of it. The trouble is, as so often in philosophy, it is hard to improve intelligibility while retaining the excitement  (Conceptual Quotes) I am particularly interested in creating a relationship between ideas of reception in conceptual art and theater  (Conceptual Quotes) True ideas lead us into useful verbal and conceptual quarters as well as directly up to useful sensible termini. They lead to consistency, stability and flowing human intercourse  (Conceptual Quotes) As the director, you have to hold in your head the widest possible vision. Not just the idea and the story, but the conceptual content. But at the same time, you have to consider the tiniest, tiniest detail  (Conceptual Quotes) My novels aren’t really generated by a single conceptual spark; it’s more a process of many different elements that come together unexpectedly over a long period of time  (Conceptual Quotes) I have been known as the minimal and conceptual artist for over five decades. I think I haven’t changed much  (Conceptual Quotes) All of my favourite albums have this incredible amount of conceptual glue to them, even if they are not telling a story  (Conceptual Quotes) Time is too conceptual. Not that it stops us from filling it in. So much so, we can’t even tell whether our experiences belong to time or to the world of physical things  (Conceptual Quotes) Attention is the vital thing and there is no tension in attention. It just happens to be a similar word. It’s not concentration or straining. Attention has the openness of a young child not yet dominated by the conceptual mind  (Conceptual Quotes) All that philosophers have handled for millennia has been conceptual mummies; nothing actual has ever escaped from their hands alive  (Conceptual Quotes) To experience anything fully and see it clearly there must be a moment of presence where conceptual thinking is not interfering with your experience of that moment  (Conceptual Quotes) The reality we live in is selected by our conceptual definitions. You and I may be in the same physical space, but each of us will see it as entirely different  (Conceptual Quotes) I strongly reject any conceptual scheme that places our options on a line, and holds that the only alternative to a pair of extreme positions lies somewhere between them. More fruitful perspectives often require that we step off the line to a site outside the dichotomy  (Conceptual Quotes) Perhaps it is even a good idea to stir up a rivalry between conceptual and imaginative activity. In any case, one will encounter nothing but disappointments if he intends to make them cooperate. The image can not provide matter for a concept. By giving stability to the image, the concept would stifle its life  (Conceptual Quotes) At the beginning of each year, we have conceptual meetings. How are we going to challenge ourselves this year? So we suggested a transsexual or transgender. And to be honest, I am shocked they let us do it  (Conceptual Quotes) Were a language ever completely grammatical it would be a perfect engine of conceptual expression. Unfortunately, or luckily, no language is tyrannically consistent. All grammars leak  (Conceptual Quotes) Paris somehow lends itself to conceptual new ideas. I don’t know why it is. There is a certain magic to that city  (Conceptual Quotes) I don’t know if I’m making myself clear, but if I were to accept this business of conceptual art I would have no reason to exist  (Conceptual Quotes) 2. That, from where all the activities of the embodied beings emerge, is mentioned as the heart. The description of its form is conceptual  (Conceptual Quotes) What is intelligible in history can be formulated only with reference to problems and conceptual constructions which themselves arise in the flux of historical experience  (Conceptual Quotes) What makes something simple or complex? It’s not the number of dials or controls or how many features it has: It is whether the person using the device has a good conceptual model of how it operates  (Conceptual Quotes) Especially for fostering creative, conceptual work, the best way to use money as a motivator is to take the issue of money off the table so people concentrate on the work  (Conceptual Quotes) The Dark Side of the Moon is a fine album with a textural and conceptual richness that not only invites, but demands involvement. There is a certain grandeur  (Conceptual Quotes) There has been much talk referencing what I consider conceptual reports like the Landscape of Choice and documents created as a result of the Great Valley Center  (Conceptual Quotes) When philosophers try to understand consciousness, much of what they claim is not conceptual analysis at all, though it may be shopped under that description  (Conceptual Quotes) The world of enlightenment doesn’t know of its own existence. We’re beyond both the knower and known. There’s no conceptual identity whatsoever  (Conceptual Quotes) David is purely a conceptual artist. He didn’t play any instruments or paint or anything. We were painters  (Conceptual Quotes) Citizen’s Band radio renders one accessible to a wide variety of people from all walks of life. It should not be forgotten that all walks of life include conceptual artists, dry cleaners, and living poets  (Conceptual Quotes) Tragically, some people are genetically more susceptible than others to agripoisons and industrial pollutants. Genetic engineering to correct these medical problems is a narrow (reductionistic) and instrumental (mechanistic) response to a problem that is fundamentally conceptual: namely, our attitude toward life and our mistreatment of the Earth, plants, and animals-and ourselves in the process  (Conceptual Quotes)
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