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Conceptual Quotes

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Art is supposed to be about creativity. But the same people are the same art darlings every month, and it’s a bit annoying. It’s supposed to be diverse and interesting and conceptual and have weird concepts in a comfortable place  (Conceptual Quotes) I’ve come up through art school, through painting, through graphic design, through advertising, through TV commercials and music video. I’ve designed books, built billboards, matchbooks, corporate identities. I continuously paint, I’ve done conceptual art pictures.  (Conceptual Quotes) Conceptual writing is looking for that Aha! moment, when something so simple, right under our noses, is revealed as being awe- inspiring, profound, and transcendent.  (Conceptual Quotes) The conceptual artist Ai WeiWei illustrates the schizoid society that rapid change has produced - sometimes by reassembling Ming-style furniture into absurd and useless arrangements, or by carefully painting and antiquing a Coca-Cola logo on an ancient Chinese pot.  (Conceptual Quotes) I thought it was a wonderfully conceptual act actually, to fire a replica pistol at a figurehead - the guy could have been working for Andy Warhol!  (Conceptual Quotes) I’m not knocking conceptual art; it’s another department, but it doesn’t move me like painting.  (Conceptual Quotes) Philosophy has a great sort of appeal in terms of an artistic or aesthetic organization of concepts. It’s a conceptual art.  (Conceptual Quotes) Ai Weiwei, who is both a widely admired conceptual artist and a fearless human-rights activist, has been on the bad side of the Chinese government for years.  (Conceptual Quotes) It would be obvious for me to do conceptual art, and I think I’ve done it already with smashing bass guitars and whatever - I consider that as conceptual.  (Conceptual Quotes) Maths should be more practical and more conceptual, but less mechanical  (Conceptual Quotes) Pop music can absorb so many peculiar talents, ranging from the completely nonmusical poseur who just uses music as a kind of springboard for a sense of style, to people who just love putting all that complicated stuff together, brick by brick, on their computers, to people like me who like playing conceptual games and being surprised.  (Conceptual Quotes) Conceptual art might be, for better or worse, (definable as) the art most susceptible to lossy compression.  (Conceptual Quotes) Thinking fragments reality - it cuts it up into conceptual bits and pieces  (Conceptual Quotes) As with instant replay, NFL Films’ use of slow motion, camera angles and the narration of Facenda was not just a technical breakthrough but a conceptual breakthrough.  (Conceptual Quotes) Sex is probably one of the last forms of human expression to enjoy such a direct connection with nature. It might be the primary site of conflict between nature and culture. If one assumes that nature (or instinct) is repressed in a highly civilised society, then I think the conceptual dyad nature-culture is best preserved there, in the realm of sex.  (Conceptual Quotes) Great art - or good art - is when you look at it, experience it and it stays in your mind. I don’t think conceptual art and traditional art are all that different.  (Conceptual Quotes) When I go to galleries in New York, I feel like I’m in school. I know that there’s good contemporary conceptual art, but I have a really hard time caring about it. I’d rather look at images of people and things I can relate to. Then again, I didn’t go to art school.  (Conceptual Quotes) One of my most strong memories was studying with Mel Bochner, one of the, I think, high water marks of American conceptual art.  (Conceptual Quotes) The most important lesson I received from Conceptual art consisted in the recording of simple and obvious things, and viewing them under a whole new light.  (Conceptual Quotes) We need to remind ourselves that contemporary art is first of all a form of conceptual gymnastics, in which we learn to coexist with what we don’t understand.  (Conceptual Quotes) I always thought there was a - even in the most, quote, conceptual art, there is always a physical aspect to it. I never knew what the term meant.  (Conceptual Quotes) The Buddha himself said, I still use conceptual thinking, but I’m not formed by it. And that’s the Buddha.  (Conceptual Quotes) This particular school of Zen has always considered itself the Marines of the spiritual world, so it has a kind of bias against conceptual thinking in favor of a very rigorous physical life.  (Conceptual Quotes) I have an unusual type of thinking. I have no visual memory whatsoever. Everything is conceptual to me.  (Conceptual Quotes) My novels aren’t really generated by a single conceptual spark; it’s more a process of many different elements that come together unexpectedly over a long period of time.  (Conceptual Quotes) A healthy economics has got to have both conceptual, theoretical research and applied, empirical research.  (Conceptual Quotes) I have been known as the minimal and conceptual artist for over five decades. I think I haven’t changed much.  (Conceptual Quotes) Obviously my own work comes from a conceptual art tradition, but I love the graffiti artists, and I feel spiritually closer to them than to most contemporary art; they make the city a free space of diverse voices and we shouldn’t get all cynical about them just because Banksy made some money. I collaborate sometimes with Krae, who is an old school east London graffiti writer.  (Conceptual Quotes) Many philosophers in the second half of the 20th century really seemed to think that they were laying the foundations for science by laying down the conceptual (necessary) truths.  (Conceptual Quotes)
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