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Conduct Quotes

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The onus is on us to determine whether free societies in the twenty-first century will conduct electronic communication under the conditions of freedom established for the domain of print through centuries of struggle, or whether that great achievement will become lost in a confusion of new technologies.  (Conduct Quotes) We must not confuse religion with God, or technology with science. Religion stands in relationship to God as technology does in relation to science. Both the conduct of religion and the pursuit of technology are capable of leading mankind into evil; but both can prompt great good.  (Conduct Quotes) On the other hand, when I give it closer thought, I realize I’m not enough of a dictator to conduct an orchestra because it requires a pretty awful person. When you read these biographies of famous conductors, they are all awful people who fail in their private relationships.  (Conduct Quotes) I think it’s safe to say that ‘manliness’ was a common theme in my upbringing. It was an assumed status, but - and here’s the important bit - it was the Rudyard Kipling kind. The emphasis was on gentlemanly conduct, sportsmanship, fairness and stoicism.  (Conduct Quotes) Sportsmanship is that quality of honor that desires always to be courteous, fair, and respectful, and it is interpreted in the conduct of players, spectators, coaches, and school authorities.  (Conduct Quotes) Sense perceptions can be and often are false and deceptive, however real they may appear to us. Where there is realization outside the senses, it is infallible. It is proved not by extraneous evidence but in the transformed conduct and character of those who have felt the real presence of God within.  (Conduct Quotes) The husband was a teetotaller, there was no other woman, and the conduct complained of was that he had drifted into the habit of winding up every meal by taking out his false teeth and hurling them at his wife.  (Conduct Quotes) We do not interpret bitcoin’s popularity as having a relationship with the public’s view of the Federal Reserve’s conduct of monetary policy  (Conduct Quotes) Transparency concerning the Federal Reserve’s conduct of monetary policy is desirable because better public understanding enhances the effectiveness of policy. More important, however, is that transparent communications reflect the Federal Reserve’s commitment to accountability within our democratic system of government.  (Conduct Quotes) Both thought and feeling are determinants of conduct, and the same conduct may be determined either by feeling or by thought.  (Conduct Quotes) Love as Thought is Truth. Love as Action is Right Conduct. Love as Understanding is Peace. Love as Feeling is Non-violence.  (Conduct Quotes) Our men and women fighting in Iraq are held accountable for their performance and their conduct. On duty and off, twenty-four hours a day. They’re fighting for us, for our safety, our rights, and our freedoms.  (Conduct Quotes) A political society does not live to conduct foreign policy; it would be more correct to say that it conducts foreign policy in order to live.  (Conduct Quotes) The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.  (Conduct Quotes) I have been running maths clubs for children completely free. In my building in Bangalore, I conduct maths clubs for several months, and every child who attended the club was poor in mathematics and is now showing brilliant results.  (Conduct Quotes) It is this law of love and its recognition as a rule of conduct in all our relations with friends, enemies and offenders which must inevitably bring about the complete transformation of the existing order of things, not only among Christian nations, but among all the peoples of the globe  (Conduct Quotes) Man is very well defended against himself... The actual fortress is inaccessible, even invisible to him, unless his friends and enemies play the traitor and conduct him in by a secret path.  (Conduct Quotes) Severing our young and fragile friendship was a sad ordeal, but sadder still was the fact that this friend found it so difficult to respond to my immediate need, unlike a dreamed boy who always afforded me easy comfort. I couldn’t understand what was so hard about reaching out to hug someone. But judging by Gregory’s uncomfortable conduct I had to assume it was an honest trial.  (Conduct Quotes) Hosting a show, even a talk show or a game show, there’s so much business you have to conduct. There’s so much guiding you have to do.  (Conduct Quotes) The rest of the world cares about how we conduct our affairs because they then take that lead. We’re the only leader in the world today. Some are wishing us well, others think that we’re down and are not going to get back up again, but they are all watching with great interest to see how we conduct our business over the next couple of years.  (Conduct Quotes) The Icesave matter is complex and it is understandable that the issue has been oversimplified by many. Unfortunately some of the basic facts of the matter have been unilaterally interpreted, and sometimes distorted, giving rise to unjustified criticism of the conduct of the Icelandic authorities.  (Conduct Quotes) It is essential to seek out enemy agents who have come to conduct espionage against you and to bribe them to serve you. Give them instructions and care for them. Thus doubled agents are recruited and used.  (Conduct Quotes) Of course philosophy is not able to impose its own choices on politics, let alone on the economy. Nonetheless, it can help to identify the role of Europe in the global world and the principles that should inform its conduct.  (Conduct Quotes) Until we get rid of religion, we won’t be able to conduct the search for God  (Conduct Quotes) Good medicine is bitter to the mouth, but has an effect on the disease. Faithful words hurt one’s ears, but have value for one’s conduct.  (Conduct Quotes) I’m good with words, but not the spoken kind; I’ve often thought what a marvelous thing it would be if I could only conduct relationships on paper.  (Conduct Quotes) As more people rely on government programs, the harder it becomes to conduct the necessary reforms to preserve them to help our society’s most vulnerable.  (Conduct Quotes) Bill Clinton was impeached primarily for criminal conduct: lying under oath and misleading a federal grand jury about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Nixon would have been impeached for a wide array of criminal acts, as well as abuses of power.  (Conduct Quotes) Your conduct matters a great deal. What’s in your mind matters even more.  (Conduct Quotes) I was always admiring people who seemed to conduct themselves with ease in the world. Maybe that’s a great gift to give your kids if you can do that. Because they can move through the world without neurosis, this anxiety about everything, which our own parents gave us.  (Conduct Quotes)
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