Conference Calls Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m tempted to say, ‘Writing treatments is like designing a film by hiring six million monkeys to tear out pages of an encyclopedia, then you put the pages through a paper-shredder, randomly grab whatever intact lines are left, sing them in Italian to a Spanish deaf-mute, and then make story decisions with the guy via conference call.’ But no... compared to writing treatments, that makes sense, too (Conference Calls Quotes)
Reuters was completely accurate that I am concerned about the level of the market. But I also made it clear on the conference call (and I believe as Reuters reported it), that it is almost impossible to predict what a market will do in the short term. There are too many variables (Conference Calls Quotes)
People don’t know how heavily involved I am in my own career. I’m on 15 to 25 conference calls every few days strategizing with my team. I think a lot of artists sit back and have it done for them. Sometimes as women in the industry - if you’re sexy or like doing sexy things - some people subconsciously negate your brain. They think you’re stupid (Conference Calls Quotes)
We’re busy being busy. Distraction is a dangerously deceptive saboteur of our goals, because we are not present to how much time we lose. We’re distracted by things like being in meetings or on conference calls, or we get on Facebook related to business and the updates of friends captivate our attention and an hour goes by before we wake up (Conference Calls Quotes)
Because of Bluetooth headsets, it’s getting more and more difficult to tell who’s schizophrenic and who’s on a conference call. (Conference Calls Quotes)
It’s always better if you’re next door. Ideas come up at the oddest times. They don’t always come up in a conference call. (Conference Calls Quotes)
While I’m a venture capitalist who invests in early-stage tech companies, I often feel like a professional emailer and conference call maker. I try to spend most of my time doing whatever the companies we are investors in need me to do. (Conference Calls Quotes)
I will keep a substantial long exposure to gold -- which serves as a Jelly Donut antidote for my portfolio. While I’d love for our leaders to adopt sensible policies that would reduce the tail risks so that I could sell our gold, one nice thing about gold is that it doesn’t even have quarterly conference calls. (Conference Calls Quotes)