Confiding, though confounded; hoping on, untaught by trial, unconvinced by proof, and ever looking for the never seen

Confiding, though confounded; hoping on, untaught by trial, unconvinced by proof, and ever looking for the never seen
Edward Young was a poet known for his deep and introspective works, often exploring themes of faith, mortality, and the human experience. In his poem "Night Thoughts," Young delves into the complexities of the human psyche, grappling with the idea of confiding, though confounded; hoping on, untaught by trial, unconvinced by proof, and ever looking for the never seen.The concept of confiding, though confounded, speaks to the human tendency to seek solace and understanding in others, even when faced with confusion and uncertainty. Young recognizes the inherent vulnerability in confiding in others, as it requires a level of trust and openness that can leave one feeling exposed and unsure. Despite this, he acknowledges the importance of seeking connection and support from those around us, even when the path ahead is unclear.
Young also touches on the idea of hoping on, untaught by trial, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. He suggests that hope is a powerful force that can sustain us through difficult times, even when we have not yet experienced the trials that may test our faith. This unwavering belief in the possibility of a better future, despite the lack of concrete evidence, speaks to the enduring optimism that lies at the heart of the human experience.
Furthermore, Young explores the notion of being unconvinced by proof, suggesting that there are some truths that cannot be fully understood or explained through logic and reason alone. He challenges the reader to look beyond the tangible evidence presented to them and to consider the possibility of unseen forces at work in the world. This refusal to be swayed by empirical evidence reflects Young's belief in the power of intuition and faith to guide us through life's uncertainties.
Young speaks to the idea of ever looking for the never seen, emphasizing the human desire for discovery and exploration. He suggests that there is always more to be uncovered and understood in the world, urging us to remain curious and open-minded in our search for truth and meaning. This sense of wonder and curiosity is a driving force in Young's work, inspiring readers to continue seeking out the unknown and embracing the mysteries that lie beyond our comprehension.