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Confine Quotes

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You can choose to let your past define you and confine you, or you can choose to learn, grow, and leave it behind you  (Confine Quotes) It was ironic how love could awaken them to the wonders of the universe, while at the same time confine their attention to one another.  (Confine Quotes) It was wrong to capture wild animals and confine them in captivity for people to go and gawk at them. And that’s basically how zoos got started. But once you do that, and once you have animals that have been bred in captivity, you’re really stuck with them in some sense. You can’t return them to the wild.  (Confine Quotes) There are so many stories to tell in the worlds of science fiction, the worlds of fantasy and horror that to confine yourself to even doing historical revisionist fiction, whatever you want to call it - mash-ups, gimmick lit, absurdist fiction - I don’t know if I want to do that anymore  (Confine Quotes) Software options proliferate extremely easily - too easily, in fact - because too many options create tools that can’t ever be used intuitively. Intuitive actions confine the detail work to a dedicated part of the brain, leaving the rest of one’s mind free to respond with attention and sensitivity to the changing texture of the moment  (Confine Quotes) I had made what I believe was one of the more valuable decisions of my business life. This was to confine all efforts solely to making major gains in the long-run  (Confine Quotes) It gives me real concern to observe ... that you should think it necessary to distinguish between my personal and public character, and confine your esteem to the former.  (Confine Quotes) The police have enough work to keep them busy regulating automobile traffic, preventing robberies and crimes of violence and helping lost children and little old ladies find their way home. As long as the police confine themselves to such activities they are respected friends of the public. But as soon as they begin inquiring into people’s private morals, they become nothing more than armed clergymen  (Confine Quotes) If we confine ourselves to a general and distant reflection on the ills of human life, that can have no effect to prepare us for them. If by close and intense meditation we render them present and intimate to us, that is the true secret for poisoning all our pleasures, and rendering us perpetually miserable  (Confine Quotes) If you confine it, you’re confining a whole thing. If you make it spontaneous, so that anything can happen, like we don’t want to confine or restrict anything. What we can do, whatever we can let happen, you just let it happen.  (Confine Quotes) I will confine myself to reaffirming the Israel will not be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons to the region  (Confine Quotes) Had Cain been Scot, God would have changed his doom nor forced him wander, but confine him home  (Confine Quotes) In the early days of his reign, Bismarck confided to a friend that it would some day be necessary for Germany to confine William II in an insane asylum  (Confine Quotes) I wanted to discuss the suffering of humanity in general, but perhaps we’d better confine ourselves to the sufferings of children.  (Confine Quotes) I say to my colleagues never confine your best work, your hopes, your dreams, the aspiration of the American people to what will be signed by George W. Bush because that is too limiting a factor  (Confine Quotes) Profound commitment to a dream does not confine or constrain: it liberates. Even a difficult, winding path can lead to your goal if you follow it to the end.  (Confine Quotes) It was ironic how love could awaken them to the wonders of the universe, while at the same time confine their attention to one another  (Confine Quotes) But do not understand me as saying, or for one moment suggesting, that women legislators should confine themselves to doing only social service work. Not at all  (Confine Quotes) I have heard the cock, that is the trumpet to the morn, doth with his lofty and shrill sounding throat awake the God of the day, and at his warning, whether in sea or fire, in earth or air, th' extravagant and erring spirit hies to his confine; and of the truth herein this present object made probation  (Confine Quotes) The natural scientist is concerned with a particular kind of phenomena... he has to confine himself to that which is reproducible... I do not claim that the reproducible by itself is more important than the unique. But I do claim that the unique exceeds the treatment by scientific method. Indeed it is the aim of this method to find and test natural laws  (Confine Quotes) Genius is expansive, irresistible, and irresistibly expansive. If it is in you, no cords can confine it  (Confine Quotes) If there is no solace in the fruits of our research, there is at least some consolation in the research itself. Men and women are not content to comfort themselves with tales of gods and giants, or to confine their thoughts to the daily affairs of life; they also build telescopes and satellites and accelerators and sit at their desks for endless hours working out the meaning of the data they gather  (Confine Quotes) To think is to confine yourself to a single thought that one day stands still like a star in the world’s sky  (Confine Quotes) I’m planning, you see, to try to confine myself to the truth. That’s hard for an old, inveterate fantasy martyr and liar who has never hesitated to give truth the form he felt the occasion demanded  (Confine Quotes) So long as I confine my thoughts to my own ideas divested of words, I do not see how I can be easily mistaken  (Confine Quotes) Too many jazz pianists limit themselves to a personal style, a trademark, so to speak. They confine themselves to one type of playing. I believe in using the entire piano as a single instrument capable of expressing every possible musical idea. I have no one style. I play as I feel  (Confine Quotes) We should confine booing in sports arenas to sport. I love a good boo as much as the next football fan  (Confine Quotes) If thy words be too luxuriant, confine them, lest they confine thee. He that thinks he can never speak enough, may easily speak too much. A full tongue and an empty brain are seldom parted  (Confine Quotes) I shall easily show that it is impossible to tax further, ruinous to be always borrowing and not enough to confine ourselves to measures of economy  (Confine Quotes) There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in it's abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does it's rains, shower it's favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing  (Confine Quotes)
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