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Conflict Quotes

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The problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat  (Conflict Quotes) All of my own impulses to balance and move seemed to conflict with those of the guards, and I was jerked and jostled down the portico, just as graceful as a sick cat  (Conflict Quotes) Acceptance of the power of God in one’s life lays the groundwork for personal commitment to both science and Christianity, which so often have been in conflict  (Conflict Quotes) After every major conflict - World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the fall of the Soviet Union - what happened was that we ultimately hollowed out the force, largely by doing deep across-the-board cuts  (Conflict Quotes) It is not conflict of opinions that has made history so violent but conflict of belief in opinions, that is to say conflict of convictions  (Conflict Quotes) Education becomes most rich and alive when it confronts the reality of moral conflict in the world  (Conflict Quotes) And the pleasures and rewards of the intellect are inseparable from angst, uncertainty, conflict and even despair  (Conflict Quotes) Being polite is not only the right way to respond to people but also the easiest. Life is so filled with unavoidable conflict that I see no reason to promote more confrontations  (Conflict Quotes) For whatever reason, we like to focus on the 2 percent that’s different, and most of the conflict in the world comes from that  (Conflict Quotes) He and I have this... personality conflict. Namely, I think he should get a new one  (Conflict Quotes) That strange, twisted, torn love. That conflict between what your heart knows is right and what your mind is told is right  (Conflict Quotes) Hard work never killed a man. Men die of boredom, psychological conflict, and disease. They do not die of hard work  (Conflict Quotes) If you think that happiness means total peace, you will never be happy. Peace comes from the acceptance of the part of you that can never be at peace. It will always be in conflict. If you accept that, everything gets a lot better  (Conflict Quotes) My life has a mysterious purpose that I don’t understand, and day by day, conflict by conflict, I learn by going where I have to go  (Conflict Quotes) The deepest, the only theme of human history, compared to which all others are of subordinate importance, is the conflict of skepticism with faith  (Conflict Quotes) Conflict is not in the feeling of being in love. The feeling of being in love is utterly without conflict. There is no loss of energy in being in love  (Conflict Quotes) After all, conflict arises, does it not, through the desire to be something, to be other than what is  (Conflict Quotes) You have to remain cool under fire and let criticism roll off you. Good leaders handle conflict easily and bad ones are eaten up by it  (Conflict Quotes) None of us can be free of conflict and woe. Even the greatest men have had to accept disappointments as their daily bread... The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them  (Conflict Quotes) War is a conflict of great interests which is settled by bloodshed, and only in that is it different from others  (Conflict Quotes) Neurosis is the result of a conflict between the ego and its id, whereas psychosis is the analogous outcome of a similar disturbance in the relation between the ego and the external world  (Conflict Quotes) Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valor, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar  (Conflict Quotes) Love does more than bring peace where there is conflict. It brings a different way of being in the world  (Conflict Quotes) An enlightened person is the richest person possible, but his richness comes from surrender, not from fight. He does not... he has not any conflict with the whole. He has fallen in harmony, he is in a harmonia  (Conflict Quotes) ... Choice in every form is conflict. Contradiction is inevitable in choice; this contradiction, inner and outer breeds confusion and misery  (Conflict Quotes) The transformation from separation to unity, from conflict to peace, is the goal of all spiritual traditions  (Conflict Quotes) From these prejudices there arises conflict, transient joys and suffering. But we are unconscious of this, unconscious that we are slaves to certain forms of tradition, to social and political environment, to false values  (Conflict Quotes) Loving friendships provide us with a space to experience the joy of community in a relationship where we learn to process all our issues, to cope with differences and conflict while staying connected  (Conflict Quotes) I can’t see or feel the conflict between love and religion. To me, they’re the same thing  (Conflict Quotes) On the morrow of each conflict I gave the categorical order to confiscate the largest possible number of weapons of every sort and kind  (Conflict Quotes)
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