Confusing Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the things that was confusing about Limp Bizkit to some people is that our tastes were very different (Confusing Quotes)
Love is like a puzzle. First it’s confusing and frustrating, but when you figure it out, it’s a beautiful thing (Confusing Quotes)
Life is sometimes confusing. It takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence, and absence to value presence (Confusing Quotes)
Before you know the purpose of your life, your life will always be confusing. Set your purpose, be directed! (Confusing Quotes)
An easily accessible and transparent database of contract information will bring sunshine into the confusing and sometimes shadowy practice of government contracting (Confusing Quotes)
Girls are mean. They’re moody. They’re dramatic. Emotional. Confusing. Hard to handle. But their love is so worthwhile and strong (Confusing Quotes)
If your ballot is confusing, be sure to ask election officials how to not vote for the crazy old white guy (Confusing Quotes)
I wish you would be more true to your demographic profile. Life is confusing enough (Confusing Quotes)
Trying to find my way around the Rayburn building is always a challenge. Combining my poor sense of direction with a confusing design is not good (Confusing Quotes)
The thing that’s confusing for investors is that founders don’t know how to be CEO. I didn’t know how to do the job when I was a CEO. Founder CEOs don’t know how to be CEOs, but it doesn’t mean they can’t learn. The question is... can the founder learn that job and can they tolerate all mistakes they will make doing it? (Confusing Quotes)
In language gender is particularly confusing. Why, please, should a table be male in German, female in French, and castrated in English? (Confusing Quotes)
There’s a lot of confusion about the political ideologies of both parties [Democrats and Republicans] have switched 180 degrees in 150 years. It just too confusing. Everybody claiming Lincoln as their own. And everybody should claim Lincoln as their own, because he represents all of us, and what he did basically provided the opportunities that all of us are enjoying today (Confusing Quotes)
As if this whole thing isn’t confusing enough, election officials announced this week that the alphabet on the ballot will begin with the letter R, then W, then Q. You know, even Sesame Street is laughing at California now (Confusing Quotes)
But down in Florida in the early voting, there were computer glitches, confusing ballots, long lines and chaos. And when President Bush heard about this, he said, ‘Mission accomplished!’ (Confusing Quotes)
The language that we use now impacts on the ability to vote, it impacts on the marketplace; instead of making things clear, it makes it more confusing. I think we need to stop using neutral language and speak in straighter terms. So when you agree to something, you actually get what you agreed to in the first place (Confusing Quotes)
I knew I could write infinitely about relationships. That’s the most beautiful, most confusing, most rewarding, most heartbreaking thing in our lives - and not just romantic relationships: that’s all relationships. (Confusing Quotes)
If you want what visible reality can give, you are an employee. If you want the unseen world you are not living with your truth. Both wishes are foolish, but you’ll be forgiven for forgetting that what you really want is loves confusing joy. (Confusing Quotes)
Even though I was fairly certain God wasn’t Ted Bundy, I kept an open mind, since this phone call was getting a bit confusing. (Confusing Quotes)
My sister was a twin, and the other baby died in childbirth, and I was three at the time, and I always kind of thought it haunted me. It was a weird thing. My dad was an ob-gyn, and so it was confusing that the other baby didn’t come home from the hospital. (Confusing Quotes)
The pain of being in a bad relationship is confusing. When it’s over - it’s over. No more confusion! (Confusing Quotes)
I’ve always thrown myself into different kinds of experiences, sometimes into really bad things. But, you grow up. You become more of a woman and you know yourself. I think knowing yourself is a wonderful thing especially when you’re in your 40s and you’re kind of in your skin. Life is not so confusing anymore. (Confusing Quotes)
As a teenager and even still now being 21, it’s always love questions - it’s always so confusing. (Confusing Quotes)
With ‘Moreau,’ it’s been particularly confusing because I started out being the writer of the screenplay and then trying to be the director, then being moved from being the director and having to become the dog extra, it makes some kind of sense to suddenly become a character in the story. (Confusing Quotes)
I am pretty sure that all young human beings have, at one time or another in their growing-up, been actors. They have used their imaginations to carry them away from painful or confusing situations... have imagined themselves to be more powerful or beautiful or brave or loving than they are. (Confusing Quotes)
I’m just confusing the thrill of being young with the notion that the era in which I was young was in any way especially creative or remarkable. (Confusing Quotes)
Relationships are not straight forward. They’re not black and white. Sometimes things don’t always going in a straight line, and that’s okay. Love can be very confusing. (Confusing Quotes)
Money and investing can be complex, confusing, and often boring subjects (Confusing Quotes)
This mix of love and hate, this blend of trust and hurt I have for him is so confusing even I can’t understand it.He leaves, and I break. (Confusing Quotes)
It’s the job of any business owner to be clear about the company’s nonnegotiable core values. They’re the riverbanks that help guide us as we refine and improve on performance and excellence. A lack of riverbanks creates estuaries and cloudy waters that are confusing to navigate. I want a crystal-clear, swiftly flowing stream. (Confusing Quotes)
For me in my twenties, working in Hollywood was confusing in that the differences between what was fiction and what was nonfiction seemed to blur in my mind. Everything became a visual memory for me. I carried my Leica camera, giving opportunity to take pictures from my view. (Confusing Quotes)