Confusion Quotes

Text Quotes
Instant success are seldom instant and if you talk to the people behind these successes, you’ll find out that they came after months of fear, uncertainty and confusion along with a flagrant lack of adoption (Confusion Quotes)
We choose our leaders, political or spiritual, out of our own confusion, and so they also are confused (Confusion Quotes)
The small force that it takes to launch a boat into the stream should not be confused with the force of the stream that carries it along: but this confusion appears in nearly all biographies (Confusion Quotes)
Conscience is the spiritual, supernatural principle in man, and it is not of social origin at all. It is rather the perversion and confusion of conscience that is of social origin (Confusion Quotes)
Man has an irrepressible tendency to read meaning into the buzzing confusion of sights and sounds impinging on his senses; and where no agreed meaning can be found, he will provide it out of his own imagination (Confusion Quotes)
If anyone wishes to see how the soul dwells in its body, let him observe how this body uses its daily habitation; that is to say, if this is devoid of order and confused, the body will be kept in disorder and confusion by its soul (Confusion Quotes)
Very beautiful situations have developed using chaos as part of the enlightened approach. There is chaos of all kinds developing all the time... If you are trying to stop those situations, you are looking for external means of liberating yourself, another answer. But if we are able to look into the basic situation, then chaos is the inspiration, confusion is the inspiration (Confusion Quotes)
Any effort... to make the obscure obvious is likely to be unappealing, for the penalty of failure is confusion while the reward of success is banality (Confusion Quotes)
We’re all looking for love, in our confusion, until we find our way back to the realization that love is what we already are (Confusion Quotes)
The wonder of immaculate, perfect, pure mind is that when it is in its perfect, extant state without confusion, it can be anything it wants to be (Confusion Quotes)
In their confusion and delusion, men hate the womb that gives them birth. Not all men, certainly, but enough men to run the world (Confusion Quotes)
Why do we love the idea that people might be secretly working together to control and organise the world? Because we don’t like to face the fact that our world runs on a combination of chaos, incompetence and confusion (Confusion Quotes)
Concentration and mindfulness are the internal ways in which the mind restores itself from being out of balance and lost in confusion to a condition of ease, clarity, and wisdom. No external action needs to happen (Confusion Quotes)
I don’t think writers are any smarter than other people. I think they may be more compelling in their stupidity, or in their confusion (Confusion Quotes)
In general, fire is used to throw enemies into confusion so that you can attack them (Confusion Quotes)
London, with its monotonous and melancholy houses, seems like an inharmonious patchwork, as if pieced together without design. Yet it is lovable in its sprawling confusion (Confusion Quotes)
Floating upward through a confusion of dreams and memory, curving like a trout through the rings of previous risings, I surface. My eyes open. I am awake (Confusion Quotes)
Nature can afford to be prodigal in everything, the artist must be frugal down to the last detail.Nature is garrulous to the point of confusion, let the artist be truly taciturn (Confusion Quotes)
The greatest threat to mankind and civilization is the spread of the totalitarian philosophy. Its best ally is not the devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies. To fight it, we must understand it (Confusion Quotes)
Often, in the student’s confusion, she or he directs anger at the teacher, blaming them for the pain they are experiencing, or for their own mistakes (Confusion Quotes)
I like handling newborn animals. Fallen into life from an unmappable world, they are the ultimate immigrants, full of wonder and confusion (Confusion Quotes)
... an inaccurate use of words produces such a strange confusion in all reasoning, that in the heat of debate, the combatants, unable to distinguish their friends from their foes, fall promiscuously on both (Confusion Quotes)
How foolish it would be if women did not obey men. The world would be all confusion! (Confusion Quotes)
The practice of meditation is a way of continuing one’s confusion, chaos, aggression, and passion-but working with it, seeing it from the enlightened point of view (Confusion Quotes)
The goal of meditation is precisely to make your mind smooth and manageable so that it can be concentrated or relaxed at will; and especially to free it from the tyranny of mental afflictions and confusion (Confusion Quotes)
I like darkness and confusion and absurdity, but I like to know that there could be a little door that you could go out into a safe life area of happiness (Confusion Quotes)
Your task it is, amid confusion, rush, and noise, to grasp the lasting, calm and meaningful, and finding it anew, to hold and treasure it (Confusion Quotes)
In this world one must have a name; it prevents confusion, even when it does not establish identity. Some, though, are known by numbers, which also seem inadequate distinctions (Confusion Quotes)
Enlightenment is eliminating mental confusion, eliminating hatred, jealousy, mental toxins, cravings. That’s very simple and straightforward. Whether you can do it or not is another matter (Confusion Quotes)
In the confusion we stay with each other, happy to be together, speaking without uttering a single word (Confusion Quotes)